Warnings for passive behaviour/Foul language/teamkilling

Are you paid to do so? Are there enough staff that are doing so?

Could you tell my why I was permabanned for having a go at team killers when I thought I was telling them not to teamkill newer people to the game that start with nothing and can’t progress because idiots spot their rank and go after them just because?

I will admit to some early ranting about other issues which I shouldn’t have done, but most of my communications which got me chatbanned were about teamkilling if you’d care to look. Again - it depends on just who is doing the banning. If you get someone fair then so be it, but you might not.

Most of the stuff I said in the final stages wasn’t really, as you say, “severe” but then it depends on the person judging you. And yes, I did use profanity a good few times, but then people can filter it.

I suppose I disliked tking so much because I remember when i first started in 2013. It was TOUGH - especially with a joystick. Every time I see a beginner being tked it takes me right back to that.

You know, I’m sure my permaban came about simply because someone decided to say I was using foul language when I wasn’t. I know you guys cant check everything.

I was a community helper at one stage too.

Using the more serious of bad words would likely cause that… Just saying… You must’ve said some serious crap to be permamuted, or did it a lot, repeatedly getting muted for it.

Quite easy:

Add a new tab in the Fair Play reports about temp or perma bans based on wrong accusations. The team killing list had thousands of temp bans and just one perma ban…

No, Game Masters are Volunteers.

Screenshot 2025-01-25 193420

If you want details of your punishments you can PM me, I cannot type rule breaking messages publicly.
There are no excuses for breaking the rules. Two wrongs don’t make a right.


Chat is always verified with the ticket, sending your entire chat log for that match, so, you outed yourself.

I don’t understand ‘foul language’ as there are barely any chat rules, what makes more sense is ‘hate speech’ or similar ones.

Now it is, a while back it wouldn’t have been.

I know, but this is a recent post, so…

But they’re saying they’ve been muted for 2 years…

Hyperbole, they blocked their ban time with their finger in the photograph they uploaded.

No… it’s a report notification, not a ban message…

If you think there aren’t many chat rules then i highly recommend you read through the rules, TOS and code of conduct again.



Code of Conduct

TLDR (although i still recommend reading through them):


nah i got lot a lot of time (for the thing I didn’t do maybe sometime accidently TK but i always apologies to them) it just a warning that you’ve got report if you didn’t do it you don’t need to worry about.


This is only a recent (and welcome) addition to the game, so you mustn’t have been here for long, friend. So I didn’t “out” myself as you said. I wish it had been available at the time.

The log is certainly a step up for reporting team killers as it is easier to verify. They usually think that saying “sorry for teamkill” will exonerate them in some way.

So what Gaijin basically say about team killers is - let them do it. They pay for the repair bills, fine. But the rest of the team still suffers if the system does not kick them after the 2nd or 3rd time they do it. That part is still unresolved.

Have you actually been muted as long as you say?

(Edit - I got muted years back for a day or 2, and when that one happened, it stopped you using radio, and map pings and everything, it was debilitating.)

I’ve played since hot tracks, so not new. I’m just not a pansy and get my feelings hurt and report someone for it.

You must have missed the ban wave that happened 2 months ago:

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But you DO seem to be a child. Listen, if I warrant a ban then fair enough but an adult is a better judge of what he does. My feelings are NOT hurt, I can take it. What I can’t take is getting reported for something I didn’t do, because here it leads to consequences (i.e. not being able to communicate with team mates).

Completely false.

Again, if you want details of your own punishment status and reasons for having one (if you do), then you are free to send me a private message.

You know what I did when I got one of those last year?

I laughed

I screenshotted

And then I went about my day not giving it another thought.


But it DOES Necro! I have been reported for something I didn’t do (Foul Language) simply because I am perma chat banned (for over 2 years). How is that completely false.

What if that lead me to having a ban for a day where I could not play? You are on a tight deadline for doing the daily tasks.

Please PM me these details, although I doubt if it will change anything.