Why do CAS players so vocally oppose any suggestions

I guess he was not in orbit that time

I’m playing 9.3 so I don’t have a Stormer at 10.3, assuming I was playing UK… and no idea if that is actually capable of taking out an A-10 at 5km-10km.

Yeah, the lack of SPAA at that BR is felt and that is one thing they really need to make a priority to fix. (to add SPAA to all the gaps)

It was at about 7km I think.

No, though an A-10 rarely space climbs I find, it doesnt have the tools for it.


I wont be long and everyone will get the idea as soon as CAS spawns to quit and start a new match or just have 1 tank line ups, which is on the up.

Just so true, who is my phantom flagger 😆

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Or they can fix the blackhole of premium spam at that BR and not add even more event vehicles to most stacked BR in the game.
But hej, if you want to experience it, Japanese premiums on sale now so you also can be a victim of this, and you can get the A6M5 Ko for 4 times the price it was before, whilst it’s also been freshly uptiered.

Also we had an SPAA before it got hit with a full BR increase.

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Yeah, that certainly will help too. Im not looking forward to fighting the new event tank in any 10/10.3 british tank.

But yeah, we have stupid SPAA gaps but have no fear, we have 3x 8.3 SPAA.


Do you have a TD that got heavily nerfed and increased in BR as well? Or a plane that lost airspawn yet somehow went from 6.7 to 8.0? Thermals locked behind a paywall and an improved version of a TT version also behind a paywall? Or a complete lack of CAS options perhaps?

We have many many issues. From an SPAA System that is not only hard to use ot begin with, but the missiles will sometimes just phase through targets. the total lack of any decent high tier IFVs or our top tier SPAA is classed as an ATGM launcher.


There is no battle without aviation support, that’s why the aaa exist, I’m a fan of the game for this reason, the only things that wt lacks, is the quality of the maps and the balancing of +=1

It also lacks realism, or reality or even common sense

Thing is, as i see it, as a community we cant agree, so there for gaijin is deciding for us, untill we all agree gaijin will continue as they see fit


One other thing: I see more calls to remove the Pantsir than any other part of top tier GRB. Even when SpaceMiG was oppressive I saw more requests for more nations to get equal CAS, not to remove the MiG-27K (if any).

Advocates for it would say otherwise but TO whinge is a more recent phenomenon.


Yeah, though Guided A2G weapons are just getting better exponentially. From Br 1 to Br 10, its mostly bombs, rockets or guns. past that you have GBUs, AGMs, etc. So i get why TO is being called for mroe and more at top tier.

Though I’ve never understood it at lower BRs though, the balance feels more reasonable

General frustration of dying in a video game about war.

These threads will always keep popping up because they aren’t critique: they’re catharsis.


Yep, couldnt agree more.

If they where do you think gaijin would listen as im sure in these threads there is

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Because it takes such skill to drop a paveway from low earth orbit you mean? Let’s be honest, CAS is easy mode farming in a lot of cases. Does it require skill to do well? Perhaps, but it’s still very much point and click cha-ching.

Don’t tell me in lower tiers that bombing takes skill - so does taking long range tank shots without range finder, so there’s nothing special about being able to drop a bomb on someone.

Pot, kettle. The pro-CAS front usually trots out their “skill issue” or “just spawn a plane bro” mantra, which is just as antagonising :)

These two statements are mutually exclusive; why is left as an exercise to the reader. Or writer. Or whoever, really.


Again, you have just demonstrated my entire point in a single sentence.

You are just deliberately antagonising anyone who uses CAS.


Splits playerbase needlessly (I’m not a “CAS player” Im just a player, don’t get ideas"

Not sure what you mean

Splits playerbase needlessly