What is your reason behind 1 death leaving?

I semi agree. I find it fun to play say a T-44 or M26T99 for example. But if I come across a maus I’m in big trouble.

I think a lot of frustration would vanish if they gave more br differences like:
2.0, 2.3, 2.5, 2.7, 3.0, 3.3, 3.5, 3.7, 4.0 etc.

Giving room for some tanks to breath slightly better.

Yeah sorry, I’m trying to keep hope in the “ground” in “GRB”, I’M TRYING…
Today, and even Gaijin have already used it, the term “”“COMBINED”“” battle to talk about the GRB.

Awful maps, awful teams, I’ve been getting full uptiered too many times and don’t feel like playing it anymore, etc. I don’t need a strong reason. I will leave before the match even starts if I feel like it.


My new reason for 1DL is now the Auction

I think the actual way to solve this would be dynamic spawn amounts, for example giving a player a certain amount of spawns depending on how much they have in their lineup. For example, if they had a single vehicle, give them 3 respawns, if they have 2, give them 1 extra for 1 of them, to the players choice, but if they have 3, then no extra spawns


you can only research modifications of vehicle Y by playing vehicle Y, playing any other vehicle, be it X or Z doesn’t matter in this context

It’s only logical i 1 death leave, since i just don’t take any other vehicle in my line up in this situation.

If i play for fun or to grind a vehicule (and not modules) then i respawn


It’s not that i support or i should support 1dl or any kind of “bad behavior” , on the other hand why not?
I mean, why should you play if it’s not fun…?
Ex. The BS i pull off when i’m grinding mods.
And why not. The game makes you do them. If you stop and think the others then you lose something more precious…RL time. And in order to be able to just hop on play 2-3 games , play good , have fun etc. You have to spend 30 hours to grind mods. Now i’m grinding mods on F-14 IRIAF (yes i’ll play it at 13.0, i didn’t bother to play it so far) … my team is 1 person minus. I’m writing on forums while i’m flying. Why should i care? I don’t want to fly it in that state… i don’t even have proper missiles and CMs.
Fk it …kill time and eventually i’ll get the mods and start playing.

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I would like to re respond. This game is such a trashy cesspool, led there by such horrible dev teams and players gameplay in general, that it deserves nothing more than holding W and hoping for anything the first life before moving on to the next match.

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If a map is bad i don’t play it.

Sometimes i don’t even spawn once.

Just like now. I wanted to play a last one battle before bed. So i joined. Got bad map i hate and full uptier. Guess what - i will not be playing it, and i really, really, REALLY do not care about team that will play with one less player. I am not responsible for bad game design.

Games are something do be fun, not something to endure.


Trying to grind past around 6BR with no Premium is truly painful. I had a full line up of 6.7 US vehicles all un-modded and boy was it slow and painful.I decided to focus one vehicle at a time if I was going to stay and at least get the ability to repair in game.
I started having only one vehicle. It allowed me to get used to a new and very different type of vehicle and was the quickest way to at least get enough mods to survive.I shouldn’t have to grind the ability to repair in game or put out a fire. I felt aggrieved and didn’t feel I owned the game any thing in terms of respect as the game wasn’t respecting the player.

Too many people feel that Gaijin are greedy and disrespectful and therefore care little for in game etiquette.
Lets face it the game hasn’t changed hardly in 13 years or whatever it is so it’s not hard to see that Gaijin care little about what happens in game only how much cash they can rake in around the game.They are hoping you will get bored with the grind and reach for your credit card sooner rather than later.They even punish you with crew lock to mock you further.

To think that some players can’t see this and blame fellow players over the game makers says it all about how dense some people are.
When it comes to reasons for things happening you need to push through the symptoms to the cause of the issue.

Greed is the issue here not the player base. They have proven to be far too tolerant and probably to their own detriment.


To put things in perspective as well: Imagine if TF2 worked the same way where you can only play 3 class per life/play each class based on points. Given how fast you can die in TF2 this would make the game extremely brutal to play. War Thunder can have the same life to death timespan if the enemy team really rushes the enemy spawn or just CAS being CAS.

I think you can divde War Thunder into two sections. 1 The actual game.The maps,the sounds,graphics game play ,repetitive or boring nature of it or the enjoyment of playing. 2 Everything outside the game,the auction,the gambling ,the skins ,Battle pass etc.

So 1 conflicts with 2 and means that 2 is having an impact on ,if that makes any sense : )
It’s about what many of us are bringing to the party rather than the party itself.The game itself seems such a small part in WarThunder ,the talk is always about other aspects. Look at this forum for example.So about talk about vehicle history in a game that ignores history.There are also so many people with a personal agenda.

Currently my game play is about grinding so I am hiding ,sniping in a poor vehicles and just trying to get points where I can.Hard to get even mid table in scores

If I drop back a BR it’s totally different with a fully modded set and crew skills.

Overall WarThunder is a bit of a mess right now.

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War Thunder has so many mechanics that are simply damaging from gameplay perspective but they are here because of Gaijin’s greed. Crew skills and whole Expert/Ace crew, vehicle modules, SL and whole economy around it like repairs, ammo cost, crew training, etc. - all those things are there just to extract money from players and does not provide anything good from gameplay perspective. It exists only to create frustration and push some players into spending money to be either competitive or to have some sort of advantage.

This is one of the reasons why I do not bother with lineups because I do not want to grind 5 crew slots. Also one tank lineup has advantage in stock grind as I simply do not grind modules on vehicles I am not interested in and I also do not grind modules on copy paste vehicles as there is no reason for me to.


I think maybe if they gave you the game for 6 months free then charged a small subscription from then on for everybody then maybe the game could be stripped free of all this crap and we could enjoy playing more, but when did you ever see Gaijin charge small for anything? This game is becoming more and more like a mobile game for kids.I think ODL is just a symptom of a wider issue as you say.

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They could make it F2P with limited access(like rank V at max) and subscription based for full experience. Something similar has Trackmania where F2P has limited access and with subscription 20 Euro per year you get full access to live service game and there is no BS mechanics, just pure gameplay where only thing that matter is your skill. Trackmania is perfect example of well executed live service game. Some F2P games go with overpriced cosmetics but those will never have any impact on gameplay, which is ok in my eyes. But than there is War Thunder trying to min-max monetization in every possible aspect of game, which is sad because there is no other game like war thunder so they get away with it.

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I would say I was forced into ODL for a while and my game style became so negative for me and for my so called team. My stats must have died : )
I watched a couple of videos that made me realise that we actually have a “Play to grind” vs " Play for fun" scenario.I never thought about it like that but then I always had premium.

Against 1DL it would help if there is a bigger reward or multipler for time in battle, so maybe you get only a small amount of rp and sl in the moment of the kill and at the end of the battle you get a big boni for time in battle (also in comprehansion to the time the battle take so if the battle takes 20min and you were 20min in the battle you get 100% of the boost but if the battle takes 30min and you were 20min in the battle you get bit less. It wont help against all 1DL but maybe it would help against those who leave after 5min of battle

If the grind is the reason for ODL or the costs/p2w elements are an issue i made this thread Would War Thunder be a better game if they dropped Free To Play?


Also play to fun scenario is quite difficult to achieve consider MM based system where most players will have just one relevant queue for they and even then you have to deal with stuff you would rather not deal with like maps or for some CAS. Server based PvP games are much better in this case where you can choose server with most optimal settings that fits you so fun is maximized.

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Grew lock