Why can't I get a kill for ramming all of the sudden?

K/D is irrelevant, kills per battle and win ratio are relevant.
You can be absolutely useless with extremely high K/D.
Maintaining K/D over KPB is detrminetal to team effort, skill and fun. I’LL happily go full suicidial, if it makes my team win OR if it ends the game that’s alreeady been won quicker.

K/D is great for campers and time wasters. And you’re getting this K/D vs mostly clueless players while also frustrating everyone, including yourself.

I have tried bomber hunting in Wyvern.not because “muh KPB”, but because I hate bombers and guess what - it’s a horrible experience of random deaths due to cannon/MG spraying from extremely long range and it can’t really be avoided, so back to shooting down fighters I go.

Bomber can and will waste 15m if he really wants to. AF camping bomber is a huge problem, because ground attackibg is so boring and tedious, and people are forced to endure it simply because some.gaijin target demographic wants to troll everyone.

But if you are so desperate for K/D, you know full.well, that space climbing and AF camping are great tactics and if I remember correctly, you were a huge fan of both.

But back on topic - ramming is just another way to kill the enemy.
I can live with the need to damage the enemy first I can live with penalties for nose to nose collisions.
I can’t tolerate not getting a kill I worked for hard.
A kill is a kill.
Current “solution” doesn’t really discourage people from ramming, but it frustrates players like me, who do it in a deliberate and calculated fashion.

I’m not too unhappy with it.

giving kill credits for aircraft collisions means people just full commit headon. Rams used to give no one the kill credit back in 2019, then they changed it. Now you see people FCH and explode from props all the way up to 9.0 jets. It’s stupid.

Since ramming in the headon and other stupid ways is >90% of the collisions, we shouldn’t encourage stupid behavior for the rare times when taking out the enemy via ram is the only option.

What about ramming from the side/behind? I mean, Gaijin cam quite easily determine the vectors during impact.
And it really is bad when you are denied 8th kill just because you decided to ram a shot-to-pieces bomber, just to be sure he dies.

How is gaijin supposed to tell the difference between you ramming a bomber on purpose and a random missing most of his shots and slamming into the bomber by accident?

They don’t have to.
Just remove SL and RP rewards from ramming and maybe remove kills for nose to nose collisions. Done.

Either that or give both parties involved a smaller reward. Let’s say half a kill for each since they both collided. Ramming was an actual tactic used by some people during world war 2(one example being when a BF-109 cut through a B-17 with a ram attack)

This is obvious :-)

Whatever you think - these are your goals and not mine. If your goal is to be in the monthly top 10 rankings - go ahead. I do not play for stats.

I am not playing for K/Ds - otherwise i would use other planes. I simply prefer “not dying”.

Space climbing is ok if you have decent guns like in a B-18B and you can outrun stuff like J2M2s above 8km - and when i have a ticket lead or a realistic chance to win i will continue with this tactic.

Af camping - mhm depends on the circumstances, number of enemies and their distance. What most people do not get - even with a 10 sec repair they have to be more 6 km away - otherwise i got killed if i want to land and leave (due to suicide dives) - and if i have a ticket advantage i will use the cover if it makes sense - or when i got provoked.

From my perspective you are projecting here; if i would have the same goals like you, i would fly single engine fighters - ofc meta planes and not stuff like S-199s…

As written in my last post - 90-95% of the players are way less experienced. So imho there is a large challenge gap between fighting them in an inferior plane like me, or in a superior plane like you. So your rack up kills - and i simply enjoy dogfights vs XP-50s or Yak-3s - at least in theory my enemies have far better chances if i do not fly a meta plane - like a J2M2 or a Wyvern…

If you are frustrated, i am not - relax, grab a beer, it is just a game…

Dude - it is a free world, fly whatever you want.

I mentioned J2M2s last week and Wyverns yesterday as you bashed for a very long time on players flying those planes - and all of a sudden you post replays flying a J2M2 and i see you in a match in a Wyvern. I was just wondering. All good, relax.

Imho this broken damage issue in case of collisions / ramming is an annoyance for all. Although i do not share your passion for kills and ramming attacks you have at least some historical references for your procedure.

I don’t bash Wyvern users. I bash Gaijin and their balancing.
And I will continue to do that.

Meanwhile you are using blatantly toxic tactics, AF camping and this is something truely atrocious.

We’ve discussed it before, but using underperforming planes is no excuse for running to AF.

Players like you are the real issue. I choose planes that are effective to PLAY the game in a fair manner. And aside from Wyvern, anyone can do that.

And regarding Wyvern - it’s annoying to face.
If you are dodging it, you will be frustrated.
But a single Wyvern is not really that good. It’s broken because a very bad player can and will ruin your day early game. But it’s not that good since it can’t dogfight, it.bleeds energy.and is an easy target.
So overal - no one is having fun around Wyvern invluding Wyverm user himaelf, since other aircraft around that BR are more effective.

You choose underperforming planes and then milk every broken feature of War Thunder like you deserve special treatment. You’re not really playing for a challenge, if you make your life easier exploiting the game design to the fullest to preserve that precious K/D which doesn’t even translate to WR.

Now back to ramming - no rewards for nose to nose ramming and only kill rewards for nose to tail ramming makes absolute sense.
Yesterday my broken Wyvern got rammed bt XP-50. He crashed but got a kill. So the current system is absolutely insonsistent.

Obviously nobody should be getting rewarded for ramming.

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Obviously nobody should be getting rewarded for killing planes 1 BR below their own.
Obviously nobody should be getting rewarded for shooting planes with guns - any dummy can do that and it promotes violence.
Obviously nobody should be getting rewrded for bombing bases - doesn’t help the team and requires no skill.
Obvisouly nobody should be getting rewarded for shooting down bombers - just let them bomb, bro.

Obviously EVERYBODY should be getting rewarded for finishing off enemy planes via ramming.

Obviously people shouldn’t be posting pointless replies.

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Then why have you written 2 of those already?
Your entire “argument” is basically “no because no”. Brainpower typical of gaijin target demographic was involved in creating it.

Nobody is looking for excuses.

There is no issue - you can’t expect that others feel the need that they play a game like you want them to play. This is not hard to understand.

If there is an issue - it is solely in your head.

Your gameplay is (outside JP planes) focused on forced headons (at least you claim that) and clubbing less experienced (far less on average) players with air spawn planes. Fine - idc. This might be effective due to mouse aim - but not the goal for a player like me looking for 1 vs 1s in a turnfight.

I do not choose underperforming planes. They all: Fly stable with joystick and have good/excellent turn, airbrake, air spawn, good ammo load to compensate for poor accuracy without mouse aim , great high alt performance and are able to win undisturbed 1 vs 1s. But they require a certain playstyle to make them work and require extreme situational awareness and wise target selection - not as boring as flying a P-47 correctly, but similar. If you can’t extend due to the lack of speed and climb and can’t perform headons due to the lack of accuracy, you have to fly differently.

I never asked for a “special treatment” and there is simply a large gap between you (“bloodthisty”) and me. You play it as a shooter - and i play it as a game with WW 2 planes with the goal of having some nice 1 vs 1s.

You can repeat thousand times more your mantra “precious K/D” or “bad stats” - idc - the only guy here trying to express his personal value with stats is you.

If you want to improve in Wyverns - i tried to find this “Yakov_air_fleet” for you - he flew the plane perfectly and imho “unkillable” with ~ 3kp, high WRs and around 15:1 K/D in it - but he changed his tag or got banned.

I tried multiple times (15+) to kill him - focusing solely on him for the whole match - no chance to catch him with SM 92. MOBB wrote that the lousy energy retention is no issue when using a joystick, you might want to try it.

I think they don’t reward you for ramming a hostile plane because it means you also die (most of the time) and it would encourage people to rather ram, die, then leave match instead of rearm and be more useful to the team.

Still, it is absolutely stupid that if 2 planes crash in a head on, neither get a kill despite damaging each other. Now they died anyway, but weren’t rewarded.

And can we keep the topic relevant to ramming?

This has nothing to do with ramming.

And if you want to bring an opinion, you should also bring it with a basis, explain why you feel that way. It encourages discussion and debate instead of being spammy.

Oh sorry, I didn’t realize I was dealing with such a pro gamer.

If you killed an enemy head on and his dead plane rammed you then you got a kill before ,now nothing. Enjoyment wise it’s a step back.

Dude I hated that shit. It feels like they just gave a free pass to assholes who want to TK. I went back to grind a new tree and forgot that was a thing…

Then suddenly I notice random Cyrillic names lowering themselves into my props and flying off. Of course then it says I killed myself and can’t keep going.


While I have always hated the tactic…

It actually was used in nearly every major conflict. Sometimes as intentional acts and sometimes as desperate acts. We’ve got a lot of documentation of it.

It definitely feels frustrating in a game but it’s not invalid.


IIRC that was also the first recorded air to air kill. Ramming is a valid tactic.


You can ram vehicles ingame, you just won’t be rewarded for it. Seems a fair trade off for the risks presented IRL like the threat to your life and the destruction of the plane.