Why do CAS players so vocally oppose any suggestions

Please show us the tests that were made.

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You mean as somebody who has been around back then you don’t remember these amazing tests? When was GRB TO done before and for how long was it trialed? What were the outcomes regarding BR and how the game proceeded?

He meant that he does not want to go through the whole historic as he is for TO mode, and that historic is against his will,…

He can search it on old forum, as you can do aswell,…

Please provide an event that Gaijin has said is a „TO” test ;)

He was asking you to come forward and explain it all to him presumably as he has been around a very long time and presumably remembers no such thing. I may be wrong.

I am asking you how the old trials of TO GRB went as you obviously have in depth knowledge and memory of these previous trials that you reference so many times.

As i, i have registered like 1.5 months after he does.
(End March2013, early May 2013).

Soooo,… if he doesn’t know what i’m talking about, he’s probably playing on words (as he did already for a single naming of the mode, while description and designs are not going his way) or just don’t remember at all.

Even since Gaijin never mention what is test and when,… but it was clearly said at the time that the events would permits to rate a potential addition of TO.

The burden of proof is on you as it is your repeated statement. I for one am genuinely interested in the findings of this previously run out GRB TO test.

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Well, but i’ not going to go through the whole old forum to search for 4/5 official statements buried out there…

@Stona_WT : i’ll wait your answer aswell about TO.

Gonna have to presume you made it all up until the proof rolls in.To be honest I was waiting for ULQ to roll in and call you out and he did and you have nothing it seems.

You can prove me wrong at any time ,your call. Just turn up with that evidence of previous GRB TO trials.

As I said, My calls for TO GRB are not to be negative or divisive but to be positive and useful to both sides of the CAS/GRB argument.


Can’t wait to see an official statment about that

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Dictionary diving? You mean using the language properly? If I was speaking russian incorrectly and you corrected me, I wouldn’t be a knob about it.

They got some money out of them, has gaijin ever showed they care, only time the cry is whenn new players stopped joining last summer. All these f2p or p2w are all the same.

I blam the industry more than anyone else. I can remember when you purchased games of the self completed. These days its buy early and have alpha or beta acccess and actuly charge you more moeny for the privilege

I took breaks from this game due to none sense things that happen such as tracks eating the shell, none pen on side when it should of pen, when the R2Y2 was bugged and twitched like if it had a seizure when its hit by a single bullet making it unflyable etc…but never cuz of CAS. I always dealt with them with a plane back then. Never used SPAA for its role till this year lol Started this game on 2014 on PS4, 2015 on PC

I just don’t like the ‘remove it’ ‘‘demand’’ that comes from this crowd, so whenever I see the same old suggestion thrown about all the time, I have to object.

And it’s no longer a suggestion, it’s a demand, and people that are upset at CAS are now, and have been for a long while, exploiting, and it’s seemingly being ignored.

It’s absolutely wonderful.

(Edit - Whoever flagged this as Off-Topic is seriously delusional…)


This is more a thread at having a go at everyone else that plays WT normally, ignoring the fact that the premise is false and there is no link to a “suggestion” being “so vocally opposed”.

Deflection of the “issue”.

Definitely NOT enough !


So many CASsers playing the victim on this thread lmao



1- CAS players join a mode where people expect and would like to fight tanks with tanks.
2- Proceed to brutalise tanks by the dozens without any effort or opposition.
3- When the people who wanted to fight tanks with tanks complain, “jUsT sPaWn CaP/sPaA”, “sKiLl IsSuE” and/or “tHeN gO pLaY wOt”/“wAr ThUnDeR iS a PlAnE gAmE”.
4- When, after so many years, ground players start being fed up about being killed by things they can’t counter 60% of the times only to be told that they should “just not play tanks not to die with them” by said things’ players, they begin showing discontent with the situation.
5- Now CAS players pretend that “ground players are evil and mean” and that “this is why they want to CAS the hell out of them”.



The whole thread is to attack any users of CAS in a mode where there are planes in it, so not a perceived victim but an ACTUAL victim; it’s in the title…


1- No.
2- No effort and Opposition. Odd, my Fighters in GFRB stats of taking out CAS show this is untrue.
3- Well, CAP and SPAA help since YOU say “without any effort or opposition.”. Why are YOU against using CAP or SPAA? And no, WT was a plane game and the GF modes were combined. How did YOU miss this?
4- But yet you still play in this “impossible” situation. Hmm… nice job voting with your feet!
5- Read the title… ROFL LMAO etc.

And the thread was answered, just missed because of all the people who play a game they don’t even like… sigh. The SECOND post covers all you need to know. And not by some “CAS abuser”.

Are you not aware of the thread you posted in?

The other topic sprung up BECAUSE of all the non-productive anti-CAS rant threads. At least it bothers to give Suggestions of improvement, hint hint.


The truth is CAS players do not care about anyone else’s fun but their own.

Otherwise, they would have no issue with ground players having options and the choice to enjoy their preferences…

But no; all they do is feed through pure schadenfreude happily and openly and tell these players to stop playing the game or that they got a “skill issue” when they show discontent.

It’s no wonder that ground players are starting to be fed up about being killed 4 times in a row by some revenge-CASser or Helicopter and they are starting to be mean about it.


This is the original post not an argument about CAS supporters vs haters.
People need to grow up and actually read posts made instead of getting into the same old petty squabbles.

It seems the best way to win an argument on here now is to flag the opposition to death and destroy any conversation.

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