VIDAR must be increased in BR

9.7 is crazy but something like 8.7 would work out great

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The VIDAR only performs slightly worse at best than the STRF 103. So it absolutely still should be considered for an uptier. Especially if you combine capability data along with performance, it grossly outclasses many vehicles at the BR and wholy deserves to be moved up.

Unless, that is, you want to move everything down, in which case fine.

My man has not played the 103, god knows it doesnt need to go up. Facing apfsds…

Let’s not forget that if you’re not dead after a penetration, you’re immobilized and cannot shoot back (unless you were aiming at them previously before the engine got smoked).

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That might have been true in 2018
Since then Tiger II and everything germans have at 6.7 or even going down all the way to 4.0 can be lol penned by everything they face. Maus being at 7.7 is just joke.

Release premium ,place it on two or three B.R’s lower than it should be ,keep it there for two months then put it up half a br and like that for 6 months . Funny how we never see anything German in same position
Vidar isn’t only one and btw i don’t care for " it has no armor" bs argument.

Gaijin could have sorted this out very simply but it would impact bottom line …two empty br’s ,one between wwii stuff and cold war and other between cold war and modern…but once again that would stop dollars flowing.


They are some of the most well armoured and strongest tanks. Some tanks can easily pen them, but those tanks can easily pen everything. Germany is the strongest nation in GRB between 4.0 and 6.3.


Lolz ,sure

VIDAR 's thing isnt really lack of armor, its more lack of a stabilizer imo. At this point it should go to 8.7 but no higher, since it will be useful there but not mess with 7.0 or 7.3. Sweden also has a good lineup there, which is important.

No, because then you would have stuff like the Pvkv m/43 or the Ikv 103 facing leo 1s, which they would be horrendous at.

How are German tanks not good? Especially when compared to the competition?

They consistently have the best guns, and the most armour. They do lack mobility, but they make up for it by being very protected. If you think they are constantly lolpenned, play a different nation or play better.

Frankly you’re just not a very good player. I’ve been playing the Tiger2H pretty consistently for the past few months and do incredibly well in it due to how, as oldie said, FORGIVING it is regarding mistakes as well as the immensely powerful gun. People really like to over exaggerate both how many HEAT/APDS vehicles they face as well as how effective they really are. Don’t get me wrong, it is annoying to have your UFP being penetrated by a lower BR tank in a Tiger 2, but those same tanks give up a shit ton to get that HEAT/APDS usually and are also easily one shottable by the Tiger 2 usually. My stats right now in the Tiger2H are 298 kills to 107 deaths with a 52% win rate.

I agree with that.

Speaking from an AB perspective, germany is probably the best nation ingame once they get the panthers. Bonkers armor and mobility (On the panthers), and excellent guns. Even in RB from what I have heard they are very good, and they have APHE, so their guns are easily viable higher up.

Please make the vk go away its a light tank and I hate it

But it is ok if they club constantly in downtiers ,remove them like japanese ones if they cant be balanced or is that only for JPN/GER ?

swedish TDs dont club

besides SAV anyway

They dont club, though…

Only because they wont give it accurate ammo…

laughs in 1.2s reload 340mm pen HEAT

You are basing that opinion on few battles that you have in Tiger II ?

They are. The turret weakspot on the panthers is quite trolly sometimes, and they are incredible snipers. The panthers are fairly uptier proof because of their guns, and the Tiger Is and IIs are capable tanks.

Ok I’ll bite sweetie, what is your opinion based in? Your complete lack in playing anything but german vehicles so you have zero ***ing clue what you’re on about? If I’m greatly outperforming you in a sample size of 111 games, it’s on you.

LOlz ,103 in hands of player that is not blindfolded is 10 + kills every single match