Have you read the rest of my post?
The current match design literally limits aircraft and tactical variety.
You do not have time to climb to high altitude to bank energy for fighting in aircraft that got good instantaneous turn but lack the acceleration to sustain it without spending energy (thus kind of favoring a downward spiraling fight). With ARB’s snowballing and player density, you cannot afford to take an aircraft with a heavy airframe compared to its engines to proper altitude AND accelerate to good speed because the match ends by that time. You either have decent speed and no altitude, which means you have nowhere to dive and spiral to sustain the speed needed for your maneuvers; or you climb to altitude but are sitting at something like 270 km/h where your roll rate feels like a brick.
You do not have the time and space to methodically engage your enemies. You dive, make a pass and extend/climb away. By the time you’ve harassed your target down to a speed and altitude they cannot dodge from, the match is over due to snowballing.
Non-squadded air RB favours only 2 tactics:
- Air spawn abuse in the likes of xp-50, F84-B/G for early snowball
- Highly maneuverable, good climbrate aircraft with low-time-to-kill snapshot potential to fly into the furball from above, get kills rapidly and cause snowballing
It does not allow you to (unless everyone else died on both teams equally and you get a 4vs4 or similar. Those are a lot of fun when they happen. However, a.i ticket bleed killed a lot of these)
- pre-game your engagement. Mind-games with your opponent, jokeying for position, playing chicken to see who commits first and whether it’s an actual commitment or just a sleight of hand to make you turn and waste altitude and speed. Abusing clouds and the sun to mask your advantage. This is not possible because this can take a good amount of time (multiple minutes) and by the time an advantage/opening was secured, the rest of your/enemy team is dead.
- High altitude dogfights that slowly spiral to the ground - there’s no room or time to climb to a reasonable altitude.
- Methodical boom & zoom to deal with assymetric advantages.
- “I would die if I tried to turnfight this guy and our energy levels are similar. I need to extend away and build up an advantage using my superior straight-line retention and engine performance at higher altitudes”
Given that outside of a successful ambush the enemy was unaware of and failed to evade/defend themselves, even lopsided engagements can be at least a minute long… how do you expect varied gameplay when the total match time is rarely more than 10 minutes even at prop/gunfighter jet tiers (other than hunting stragglers who cannot put up a fun match up due to number disparities)?
Some example times from checking timestamps I made... (counting from time within range of ~2 km
- Fighting a plane with superior turn performance and low-speed capabilities - ~4-5 minutes of posturing and building an advantage while trying to avoid the other plane from just disengaging.
- Fighting a plane that’s on my six - 90 seconds of scissors until reversal and kill
- Dying to 2 planes on my six while trying to evade one of them, unaware of second - 1 minute
- Diving on a unaware target - ~30 seconds to get in range and kill.
- Similar energy states, fully aware, similar capabilities for dogfighting - 2 minutes to
- Similar energy states, fully aware, assymetric capabilities (high climb rate/acceleration/sustained maneuverability vs good diver/high speed high cost maneuvering) - 3 minutes with good visibility, 6 minutes with clouds and trying to ambush the other person (both fights were same enemy in same plane)(second one might be even longer given the bf109 might’ve spent time setting up their initial attack on me I wasn’t even aware of)
- fighting a plane with superior energy and position but I have superior short-term engine performance (19:40 when I notice they exist and are shooting at me, 23:04 when their engine dies and they try to glide away. Giving times specifically as start is fuzzy and end is fuzzy)
The above issues stem from:
- Objective design that crams 16v16 into a barely 16 kilometer wide (on likes of tunisia) frontline (32 for big maps like vietnam). We need objective design that splits the 16v16 into 3 localized 4v4 dogfights (that respects pre-mades), accounting for 4 bombers on both teams. Snowballing remains a thing after the 4vs4 are won/lost and people join to help their team mates, but individual skill and tactics become far more pronounced over relying on third partying. Biggest drawback is it makes pre-made squads even more powerful.
- Airfield/spawn design that places both sides on the same column wasting a lot of map area without any incentive to NOT fly into that column/row (time taken to side climb/flank not viable due to snowball potentials unless in a few specific planes at specific BRs)
- 25 minute max match length that disadvantages methodical harrassment with BnZ and automatic ai induced ticket bleed. The automatic a.i induced ticket bleed was fixed. Returning original 1 hour match timer has risks in space climbers/airfield campers, but objective design should help. Objective design should also alleviate issues of snowballing from delayed-(but-high)-impact tactics.
These two images should summarize the issues of ARB vs SB EC:
RB Vietnam:

Most of the fighting occurs at E-F 4-5-6 with most of it around 4-5. This amounts to a roughly 32-48 km wide frontline. Actual map width is 128km.
SB Smolensk (same size as Vietnam):

This was taken not long after a air superiority fight at B5. As visible from the damaged base, there’s playerbombers going for E6 (BCDE - 4x16, 56, 2x16 - roughly 70 km apart assuming edge to edge and diagonal.). There’s also an a.i objective that when left alone/cleared makes a significant impact on which side wins at d7 (BCD - 3x16, 567, 3x16 - roughly 65-70 km again). Later on, air superiority showed up at F4 or somewhere around there while the ground battles still continued at BC45.
In short: We got 128x128 of play area. There’s incentives to use all that 128x128 area, even if those incentives don’t always appear together at the same time - there’s still a pretty decent incentive to at least split players into two groups.