VIDAR must be increased in BR

Only on the right map facing the right enemies. The 103 is very weak to ATGMS/HEAT, and is very weak in an offensive or CQC position. You have also played no swedish vehicles, so you don’t have anywhere near the experience in them I do.

I have 336 battles in the Tiger II H, with 327 deaths, and 506 kills. It is a pretty good tank.

111 games ,lets talk after you have been bombed few more times

Play panthers in AB, its a crackfest. They get the mobility buff of a medium while essentially being a heavy… (This makes them beat LTs to the point its bs)

111 games is enough to have an opinion on a tank. You only have 116 in the Tiger II H.


Your opinion is invalid and you should feel REALLY bad about it.

My apologies ,i should know better than to argue with my betters ,please enjoy your game ,maybe we will meet sometimes and you can teach me how to be as good as you .

You’re the one telling me my experience is wrong because “I haven’t played enough to be bombed yet” acting like I haven’t been killed by CAS in the Tiger 2

Okay tbf theres no need to dogpile him…

Hes admitted his faults which is more then most people on this forum can say.


Honestly, try taking the Tiger II out in AB as well as RB, and see what you can learn from it- it can teach you reaction speed, etc.

Its also significantly better there, so if your having difficulties in RB it will be a bit easier.

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High key thought he was being sarcastic tbh so I can see why I_S said what he said

dies in lack of social context or something, idk

??? Where did he do that???

Nah its text no emotion can properly convey over text

UnLEsS YoU TyPe LiKe ThIs BeCaUsE ThEn I wIlL KnOw YoU ArE EiThEr MoCkInG Me Or BeInG SaRcASTiC


I presumed he was being genuine, and I dont like dogpiling in general lol

I don’t like unjust dogpilling.

Generally I just use /s

Let him have his win .

Again this is text I can’t tell if you are being sarcastic or not

He’s upset that he was told he was wrong by many people.

Upset ,not really ,i admitted you were battle master and you nit pick again.

Not sure what i can do other than put your nickname as decal on my tanks

Your words are extremely sarcastic.