Vixen at 8.3?

except youre playing as a support fighter so you are engaging targets that are likely going to be unaware

and that shows because they are performing well even when their matches have some aircraft with counter measures. you dont even need to be able to kill every single aircraft as long as you can kill many enough to have a good kd ratio. it means you kill more than what you die. many active players can do that. noobs cant.

above reply is for your down comments because its too back and worth i already told you why your opinion is invalid and now youre trying it again. refer to the earlier comment where i told you about using individual matches as “proof of something being trash”.

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Facts are facts though. Red top vs anything with CMs is unusable.

The amount of things at 9.3/9.7 with CMs make the Sea Vixen exceptionally hard to paly in a full uptier, which is basically only ever sees due to how popular the 9.7 premiums are.

You are faster than some but way slower than the Mig-21 and F-104 you face just 0.3 BR higher and the Mig-21 has all-aspect missiles that would perform little better than the Red tops would with all-aspect seeker.

Yes, I get a good KD because im avoiding fights most often. Rarely am I in a situation where I can get attacked and I just dive down on someone else in a dogfight and kill them. That does not mean those vehicles are the same. If anything, that is evidence the Sea Vixen is underperforming it is forced into such defensive gameplay.

And just died in that second match. AV-8A. I couldnt run away because he was faster. and nothing I could do against an Aim-9G fired in rear-aspect. Even IF I got a shot oppuntity. 240 flares would have denied any shot I could have gotten.

TLDR: “You are too weak to fight anything in a 1v1 and can only fight things you outnumber”

tl;dr youre a support fighter (and it performs well as such for active players but not for noobs)

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And you think SB and RB gameplay are no different to where maybe it would be harder to do so in sim?

I think your playstyle is not compatible with the Vixen.

Looking at your replays, I diagnose you with severe tunnel vision syndrome. You are not looking around as much as you need. In 2 of the 3 matches you got jumped.
Your target prio is also a mess.
You also fly like you have guns, which I don’t understand why you are doing that. Especially when you have teammates around. Just separate a bit, turn around and come in at an off angle behind the occupied enemy. But try not to shoot from second row, as accidents can happen…

And you seem to looove head-ons. Like actively seeking them out.

Are you plaing with mouse control or with a joystick in RB?

I look around just fine, but I cant look everywhere at once.

I am going for things slow or things with no CMs

How do you prevent something from turning headon to you? How do you make soemone stay flying away from you when the easiest way to fight a Vixen is to turn towards it

Demon and the hover sausage both supersonic and both have better missiles and a gun.

How does this OP Sea Vixen avoid an R60?

Support fighter/support tank means not good enough to cary.

I thought it was OP?

were talking about it being a support fighter in the new heightened battle rating

oh no! you can still have a good kd ratio so too bad

KD is only relevant if you care about it and if you play meta vehicles. Lucky if you see what 2 In a game?
Im air RB (my main game mode) you see 1/2 Sea Vixen and they die if players have a brain.

You also forget it is a premium and premium vehicles get a favourable BR. Take it up with Gaijin.
Im sure the 8 people that play it all have +4 KDs and it will be 10.0 in no time

Not always, some planes just do a really good job of securing kills on people distracted by teammates ie because they have powerful weapons but not great FM usually

kd is relevant because it tells us how well a vehicle can perform in the hands of active good players
if the vehicle is suitable for the battle rating it will have a good positive kill to death ratio
you can live in your ignorance if you want to and the “meta vehicles” comment doesnt mean anything

Exactly like a Tornado F.3 vs a Su-27 which out of those 2 jets has a greater potential to carry the game?

not a fair comparison? Su27 is one of the strongest support fighters in the game on top of being a decent dogfighter at that.

KD is skewed it is not always indicative.
Gaijin looks at global statistics win rates.
Are Britain winning many sim games?

Meta is just that

Su-27 can and does frequently hit 5 kills a game.
Its faster
Carries more missiles
Superior flight model

Tornado strength
AIM 120
Counter measures (although BOL pods are nerfed hard)

Yeah… you’re preaching to the choir? Su-27 is my most played vehicle rn. I’m just telling you that your comparison is unfair because in ALL roles the su27 is better, including as a support fighter.

win rate is how well a whole team does not how well a plane does
its irrelevant because teams dont consist 100% of a singular plane type in 99.9% of matches

Calling Aim-7Cs and Aim-9Bs better than whatever the Sea Vixen has is certainly a take (a bad one).