Why do CAS players so vocally oppose any suggestions

No,… basically no,… they would have less argues to give players will to play on Warthunder in comparison,…

The market will be then mostly shared 50/50 or 40/60 with only WoT, but there is also Armored Warfare,… and so you share market 20(AW)-35(WoT)-45(WT),…

Even on winning side, they can argues to have both AW and WoT due to proposing something different that is CA warfare, and so 35%(AW)-65%(WT) alongside that Gaijin will take on about 80% of all those players (as some don’t want to play CA type).

And so, they have more players overall, even if like 10% of them are people that search for non-CA games, and invested to much time in this game to change now (reason why we have TO fans in 1st place).

AS TOLD EARLIER , CAS players are willing to give up on some of the things that makes them “op” in Tankist eyes, in other to level things out.

YET,… it’s been 10 years like that, and Complainners still is a thing,…

→ enable to have Red UI Around ennemy CAS, only for TANKS (Aircraft vs Aircraft will remain “blind” without UI), so tankist would have information that they’re in weapon enveloppe and could try to avoid the bombing even at high tier thanks to smokes and covers, also will permit SPAAG to be used as CWIS or C-RAM systems by aiming at AGM/Guided bombs.

→ delete the killcam, or modify it, to only give a relative position, and not a visual over the environnement, which can from the air, be used as beacons.

And when it comes down to it they are the only body that matters regarding this.

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It was implied of course.

What? there is no answer to my question amongst this. Just some stats which I am interested to know how and where you got them.

My question is if TO GRB became the thing that killed off World of Tanks for good then how is that to Gaijins detriment? So many posts saying that WT would kill WoT if it wasn’t for the damn planes.

I then transpires that Combined arms instead of being the thing that made WT superior was actually the one thing stopping it dominating the market and it took Gaijin 12 years to realise that.

The whole idea of the buck stopping with Gaijin is so obvious as to be of no relevance at all, However, like I said RP/Player debt, boycott and subsequent changes made to the game. Customers will always get the option to vote with their feet as they say so who really holds the power?

My answer is that it would not kill WoT,… that’s what you don’t understand,…

Not you,… if companies can’t make profits, you’re utlimately left with what is capable of holding the best,… and if a TO mode, Gaijin certainly is no better than other Games

As you can’t possibly say that Gaijin will win over WoT, i did the same as you did:

So if you still wanna play on IF and Maybe,… we can be 2 playing that game

What? Again in English please. That meant nothing without Planes is fantastic and its such a shame we don’t get to see GRB without CAS more often as its something special. I’m pushing positivity and progress you are retaining negativity and a stuck in the mud attitude here. WT vs Wot is pure trench warfare now but TO GRB could be ironically like the arrival the tank to break the deadlock.

The shame is to download a game that is CA to ask for TO,… but TO fans are shameless, i got that already, …

You are the one bringing IF and Maybe in a discussion that doesn’t search for IF and Maybe,…

And it is possible that WoT kicks ass of WT aswell,… or that both of them got owned by AW,…


That you’re currently crying that i destroyed YOUR “If world” ?
Yeah,… thanks.

“Boo hoo” - are you some Karen?
Reference: https://youtu.be/7FGvmJa0FgE?si=PKsOXxPQrsT77l5B

And i didn’t started it, i stated that Gaijin is UNWILLING to add TO mode.

You stated that WT would win over WoT if they add TO, but you have no clues it would aswell, and that’s what i’m saying since by using the same kind of exemple as you → to make myself on your level of discussion.

  • is questionning players ability to debate, instead of boohoo-ing people, flaggable? well anyway,…-

You didn’t even made a point,… but gave us fantasy,…

And that:

Should be your doing,…
You barged in with nothing related with thread, which is about WHY CAS players are vocally opposing TO mode.

Basically the title of the thread,…

We aren’t on this thread https://forum.warthunder.com/t/cas-spam-is-killing-ground-forces/50070/2160

Those events standed more than 2 months,… sure it can give a pretty good idea of what the game would have become,…

You don’t seem to understand how WT works.

Why would GJN make a tank only mode, diluting the player base, and making it easier to play tanks? When do they ever do anything to make it easier for players?


You forget that the idea of how good a no CAS GRB game actually is came from the few no CAS GRB games many of us have actually experienced.

The games worked and they were fun and they gave many of us a chance to play a number of the vehicles Gaijin provide to their full extent without having the game ended by CAS.

Nobody is obliged to use CAS in GRB and the game will not collapse if no player spawns a plane.

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It mostly come from WoT Tankist that actually wanted to have a gamemode with Health Points, in vast majority,…

I’ve been playing it for 3 years I think I understand as well as you do.

Why would they make naval and dilute the player base? Make ScI fi side games to dilute the player base? Make night vision games to dilute the player base. Thay have enough players for TO only easily.

Did you miss out on the whole bit about RP and costs? Did that not make things easier for players? Was that not a result of player power forcing Gaijins hand?

As ridiculous as this would sound, how about the opposite of revenge bombing we get revenge SPAA? like at 8.0 you can spawn the Strela with 1000sp lol