Why do CAS players so vocally oppose any suggestions

You really think he got a chat ban in game and on the forum by accident/anything to do with disagreeing?

Flag =/= ban.

Victimhood does wonders for this “cause”. Good to see the TO topic is still pretty dead… /s (I am not gleeful, it is mildly frustrating)


Probably not ,I earned mine but it was worth it.I think all of us want what we think is best for the game.I think TO would be great but I also think that it could prove the pro CAS lobby right as much as it could prove them wrong.

Then ask for it/engage with Gaijin.

I really do not understand the reluctance.

They already responded to the idea of TO. Did you not like the answer? They obviously aren’t getting involved anymore until someone actually makes a move, this topic is not it, more is needed thsn just the existence of the failing TO topic.

(Oddly you did exactly what I said and take guesses as an argument and never ask the right people, do you see it at all?

Do you think “we” stop the existence of a TO mode? I’d love to know how so I can get them to not change all sorts of stuff they did to my detriment.

Have you even read to reply by Morvan?).

But I know the game on this forum and positive steps are generally avoided. I wish someone couod prove me wrong.

So you will ignore any sensible discussion as you seem to just avoid it. (You don’t have to, you do as you like, but I have mentioned things you seem to have missed by your replies)

You think a “pro CAS lobby” stops things happening. Very odd and clearly made up fear mongering if that is the case. The majority don’t even touch ANY RB mode. “CAS lobby” are not a homogenous group as you appear to explain it.

See, but players like them make up all sorts of conspiracy rubbish and treat it like fact. Not really helpful.

But seriously, again, why not ask Gaijin? Why ask other players then get offended by their opinions (they are only that since only devs know) when it has no bearing on the outcome wanted (new mode)?

All this and still nothing said/moved forward on the TO topic… just sad.

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Where is this ? Can you link to it ?

This is from another thread but it shows Warthunders attitude as far as the devs and moderators are concerned

Would War Thunder be a better game in the hands of the modding community and away from Gaijin? - #45 by Pacifica

Never say never .I think that is the whole point of the TO proposals and why they continue.Not wishing to quote a moderator out of context but the attitude is a positive one.Never say never.

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No as it was a live stream… back in 2019? (Total guess, just not 2018, and since then) Related to old forum (you welcome to scan the 10 million comments, sod that).

It is a “poor answer” but along lines of: does not fit our vision [for the ground modes].

There is no denial of this btw. Just whether it is “final” (so again questions need to go to Gaijin somehow).

I’m not denying it is shabby, but this is how it is with their response.

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Nothing stops any official from coming on and giving a flat no and putting it to bed.You and I know that has not happened on this forum.

Again, check the old forum topic. They have basically made it (semi) clear.

And, not you, why not ask them directly? Why the general obfuscation? Seriously?

No one answers this by the way. I’m not new to this 😝

(And don’t check the old topic, you might be dead by the time you finish and a LOT was wiped with some really nasty conversations, and it weren’t the “CAS lot”).

Edit: And since they did “answer” and plsyers say “but no doesn’t mean no they might change”, well, there is a reason not to do it again since nothing new has been put forward to them since 2018, and they gave the answer.

We all want it put to bed… either new mode someday or accept/discuss with the devs. They accept the discussion but there is nothing new to reply to/say I presume, any “extra” topics get shut but that one is clearly allowed.

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There is an interview with Anton where he states that he sees new modes as a progression so TO only is a possibility in that respect. He does also state that he fears Warthunder 2 killing the old Warthunder so queue times and numbers are an issue.


My man your words are lost on them. They still can’t give any other answer of how the mode would be other than " No aircraft at all ".

They cannot answer about the maps.
They cannot answer about the BRs.
They cannot answer about the mode dynamics.

They cannot answer for anything. Their entire " argument " was less than half-baked from the start.

It will never be anything more than petulant tantrum throwing because an aircraft killed them and they don’t want to use SPAA or aircraft. They want World of Tanks gameplay but for some reason refuse to actually go play the game that gives them what they want.

The whole " Never say never " doesn’t apply here because a TO mode is entirely removed from Gaijin’s vision for the game. On a whim, there was the event mode years back and it was snubbed nearly in entirety. That was these people’s chance to get Gaijin’s attention as the most niche’ audience in the game and they failed in utterly spectacularly fashion.

It’s been over for them for years. They need to stop crying and get with the program, or simply get gone.

When was that?

If recent then just hold your horses then.

The previous stream I speak of was one peed off looking Anton and the “does not fit vision” “answer”

Getting closer with Bovey though. If this new stream shows a different stance.

But again, for a clear answer people will have to ask correctly, not being the same as @EddieVanHalo Suggestion and getting a response as is something new. Someone needs to prompt them on this topic, the right way, then at least get some sort of response as was given there. (Still cryptic and can mean what you want it to mean!)

Anyway, I forget I don’t play and was meant to avoid the TO topics (nice to see there might be some progress from another stream).

No disrespect but the only person having a fit over this is you. GRB with no CAS has been brilliant on the very few occasions we got to experience it and that is all she wrote.Rest is BS .

Being in the zone with no CAS ***** killing the vibe is one of the best things about this tired sorry game.Game has to keep moving forward and TO is a great new way of doing it.


Why assume every one who wants TO hates CAS? Do you assume everyone who plays navy hates tanks or everyone who plays Arcade hates GRB? I think not going out with at least two planes would be different and slightly scary for me and TO a new and interesting angle.


Fit? No. I’m simply beyond bored with all these topics spammed about this nonsense. It’s been going on for years and these people never had anything to show for it from the get-go. Unfortunately Gaijin won’t properly smack these people down for the spam, but I can very well mock these people accordingly.

Actually it does (new modes = all win). I support it as per voting, just not sold by how it has been tackled. And as you can see I am “pro-CAS” (because as game modes go they have always been combined for ground). In fact I am more likely to return if new modes were added.

Now rejecting some statements does not stop support. If you check early replies you will see why some don’t give open support.

(Arguing points =/= being dead against).

Then why read the forum?

Yes because its a big issue ,always has been always will be.Its like women moaning about getting the vote.How many said for years that would never happen?

Yeah no harm in a bit mocking ,with you there lol

  1. Because, I can just like everyone else here.

  2. A big issue according to who, exactly? A very niche’ percentage of players? That’s not a very big issue at all, frankly speaking. It’s nothing more than a subjective opinion amongst the playerbase, with a very niche’ % thinking it’s a colossal issue while the rest of the playerbase either have their own ideas or just frankly couldn’t care less.

  3. Indeed.

Its no more niche then any other issue raised on here in fact its one of the biggest and longest of them all. its as big and longstanding as any other.As you said it goes on and on.Kind of contradicting yourself there. CAS is just another huge frustration and leads to so many of the other issues such as one death leaving.

There is nothing about a TO mode that I couldn’t level at Naval.Can’t moan about queue times when Gaijin add tank soccer every now and then.TO would be a good positive addition. Thats it ,no hating crying or bitching.

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