What happened to enduring confrontation ?!

We all appreciate the official update from yourself, but will we be able to actually play what we have missed? Arcade couldnt be played, and most likely most of the realistic wont be played, could you extend the days an extra day and give us a day of arcade after realistic today? We would appreicate it.

I understand the frustration, however at the moment, we don’t have any more news to share on the matter until the issue itself is resolved.

No problem, appreciate the update, hopefully things back to normal very soon!

Just a quick update to say that Naval EC is now up for everyone.

Will we recieve an extra day for the day we lost on arcade?

1 death leavers dont like it and majority of community just wanna take off at high tier, launch missiles, go into next match.
Same with tanks.
They only wanna play high tier.
They think of lower than 9.0 as noobish and boring.
They only care about personal gain - not good gameplay and historic battles etc.
You can only choose certain vehicles - they cant rely on their premiums and only play meta.
Or the vehicles they have unlocked are not spaded, because 3.7 is for noob…
Or there is not enough reward.
They can grind faster in random battles

Personally i love the gamemode and wanna see it get some love, i would literally play only that, but i acknowledge the wants of the community and EC does not correlate to those wants.

If you made a vote for EC and the other option was a few new top tier vehicles - i think majority would choose the new vehicles. shame.

Edit: I am referring to combined EC rather than Naval. apologies if off topic.

its by far the best game mode, i only play warthunder for naval ec now… it needs new maps and new objectives!


Currently we don’t plan to extend the current event according to the developers, but it will return as normal next week.

Where is Malta map ? was a good map too !

Can you please leave us the code, we will make new enduring for players.
There are so many possibilities in WT !
Ask to dev if some players maps could be implemented as event.
As like the one i am making : WT Live // Mission by Bombe18


we still get Malta.
In recent big update they changed the maps depending on BR.
With that being said - try mid BR props using only USA or Japan and ONLY take a naval aircraft - that will give you the highest chance of Malta.
Or American attacker such as A26 Invader.

I agree!
I have bookmarked your link and will give it a try tomorrow!

No there is no enduring confrontation actually for naval. There is only saipan, dover strait, denmark, and port moresby

Waiting for a resolution?

For what?
Fixing their game?

I’ts been a while i was thinking EXACLTY the same way of playing naval EC… awesome.

This mode has a lot of potential and i’m so surprised it’s so underrated by common wt player.
I some way, EC can merge ALL the game mode and playing styles of this game.

Want to fight with thanks and gain front line while some of your mates helping bombing from the skyes or ships from the coast? can do it.
Or wanna flight alone with your bomber in the high sky looking for an airfiled to destroy? can do it
Want to use your preferred figther jet and intercept bombers and/or help ground players destroyng enemy thanks? can do it.
Want to navigate alone in the deep sea in search for enemies? Or joining mates and try to conquer enemy base? can do it.

I can immagine even more ways of collaboration bethween players inside different game modes… immagine ground thank player requesting artillery support… and this support is given by a friendly nearly ship…

Well… maybe i’m only dreaming but… who knows, maybe some day…

Is there any reason why Naval EC is only operational on weekends, and not active all the time?

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Being active all the time would split the regular matchmaking. Therefor Naval EC is active during the most popular playtime windows.

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I clearly understand why it’s active during the most popular playtime window… but i cant’ figure it out why should break regular matchmaking… just curious about game mechanics… nothing else

People playing Naval EC instead of NRB, means less people in NRB, which I’d guess is fairly underplayed at the moment because of its “problems” is my best guess

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I played enduring today twice on dover straigh and carrier is still buggued…
WORST thing, when carrier spawn (shokaku), it destroy itself for no reason after some minutes.
It didnt move too. And sometime you cannot spot it.

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