What is your reason behind 1 death leaving?

Because when you capture the points you’re supposed to keep them captured. That’s how the game works. If people don’t understand that then god help this community.

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Oh and how You keep them captured? By killing enemy ground units.

I’m happy we agree that kills are important if not the most important.

Gods sake… Why is it so hard to still not understand ??? Lets try and put it a way that even someone like you can understand.

Say everyone on the team if they could, finished with 250 kills each, but only 1 person took a zone. Now lets say that the best 4 shooters on the enemy team only got 3, 2, and 1 kill, but took all zones and kept them. Are you honestly saying that everyones super duper K/D ratio won the game??? Don’t be stupid.

The team that captures the zones and keep them are the best players. Just because someone can get 10 kills a game, doesn’t neccessarily make them a good player. K/D ratio will ONLY help win games if the players take zones as well. If you don’t take and keep the zones - YOU WILL LOSE - it’s as simple as that!!! It’s not physics for god sake.

What is it you don’t understand about not winning if you don’t take zones??? What is it that you don’t understand that K/D ratio can not take a zone. What is it that you don’t understand that if you do not physically take the zone, you can not win the zone??? What is it you don’t understand that if you don’t defend to keep the zones, your team will lose the zone??? What is it you don’t understand about if your team only goes for kills and take no zones at all, YOU WILL LOSE??? What is it you don’t understand that if the team takes no zones YOU WILL ALWAYS LOSE??? What is it you don’t understand about K/D ratio on it’s own will NEVER win a game???

From the thousands of matches I have played and learned from, I bet the only reason the team STILL LOST is because no one on the team was interested in defending and keeping the zones. Logic and experience tells me that either, the players were not being intelligent enough to think that if no one defends it, they will lose it. Or that 1 player was the only player interested in winning and the rest of the team were just sit back pot shotting cowards. The team still lost because they were a bunch of complete idiots who have no clue how to play a war game using tactics to take zones so they can win. This game is NOT rocket science to figure out, but I am amazed how many people have no idea how to play a war game using proper battlefield tactics that actually work.

But then I forgot, kids think they already know best and know more than anyone else in the world. I forgot that even though they are still only kids, they already have all the knowledge and wisdom they will ever need in their future lives, so will not ever accept any advice from anyone older or more experienced. All you get from them all the time is, “shut up before I f**k ya mom”, “that’s what ya mom said, and ya sister”, “learn how to play you noob”, “says the player with only 1 kill”, “git gud”… hell, they can’t even try to be literate. And if you have a go back, they report you for HATE SPEECH.

Come on people. Just because everyone has the power of speech, it doesn’t neccessarily make everyone intelligent. It just makes them a little less stupid.

This thread has totally proved my concept that intelligence and common sense are 2 completely diferent entities. You can teach intelligence with the right curriculum, but you can’t teach common sense.

If the team with most kills is able to destroy all enemy units, the game ends no matter how many zones are capped or not due to enemy team not having vehicles to spawn in.

Then again, this are just gaijin words:
“As War Thunder is primarily a PvP focused game and getting kills is the ultimate goal to win battles…”


([RoadMap] Following the Roadmap: Skill Bonuses in RP & Selectable Night Battles! (3 - Page) ) - News - War Thunder)

Having good K/D proves that You are not a burden to the team as You are not giving more to the enemy than You take. You might be the best at taking zones but if You are unable to kill more than You die it only means that there always has to be someone to do the killing for You.

It is always funny to see people getting angry over it.


Had a player like You in the game, he was blaiming all the team for not rushing for their deaths.

So yea, please next time don’t try to make reality in what You want it to be ;).

Yea, that sounds just like a massive rant of a person who doesn’t really understand how game works.

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The only time I’ve done 1 death leaving in ground has been because of specific missions in the battlepass has encuraged me to specifically play that way, the majority of the time I play for 3-5 spawns depending on the match, sometimes only 2 but that’s because by the time I die a second time it’s 10 min in and my team is down to 4 players and we are getting spawn camped at that point so I could either respawn and get killed or just leave the rest of the match

I agree with your logic is not worth to stay with 4 people left in your team and getting spawn camping unless you manage to spawn NUKE plane to kill the op team somehow.

Two reasons. The first being out of sheer frustration after getting stomped for several games in a row, the second is getting spawn camped.

IMO one death leavers should get their RP/SL gains cut in half

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When playing higher tiers and you just can’t stand one more CQB map.
There are so very very very few decent maps for higher tiers.

Sometimes I might even do a zero death leave and just say f*ck it and do something else for a while.


Because the game is pretty much garbage, why bother when the odds are stacked against you so much that you are rarely if ever going to win a game.

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It doesn’t look like anyone on your team had any fun. This is a horrible standard to have for a game being fun if every round is like that.

one time leave for me there is no point in spawning in another tank or a backup one saves lions with only needing 1 repair and dont want to deal with my shit team that i get most of the time

It’s very difficult to determine whether or not players had fun based on the outcome match. People have varied goals and expecatations when coming into a match.

I’m slowly but surely coming to the conclusion that issue with War Thunder and peoples complaints in general isn’t the balance, matchmaking or teamwork. People come to the forums to complain because they don’t know when to step away from the keyboard and do something else.

War Thunder is partly to blame because it has systems in place to incentivise play past the point of enjoyment with systems where premium time counts down whether you log in and play or not. Rewards and boosters that have expiration timers, and battlepass and grinding events which force players to commit a specific amount of time within 48 hour blocks to unlock event vehicles.

I think we’d see a massive reduction in complaints if people didn’t feel compelled to play even when the gameplay stopped being rewarding. **We might also see a drop in player base if people didn’t feel compelled to play also


It wouldn’t matter if everyone stepped away from the game for a month. All the issues we’re seeing would still be there. This is just cope for the fact the game is designed to make you waste money in any way possible.

TL;DR it doesn’t matter whether you win, lose, ODL, it’s how/why you play the game.

Again, while true I think this is more a reflection of your state of mind than a reflection of the game. Many people enjoy the game and stay, many people leave for other games but there are people who feel the need to stay, but also the need to complain and lobby for change.

With regards to the issues, I’m just not convinced that they’re really that much of a problem. We the forum are a vanishingly small portion of the player base, a slightly larger fraction if you consider the people who discuss the game on reddit also. The silent majority votes with their feet, and in this case their wallets also. When I say stepping away from the keyboard I mean letting their temper/emotions settle and do something else. This topic as well as the variations of ODL and ‘Shit Teams’ in my opinion are a group of players that are dissatisfied with their winrates. When a player leaves a battle before it’s over to me there’s two main reasons:

  • They’re happy with their contribution and want to start a new match, or
  • They’re convinced that the match is a lost cause, and they’re looking for a new match.

With the exception spawn camping and encirclement, the way war thunder plays mechanically doesn’t change depending on whether or not you’re winning or losing. If you enjoy driving the tanks and flying the planes, it shouldn’t matter whether or not you win or lose each match, as in the grand scheme of things to total wins and losses balance out in the wash. If you only enjoy playing when you win, essentially you only enjoy winning, there will never be any pleasing you.

War Thunder is a very deliberately designed game, the issues people complain about aren’t oversights or unwanted side effects, it’s the game working as intended. The fact that we have a system were player suggestions for vehicles are regularly implemented into the game, along with ‘selectively’ chosen suggestions for fixing inaccuracies and problems with how vehicles are modelled.

The developers definitely listen to us but choose to act selectively.

I can’t PM you because you profile is private but if you’d be interested I would like to get your perspective on the game given your 50k battles, are you able to PM me some time?

You mean GARB? It’s ground for 1 min, ARB for the last 24 mins