Why do CAS players so vocally oppose any suggestions

This is true (apart from the vote option to remove CAS entirely, which is in the Suggestion topic about TO, there had been no definitive Suggestion) but that is not what he said. Being against complaints they are referring to =/= people talking about a TO. This is where “arguments” talk past one another.

Unless he does think TO added means removal of GFRB current, but he would have to answer himself (and he would be misinformed).

Seems like crossed wires to me.

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If you are referring to my discussion with GNDM Panzer I would say first that historically and generally we are on the same page.Both quite honest and direct ,maybe too much for some people sometimes.All boils down to why we cant have both TO and traditional GRB at the same time though and I got no answer there.I feel in a game like Warthunder that land units are big enough to warrant their own game as are aircraft.I do feel that its been long established that a separate TO as a partner not a replacement for combined arms is what is being asked for and as far as I was concerned GNDM Panzer was well aware of that stance.
However I might be wrong in that assumption but it is reoccurring all over the thread and in the past few posts as well.

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Here’s the thing about wanting it as a separate mode, is that Gaijin would have to implement at minimum 3 different TO modes: Arcade, Realistic and Sim - Same for every other mode type. That means those modes would have to have the map, BR and other issues addressed accordingly.

That’s a lot of work for a niche’ percentage of the playerbase that wants to exclusively split away from the rest of the game into their own queues. A lot of development time and server money for a non-existent ROI that objectively speaking, wouldn’t be worth it. If it was, Gaijin would’ve done it already but they didn’t because that even that on a whim event alone provided no ROI.

At the end of the day, Gaijin is a business and money talks. The TO Demanders have never done anything at all that has put Gaijin under the impression that catering to them would provide a worthwhile ROI.

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OK good point.We do however have other game introduced such as the sci fi games Gaijin do occasinaly like the Arrakis thing or the Mad Max type game.I bet they take much more work for less long term gain.They also fragment the player base as much as any TO would yet still Gajin implement them so I guess that is all taken care of.

Another fair point.

No real way of knowing just how many have bailed from this game over the years as a result of CAS induced frustration that might come back upon hearing the good news or how many players would creep in from the other game if CAS was removed.I think the introduction of a no CAS mode would be a very big deal across the gaming community and WT fans as a whole.Due to travel I spend too much time on the net reading rubbish about games and belive me all I see relating to War Thunder is the CAS moan.Kind of sick of it myself If I am honest and you know what ,maybe the TO only mode would be S**t lol.

If it was and lasted two weeks that would bury the idea deeper than Anton’s pockets.We have no idea of the numbers ,the current vote on here is in favour of a TO mode and as you said we have no feedback from the non forum players.We do see them on other forums though such as Reddit and steam.

Certainly does as far as I am concerned and that is why I would be rolling out TO only premium products such as the kind of vehicles best not advised when CAS is around.I would take the opportunity to implement things into the game that CAS can no longer break and make TO a feature assuming the game will allow it.I said this in my suggestion to the devs.

SPAA is rarely if ever premium ,if at all and the amount of dedicated premium CAS is not that much so Gaijin losing money from CAS premiums is minimal.What I use for CAS many use for ARB anyway.

I think TO would see a return of players who quit in a CAS rage and steal players from the nearest rival.

When WT does the tank game so much better ever wonder why World of ***** even exists when Warthunder is about ? What stops everyone migrating? Go onto the web and do some digging and you will soon find the answer.“I would move to WT tomorrow if not for those damn planes”.
It’s everywhere.

Imagine if they all did migrate? And you talk about niches and small numbers.

The rival that we dare not speak of are turning over millions,you can Google that yourself.If WT got 25% of that revenue then its a win win.

Everything including this game started with one man’s(or womans) Idea.So nobody needs to be offended by a few fans suggesting taking the planes out of WT.

Like taking the sugar out of Coke and calling it Diet Coke.How can you have Coca Cola with out sugar(or without Cocaine lol) ?

Silly Idea and no money in it.

Take CAS away and an entire nation is ruined lol. Being 1-2 brs behind in firepower and armor in exchange for reload speed and turret rotation means you need CAS to deal with IS series tanks or things like Jagdtigers.

Here is the latest one

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You have the down tier for that . How good is your IS or JT when a M551(76) speeds up to you and takes you out with a APDS and 300mm of pen?

What do you do in games when there is no CAS about or you dont have the SP for any ? Leave ? Give up ? Cry?

There’s not very many. Camping/spawncamping are far larger reasons people leave Warthunder, and a TO mode would make it worse.

It would quickly fall to irrelevance. It wouldn’t get as many players, and the players it would get are only
going to pay a fraction of what normal players pay. The most popular prem packs are all CAS. TO would also come with its own set of balance issues (especially concerning camping and heavy tanks). It would require loads of money, time, and manpower to fix the maps, BRs, SP costs, and SPAAs. Gajin is already lazy and slow enough to fix the main modes, now their efforts would be split between the main modes and TO.

TL:DR TO would quickly fall to sh-t because it would require more effort to balance and make playable whilst making far less money.

the TO vote on the forums is very skewed. People who are fine with CAS would just continue playing, but people who want it changed come to the forums to complain. The poll included a “do you use CAS” poll, and the vast majority voted no. For every user complaining about CAS on the forums, there’s 5 more bombing them every match. The only way to get a proper vote would be an ingame vote that everyone sees.

APDS is trash in Warthunder. The M551 (76) is probably the worst example you coulda picked. Besides, I don’t want to be limited to playing FV4005 24/7 just do deal with soviet/german tanks. CAS is only a few planes per game and I just ignore it without issue 90% of the time. soviet/german heavy tanks plague every match and It makes many vehicles unplayable.

You’re obviously not bored enough to stop replying and leave the thing alone. You care as much as anyone else or you’d just … leave. Which is what most people do when they’re tired of something.

It’s truly been amusing to watch you so often claim how “bored and tired” of all this and everyone that you are and yet you just can’t stay away xD.

Then how about you just stop spamming threads with anti-CAS cope?

Again, skill issue mate.

Tanks B.R. are not balanced due to air that the player can take.

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Stay on topic bud, that wasnt even the purpose of my post. I get it’s probably hard for you, but give it a try.

Also, I’m curious do you know what the word spam means? Where am I spamming.

Lmfao I just checked Feb 19th was the last time I posted in this thread xD

He can’t fathom that a tank with good speed and the ability to pen 300 mm of armour is a threat to a slow armoured sloth that has nothing going for it other than 200mm of amour which wasn’t any use after 1945.Seems like a clever guy lol


Check his profile and You can find out why.


Tank only would suck because no one would play it, and because CAS has strategic value.

I want CAS to be rebalanced. It should cost more, or be more difficult to use. SPAA also needs to be buffed by increasing the rewards, and moving it down in BR. All nations also need more SPAA.


Have you not seen how many anti-CAS cope posts there are on these threads, and how they’re all being posted by the same 5-10 users?

I just read his anti TO post lol .I will check his profile when my eyes have dried : )


Forcing joystick only could help as it’d make strafing and lining up bombs/rockets alot harder.

No, because the last time I posted in this thread was Feb 19th. The exact opposite of spamming a thread lol. You’re just wrong all over. Its okay.

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