Why can't I get a kill for ramming all of the sudden?

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Significant part of propeller plane flying is trying to stall out your opponent or make them lose a lot of energy. Sometimes this means they slam into the ground before you can turn around to shoot them.

And in air sim, it gets even more apparent with how easy it is to panic and put your plane into a flat spin.

None of that gets any reward despite your actions being a direct cause of someone dying. It should reward the nearest plane within 1-2 km with a kill if there isnt existing damage.


Yeah, yeah, bozo, if you say so.
Ramming last player when you’re out of ammo and time is running out is as legit as it gets. You probably don’t even survive until late game.

If you try to ram me while on opposing team - you’re getting killed 9999 times out of 10000. If you are willing to ram a teammate just because you’re butthurt about a way I dispatch last enemy bomber when I’m out of ammo you’re a truely abhorrent piece of floral.

If that was your first entry in the forums, can’t wait for your final form. You’re the very definition of gaijin target demographic.

Have fun joining the ignore list.

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Says to me that people hate game change.A long term element of the game suddenly removed.

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Well, I’m simply all for rewarding people for their actions. Give me maneuver kills, ramming kills wnd I’ll be happy.
Right now the only people getting “ramming kills” are victims of deliberate teammate rammer, who get marked as teamkillers because they exploded when rammed and explosion killed the griefer himself.

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The old mechanic was fine and it was all I knew for the 3 years I was playing.I have no idea why Gaijin just keep f***ing with a working game. Maybe the devs are trying to keep themselves in a job.


I’ve made this video for your own viewing pleasure:

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ramming is just sad

I was plenty happy after scoring that 6th kill.
But current state of affairs is sad indeed, since ramming kills are not being attributed in a reliable manner.

I think you have to get a hit in before they crash to get the kill… I’ve “wing tipped” a people a couple times and got credit for the kill… (I ran out of ammo and I had a wager to win).

Way more than a hit.
A crit is necessaryz but it’s still not reliable.
The random factor is the most annoying aspect. Sometimes you get the kill, sometimes the guy you rammed gets the kill

Well I didn’t exactly ram the guy(s), I made it back to the AF… and I’m pretty sure I didn’t get a crit, just a “hit” but this was in sim…

If you both die IDK what calculations take place, I’ve had it where I get the kill, he gets the kill or none of us get the kill (i’ve never seen both get the kill).

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