Why do CAS players so vocally oppose any suggestions

Again, you have just demonstrated my entire point in a single sentence.

You are just deliberately antagonising anyone who uses CAS.


Splits playerbase needlessly (I’m not a “CAS player” Im just a player, don’t get ideas"

Not sure what you mean

Splits playerbase needlessly


Yeah, they wont even run Naval EC 7 days a week, precisely because of that reason. I doubt a TO mode is even in consideration

No, but really, does it take skill? It is the cheesiest, most infuriating thing for ground right now. Because simply put, SPAA either doesn’t see you on radar, and if by chance they actually see you via optics (if their barrels or launchers can even swivel that high), IRST won’t lock.

And then what do you do? Let’s see, you turn on your targeting pod view, stabilize, maybe turn on NVD, find a target, lock it, lase it, vaguely point your plane it it’s direction, and drop a bomb. Near guaranteed kill right there.

And then you do that 3 or 4 more times. Such skill required. All the while, SPAA can’t do a thing against you because you can fly outside their targeting range, and fly outside of most SPAA’s missile range and still drop your bombs right through someone’s commander hatch.

The only defense is to spawn in a jet and hope to god you’re still there when I get there in my fighter, because otherwise I just wasted a ton of RP/SL that I could’ve earned driving my tank around. And that’s assuming I can kill you.

So. Deliberately antagonising? No, I don’t think so. I’m just speaking the truth about the experience from the ground side. If nothing else, you’re sticking your head in the sand and going “lalala can’t hear you”.

But hey, prove me wrong, tell me how much skill it takes to drop a paveway. Enlighten me.


This statement here, is what the issue is, but you’ve literally got it inverse.

The amount of threads that have random players jumping in saying about CAS, making these vast ‘fix’ suggestions, explanations on how ‘bad’ the CAS players are, the constant ‘They have no skill’ yet can’t spawn it myself, ‘don’t have time to spawn SPAA’ ‘not worth my effort to spawn SPAA’ ‘I’ll 1v1 you in your SPAA’ stupidity, but the second you tell them to actually spawn SPAA you’re the literal badguy.

You want to play a game, but you actually can’t handle it, and you want it changed to suit you. Yet when anyone points out that there’s other methods, or that they don’t agree with your ‘suggestion’ or ‘stance’ they’re getting abused and attacked directly, by these sorts of throwouts.

It’s pretty clear what side the true ‘toxicity’ is originating from.


I often pop up in these anti-CAS topics.
I have no issue with the idea of adding a TO mode or a checkbox like for the night battles.

What I am having issues with is:

  • the immature way in which these topics are being spammed
  • baseless claims about the number of players supporting the notion
  • constant namecalling
  • the feeling of entitlement, which leads to the demand of the game being specifically tailored to the fantasies of whoever the current OP is
  • the absolute disregard of the developers’ idea behind the game
  • the constant description of War Thunder as a “tank game”, or GRB as a “tank mode”, which are being disturbed by the presence of CAS (neither the game, nor the mode alone was ever about tanks alone)
  • the feeling of being entitled to a tank mode in a game that is primarily about aircraft

I Agree to all points

Do you mean me? If so you are full of scutter

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I have 2 SPAA’s in most of my lineups. Because CAS.

Funny that because that’s the exact same thing the pro-CAS front does; they don’t want the game to be changed because it impacts their “fun” (at expense of someone else’s), yet when ground folk want CAS changed to be less bad for ground suddenly it’s toxic?

Mmhmm. Sell me a bridge in the Everglades while you’re at it…

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My least favourite argument is to go play WoT. Sure I’ll go play totally different game that’s not like WT at all.

I like War Thunder mechanics it’s really the only game like it plus they have other things other games do not like certain nations and vehicles.

I do use CAS and always have a plane in my line up but I’m in favour of a TO mode.

Personally, I do find playing GRB CAS not fun hover I’ve found to greatly enjoy playing it in Naval. having to doges all the AA higher from ships I find fun.

If WarThunder ads are anything to go by it’s a realistic military game with Planes, Tanks and Warships.

Not a plane game(anymore), Not a tank game and Not a boat game. It’s a game full of military vehicles from all sections of the military.

And with those like those ads I’d rather have a mode where I could use all 3 even if it’s an event ever so often like a true D-day event. And it’s been a personal want over most other things.

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Who is you? The cat? If its not the cat who is it?


Not entirely baseless, there is a fair number of people who support the notion that CAS needs to be reined in a bit, and a fair number of people who wouldn’t mind a TO mode. I’m fine with either, by the way.

Eh, if I say that dropping paveways from low earth orbit is namecalling I’d suggest that whoever feels that should grow a little bit thicker skin >.>

Don’t agree there - you can argue the inverse, that the pro-CAS front is just as entitled and wants the status quo to stay the same because it “impacts their fun” otherwise.

The idea that has been pretty much left to rot on the side of the road for the past 5 years or so? I mean, Naval… it’s still much like a tech demo or a beta, not even a full fledged mode. And if the vision of the game was to have combined arms battles, why is there still an Air RB, and a Ground RB? Because I can’t spawn my SPAA in the former, but you can spawn your fully kitted strike jet in the latter - not very combined ;)

GRB stands for? Survey says… GROUND realistic battles. If you want to follow the game design, with Air RB being a thing, Ground RB should either not involve planes at all, or Gaijin needs to combine Air RB with Ground RB and call it combined arms battles and just be done with it.

Which they won’t do because then people will bitch about losing their “planes only mode”. See, you have the option to go play in a plane only mode where SPAA’s aren’t going to clap you when they get the chance and the only thing you need to worry about is other planes. There is no game mode where I can drive my tank and only have to worry about other tanks.

And how is that not entitled? And weren’t you just saying something about the disregard of developers’ idea behind the game? The idea has always been combined arms. Which involves tanks. But you get an air-only mode. Why can’t “we” have a tank-only mode?

Just saying that for some of your points I agree, for a lot of them I suggest you practice what you preach.

As far as I’m concerned, I have no issues with planes in my tank mode. But then I want to be able to join Air RB and drive an SPAA around. Fair, right?

Or we keep things as they are, and increase CAS spawn cost, because right now it’s kind of silly you can spend 3 minutes in battle with a vehicle and you don’t even have to do well in it before you can go and pretend it’s Air RB with actual moving ground targets.

Or we do the checkbox thing where you indicate a strong preference to be in a tank only battle, and perhaps a maximum queue time of 60 seconds before it’ll ignore the checkbox and do whatever it does.

But don’t preach about how people who enjoy ground are being unreasonable, or are being entitled. CAS players are just as unreasonable, and entitled.


All of that, and you pick up on a word, and take it goddamn personal…

You really are beyond engagement.

They are only going uncontested, if the enemy team ignores them.
BTW…since War Thunder is a combined arms vehicular combat games, it would be more accurate to refer to “CAS-players” as “War Thunder players”, since they incorporate all aspects of the game into their gameplay (yes, even the core-mechanic), as opposed to the “tank-purists”, a self-proclaimed elite that binds its own hands behind its back and then complains about being defeated.


You are discombobulated, count how many times you said you, like your angry at someone for trying to settle things.

Using big words, ain’t gonna make your statement for you buddy.

I said ‘You’ in the sense of those who need to make the spam of posts moaning and complaining on the daily, and more so the HOURLY frequency… But NOOOO you had to take it personal.

They are only going uncontested, if the enemy team ignores them.

They go uncontested because people are trying to play tanks, the only way to contest them is to rush caps and spawn a plane instantly.

Funny how the counter to CAS and how to enjoy tanks always ends up being, never play tanks ever again.


Block them and block me, simple then you can carry on

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Maybe because Even Gaijin thinks that it would be stupid to do so?

I mean,… by game design and Marketing the game always was Clear about COMBINED ARMS gameplay style.

If you downloaded that game, you knew it was going to be a COMBINED ARMS gameplay.

By any other means, and since forever : Gaijin always answered player advocating for a Tank-only mode that they will not do it as a regular gamemode.

And this started back in 2014,…

Now, since 2014 → CAS has always been nerfed.

In 2014 we could :
Spawn in the air with all weaponnary possible as first spawn (–> today it’s not possible and CAS require 520SP with dummy bombs)
[EDIT: someone tells me it’s more between 600-720SP]

Meanwhile taking an HEAVY tank, was costing you 450SP aswell (–> today it’s about 250 max)

Some times,… i wish Gaijin got us this ability for like a week per year, in order to show to people that the current gamemode have been severly refined throughout the years.

Showing CAS complainners what they got in 2014 vs what they have today, and explain to them that Gaijin made efforts for Ground players.

And this is what you do…

Everything else, doesn’t matter here, yet you bring it to every thing you can as backup…

I post places, and I post things YOU can’t understand, I don’t need you dragging it around everywhere else as a comeback on the regular… You have nothing to comeback with, and you, get angry.