That foul language flag in that report may have been from the previous lot and there could be 8 into the passive behaviour.
(At least that’s how it was explained to me)
That foul language flag in that report may have been from the previous lot and there could be 8 into the passive behaviour.
(At least that’s how it was explained to me)
First of all, you have been “Reported Bombed”, which is a silly waste of time by those doing it. There is a common misperception that you can get a player into trouble or banned by making mass amounts of reports against them. This is completely false. In fact, making false reports is a bannable offense. If you have done nothing wrong, then disregard any such announcement, they are automated and triggered by getting a certain amount of reports against you in certain period of time. Again, if you did nothing wrong, you have nothing to worry about, it’s just players that do not understand how the complaint system even works, and chances are they never even bothered to read the Game Rules in the first place.
As for what you are thinking is “passive behavior”, it is not. Playing the game, trying to stay alive is a valid tactic. Passive Behavior is when a player does nothing at all . . spawns in a tank, never moves the entire game. Spawns in Air RB and never leaves the airfield . . . these actions or inactions can be determined to be passive behavior, nothing else. Example: Say a guy spawns in a tank battle, drives out of spawn and then takes a position behind a rock not all that far from spawn, but has made some actions. He sits there the rest of the game. Is this passive? . . . maybe, maybe not. It is possible they are experiencing connections issues, went afk for personal rl reasons, or even waiting to “make their move”.
Extremely hard to tell in this case and not likely to be acted on all by itself. Repeated behavior of this sort might result in a sanction, but . . . again, very hard to prove wrongdoing, so not very likely.
Point being, it does not matter what the other players in your game might think of how you play, if you are playing the game, being active in any manner, you are not going to get into trouble for “passive behavior” . . . pretty simple.
And both “report bombing” & reports of passive behavior as you describe, are made out of an emotional reaction. Players getting mad because they do not approve of how you are playing the game. That in and of itself is not against the Rules in anyway. As long as you do not break the Rules, it doesn’t matter if other players approve or not.
Hope that explains things some for you, because you have nothing to be angry about, as long as you understand the Game Rules and how the Complaint system works. If you have any other questions or need further clarification, contact a Game Master directly here in the Forum
Any consequences as yet? Heaven help you if you run it to a 4 ship squadron intent on tking! If you try to take them on that’s 4 strikes against you. Doesn’t happen very often but it does happen.
No. Nothing came of it, I was report bombed by some squad I annoyed in a naval battle.
So you are saying I may have sworn at someone a few times just before I was banned, and have picked up a few more reports in the last 2 years to get the message? Maybe. Not sure how the system works exactly. If it hangs on to reports for a long period of time and then fires them at you when you collect 10 then that’s a very unforgiving system isn’t it?
Again, if you want the details, send me a message, i cannot post rule breaking chat logs publicly.
We absolutely do NOT punish just for having reports against you. We punish for what those reports contain.
Would NEVER happen unless you actually broke the rules. players can send hundreds of reports against you and nothing would happen to you if you did nothing wrong.
Now that is impressive 🤣
Thanks for your comments Necro. You seem to be an honest and fair moderator. TBH us joystick/pad users took a lot of flak from the mousers back in the day because they didn’t like what we said (and we weren’t really protected by the mods - a lot left).
This is a much better game with a pad or stick (most are too lazy to even try), but it’s very unfair gameplay wise, and, yes it can drive you into a rage because of it (but I don’t want to fly a UFO).
No, that is not possible, the automated msg is triggered by “X” amount of reports in “X” amount of time, and it is a very short time period, not an accumulation over any long length of time, it is all “recent” . . and it is just a warning, not a threat.
And automated, not triggered by the GM’s or any person.
I thought so, too. Good ol’ naval battles :D
I’m surprised I’ve yet to get a warning from a few PvEers that I made mad in air SIM yet
About the passive behaviour thing. That is exactly my thinking too. But if that is the case then it should not be an option to report someone on it because the term ‘Passive Behaviour’ is meaningless. People that report others on it are one dimensional. Sure, if you have 5 team members left and there’s a PE8 in space and you are going to lose on tickets then it’s frustrating. But so be it. It’s never bothered me. If you’ve got 5 team mates left then work out another way to win instead of complaining. To me that’s all part of the game, and the people that do so should really be in AB.
This is why there is a ticket system. You usually find that if your team opt to ground pound, they get wiped out and you have to find a way of surviving until the tickets or time runs out. It seems that some impatient opponents get upset about this and feel that they should win by default, simply because more of them have survived…
I had assumed the timing thing was in operation as that is much fairer. It proves then, that I am being reported for something I couldn’t have possibly done.
This is imho not correct.
The warning message is generated automatically after getting above the threshold of 10 complaints.
This is totally independent from the fact that complaints are not investigated at this point of time.
A warning in the classic sense is to inform somebody about rule breaking behaviour with the goal to stop this behaviour immediately to avoid consequences.
So technically seen this message is useless as:
It does not prevent punishments if rule breaking behaviour actually happend but investigated later than the message
As stated earlier the quality of reports is decisive, not the quantity
There is therefore no educational effect attached to this message, it just informs about a random number (here 10) of complaints
In other words - it might be worth to think about a deletion of this auto-generated message as it fulfils no purpose.
I actually agree, and i have seen others state the same. I didn’t say i think it’s a good system, just why it’s there. :)
You could have waited at least one month more - than you would be in a 12 month interval regarding this topic:
Have a good one!
Ha ha I just couldn’t Uncle. And if I see you in battle you’ll know why I can’t reply to you anymore. May come and help you though if you are on my side (you give the instructions for obvious reasons).
Yes, this a topic that always comes up every year or so sadly.
I think the passive thing has been put to bed and shouldn’t be an issue.
Foul Language - well, everyone’s got a profanity filter which **** things out, but yes he’s right - still it boils the blood if you get killed by a bot gunner from a mile away or you see a n00b being picked on by team killers - I think that’s why I was made a community helper in the first place, some mod must have picked up on some of my (less feverish and abusive) rants.
In the past I have let goaders get the better of me and have replied when I shouldn’t have (I see saying nothing as a sign of weakness). Sometimes, yes, I admit to have started it. One of the worst times was when I saw my nephew being set upon by a level 50 team killer. He was level 1. It made him not want to continue and he hasn’t touched the game ever since. For this I gave the guy a mouthful, because he just said “not playing if this is what happens when you start off”
Team killing - just measures are in place (kill a more expensive friendly then you pay the repair) but it is frustrating to see a few tkers ripping through the team (especially if you are against the Russians).
If you tk a second time in a match the system should kick you (I’ve never accidently tked twice in 1 match). TKers are not kicked enough sometimes. Maybe the algorithm needs a little tweaking.
Just don’t teamkill teamkillers, just report them.
But to be fair, I will teamkill when someone tries to ram my rudder or something like that to make me crash. Happens very often if you play harriers on CIS servers, many eastern players are toxic like that, they also kill each other often from nationalistic reasons
If that’s the case then I got lied to by the moderators lol…
I had 3 squadrons reporting me constantly for a month, just for showing up thier squadron leader about the Keen Vision skill.
What did you do? Offend the LGHDTV community, furries, femboys?