Why do CAS players so vocally oppose any suggestions

The truth is CAS players do not care about anyone else’s fun but their own.

Otherwise, they would have no issue with ground players having options and the choice to enjoy their preferences…

But no; all they do is feed through pure schadenfreude happily and openly and tell these players to stop playing the game or that they got a “skill issue” when they show discontent.

It’s no wonder that ground players are starting to be fed up about being killed 4 times in a row by some revenge-CASser or Helicopter and they are starting to be mean about it.


This is the original post not an argument about CAS supporters vs haters.
People need to grow up and actually read posts made instead of getting into the same old petty squabbles.

It seems the best way to win an argument on here now is to flag the opposition to death and destroy any conversation.

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See, this is exactly the issue right there.

There are tank enthusiasts out there whom ALL they ask is to be able to fight tanks with tanks in peace.
Without being constantly revenge-bombed 47 seconds after every time they kill an enemy.
Without having to spawn some truck to spend half the match staring into the sky in an attempt at revenge-killing the CAS/Heli that blew their tank up while they were trying to have tank combat.
Without having to grind and spawn aircraft when all they ever wanted was to have some nice tank action.

Is this really THAT unacceptable to CAS players that they feel like they need to go on a crusade every time a ground player asks for a tank only mode or to, at very least, make CAS a bit harder to spawn so that it takes more than standing on a cap for 10 seconds before J-ing out to spawn a machine capable of destroying half a team with ease on its own?

I am not even asking for a ground only mode; I just don’t want match outcomes to be entirely defined by whichever team spams more helicopters and CAS after their first death.


Do they not?

Who does? We have asked many times yet no one can back up the premise of this topic.

No, options/opinions are given, take them or leave them, but STOP attacking people for pointing out how THEY deal with it, ways that are pretty darn obvious by the 100th battle of WT in GF modes.

So why are people AGAINST advice? And yes, people can be too quick to downplay new threads or those with issues, but if the same silly things are brought up again and again with no willingness to put replies to it into context then it is just a whine-fest, a massive disservice to those actually wanting new modes or alterations to improve the experience.

Yes, not every bit of discontent is to be ignored, but a lot of it is worked around by so many thousand other players that it becomes unhelpful.

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Question for you. How many times did ur MBT that has no defense towards planes died to CAS? i counted 20 of my games and died to CAS 4 times total. Thats like 20% death dying to CAS, rest got killed by tankers.
Ran this test on Na-To, Nashorn, Dicker Max, Panther D…all same results.

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I will have to count in detail, but it’s a quite significant amount of times.

Just take a look at this, for example;

There are matches where all of my deaths are exclusively to flying stuff, including, yes, when I spawn SPAA, since there’s SO much flying stuff that they easily outnumber and overwhelm you.

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Yes. So WHY did they come here? Sure, what they want is not here and can continue to play or not. But don’t expect what is NOT here. Ask for sure, but do not hide behind slagging off other players (this topic). And remember who your allies are (all players) and who the “enemy” is (Gaijin); only one can give you what you want.

Bloomin unlucky. Might it be annoying? Yes. Is it as prevalent as people make out? Didn’t happen to me so I admit I never saw much and never experienced or did it myself (I click past kill cams for speed). Sounds like you got dunked on with 15 lemons, maybe people should promote positive play rather than derailing any attempts to improve skills/options. It does not have to be YOU, other players can help each other out. Well, consequences of Selfish actions (not personally you, being general), there ya go. Means players feel they have to do ALL because no one on THEIR team apparently cares.

What has this got to do with other players? Gaijin not players. Players you need to get on board, not attack them, yes?

VOCALLY OPPOSING ANY SUGGESTIONS - Where is it? In fact aren’t some ideas brought up by supposed “Anti-TO” users like myself? Defending against silly comments is not opposing suggestions, or is it?

One are they really? Two, supporting this thread making wild claims about other players (in what they OPPOSE or not) is not helping anyone. The other thread, though I would say a reactionary and unhelpful title too, at least asks “what can change”. Maybe some good ideas, maybe some bad, who knows?

I still believe discussions need to conscious of the varying situations at various BRs, as one size does not fit all, no matter what Gaijin think.

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Is that not just one player? As I do not play (hahaha at all) Top Tiers what was stopping a jet from taking that player out? This is more for interest.

Well, not everyone has jets. Grinding ground all the way to the top is hard enough, let alone grinding the whole air tree too, specially if you are not even an air player, just to use it as anti-CAS tool… not to mention that, to many ground players, air is just not an interest to put all that focus and effort/money into just so they can have revenge every time they get CAS’d.

I only have jets in one nation, America; and when I want to play them, I go into Air RB.

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No, I understood this fine.

I get on with ULQ… not sure what you are doing.


You do know that half the time you are just personally attacking me? What is your issue??

Why are you saying I am saying no to a TO? Please do not lie. I am against the attacks of other players just for playing the game. The WHOLE reason I stupidly was involved in the 2018 topic and ben here since was the attacks on players for playing air.

You know attacking players just for playing WT as intended (GFRB combined) is extremely stupid, right?

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I’m not oppose if I’m too annoying their present i just do birth control around their air spawn point and boom free RP without even trying

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Stop derailing… I am pointing out the personal jabs you make inbetween that are not required, yes? What a tool you are…

You refuse to engage. Jog on…

Obviously not. So you CAN’T or WON’T answer?

I have. Just because you are on “Tool Sunday” mode you want to derail?

You are delusional. Wait a sec, wasn’t your input here “You don’t play WT”? Then it is “ULQ hurt your feelings blah”? lmfao.


Pure Toxic Bile ignoring what I have said.

Well done o7

I was discussing fine with @Spanish_Avenger. You were the one wailing.

Not abusive.

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What? You started this…Yes, I am flagging your derailing . I did not start this, you did… lmfao:

Very very very constructive and then turn this on me :D

So yes, flagged. You can edit them if you like, stuff only usually gets “REMOVED” if a mod agrees. Unless you have worries?

And still you keep going… lols. TO ADVOCATES get the bad name sometimes…

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Well at least we found out who it is who goes round flagging everyone on here. Its an over sensitive fellow who quit the game months ago. Thanks for your contribution.


Stop being disingenuous?

Obviously is not me since there is a limit and me flagging 5 is the limit (where you derailed with “you don’t play” then the other BS you brought out lying about me). So how can I be the one flagging everything?

STOP DERAILING YOU… And have the decency to reply to what has been written?

Just FYI Casino-Knight… The one who says I am a CAS main :D:D:D:D then disappeared when his observation was turned to dust :D.

Wrong, proven back then then you ran away :D

(I was a CAP player, and you used ARB stats to back up your odd claims).

CAS spammer with more use in tanks and more plays in GFRB with CAP :D

I just noticed and remembered you running away when your only reply to discussion was a lie :D…

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Yes you did, it is still there :D

Your “investigation” was laughable and proved nothing. If I remember one was an Attacker at the end of a lost match on Carp? Another was a French SBU or something, with 2 air kills and bomb dropped at spawn (or something - you cant spawn them without). And then you cherry picked as missed all the games a plane was not used.

CAS main = someone who has played a plane ;)