Vixen at 8.3?

I am tired of playing with planes like the Mig-15 again the GB Vixen.
The vixen has missiles , they are not amazing but in simulator battles can find people off guard. That its okay because they can be dodged, however, the thing is that is so dammn fast that it can just run and run.
It requieres 0 skill and farms really easy.

I think that it should be uptiered to 9.0. (That is its RB rating), or at least to 8.7.


It literally has no guns

And it is way faster than other 8.3 aircraft. It can always just run away and it can always catch up to others.
And it has 4 missiles at 8.3.


It has no guns, it has 4x missiles that can only really be used in ambushes because they can be instantly defeated by turning slightly.

You can outrun some things just about, but not everything.

If anything sees you coming, there is nothing you can do about it in the sea vixen and you just have to turn away.

Sea-Vixen is actually underperforming quite a lot at the moment and needs buffs. Naturally some of those will result in a BR increase, but until then it’s fine at 8.3. in fact it probably needs to be 8.3/8.7 again in RB as 9.0 is way too high.

Those that are missing include all-aspect for Red Tops and Napalm bombs. With those it can be 8.7-9.0


I’d personally steer away from having more all-aspect missile trucks at low BRs. Sure, the Red Top isn’t the best performing but my point still stands, it isn’t enjoyable to play against. DH.110 being a premium also ends up exacerbating the issue…

Red Tops already have all-aspect ability and you definitely dont need to turn “slightly” to dodge a Red Top, its not an Aim-9B.
It literally outruns everything at 8.3
It would be a solid 8.7 and a viable 9.0


The issue is no guns. There is absolutely nothing you can do Vs a target turning, because they are defeated instantly if there are, even if you can get a lock.

They don’t, they should lock onto something sub-sonic with no AB at 3km. They currently will look onto something with AB at about 500m

To defeat a Red Top, turn slightly. 100% guaranteed defeat.

It would be DOA at 9.0 like it is in ARB without massive buffs. Maybe 8.7, but no, it’s not the fastest, plenty can keep pace and nearly everything can just out turn it. It has one play, sneak up behind something and fire. Anything with eyes will see it coming because it has a massive silhouette. If you see it coming…don’t fly in a straight line and you are completely immune to it

what are you cooking man

You want to delete the sea-vixen from the game by nerfing it so much it would be unplayable.

It has no guns
It has missiles that are easily defeated
It has a massive silhouette
It has limited turn performance

It has exactly 2 advantages.

  1. speed, but it is still sub-sonic and most things can still keep pace with it, the difference in speed between aircraft is minimal, it’s just enough to allow the sea-vixen to disengage, but not enough to run around immune to attack. At 8.7 that advantage is eliminated entirely

  2. radar, it has a decent radar with IFF. Not unique at that BR but a rare advantage

Giving it capable all-aspect missiles just winds up massively shifting balance in the BR range… For both SB and RB. Missiles IMO are probably the worst thing to happen to korean war-era jets, because we have planes like the A-4N Ayit, Harrier GR.3, Yak-38 and of course the Sea Vixen, which all primarily rely on having their bonkers missiles against mostly defenseless aircraft. Though if you pay attention, R-60s and Red Tops are dodgable yes. It just straight up isn’t fun to play against these when they will just collect free kills on your clueless or outright defenseless allies and simply run from you, then your team gets snowballed.

Yes, i am speaking for RB right now and i do understand it’s a SB thread. Weapon changes affect all of the gamemodes.

Why are you comparing the Sea-Vixen with no guns, no CMs and 10G missiles with aircraft with guns, CMs and 30G missiles?

Red Tops are defeated by turning slightly, compare them to Aim-9Bs or Aim-9Es not R-60s.

I would most closely compare the Sea-Vixen to something like the Scimitar which has the same speed but trades 4x Red Tops for 4x 30mm ADEN and 4x Aim-9Bs at 8.7. But the guns give a level of flexibility that the Sea Vixen does not have and so must be taken into account. Javelin as well, though that thing is over BRed since its recent round of nerfs. (4x 30mm ADEN and 4x Firestreaks) and needs to join the Sea Vixen at 8.3

And it straight up isnt fun flying around and around in circles AFK because there is nothing you can do in a match because the enemy team has more than 1 brain cell and actually turns when they see you. All-aspect would enable you to be able to actually attack, especially in a headon. In RB you face nothing but things with CMs as well, which only make the Sea-Vixen even more unplayable. in SB thankfully it doesnt, but it is still easily outclassed by most other aircraft in most other situations. Whilst it oculdnt remain at 8.3 with all-aspect red tops, they really wouldnt be all that powerful either. SRAAMs for example, which are also missing all-aspect would be far harder to balance appropriately should they get that buff, and so I would vote against it, but Red Tops, would be far from OP and barely need any BR increase for SB, none for RB. The Sea Vixen is boardering DOA in ARB currently since its BR increase and I would hate to see it rendered the same in SB where its even weaker

Spoiler - more like 5km

are these CMs here in the room with us right now?

They would still be all-aspect.


tell me what other plane at 8.7 would catch it or have similar missiles to it or have a good radar with IFF

In front aspect not rear aspect

Sea vixen has no guns, so has stronger missiles, but they are at best equal to Aim-9Es which are found barely higher.

Speed is the only defence the Sea-Vixen has but it’s no faster than the swift F1 or Scimitar. Mog-15 easily out turns most things at 8.3, should it’s BR be increased because it can outturn most other aircraft?

It has a radar, but is affected by ground clutter, yes it has IFF. But so does aircraft like the Javelin which should also be 8.3 since its nerfs.

There is nothing anyone else can do against a Sea Vixen running. Even afterburning aircraft like F-86K can’t catch up to it.


It’s also just better for the game/bracket as a whole if the Sea Vixen goes to 9.0 or 9.3. It is always better for outliers to go up and suffer than stay where they are and dominate the BR. And most importantly, no plane should ever be untouchable, and that’s exactly what the Sea Vixen is at 8.3 or even 8.7.

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It literally has no guns and Red top missiles are not even close to how they should be

F-100 is supersonic. So naturally is a full BR higher and has guns

My point is if your only reason to move the Sea-Vixen up is that it has a minor speed advantage then what of the swift which has the exact same speed? Nerf it too? Do you just want the Mig-15 to be fastest and most nimble aircraft at that BR so it can win every fight without effort?

All I see is someone moaning that soviets are not OP at every BR and anything that holds a small advantage must be nerfed

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