VIDAR must be increased in BR

Honestly, if a war thunder crowd tells you that you’re wrong it actually means you are correct and present proper opinions

VIDAR getting nerfed,will be unplayable. From -4 to -2.5 deg depression

The crowd does not understand that. They see that “big gun go boom” so they want to nerf it to make it unplayable and unfun.

Me ,never.

You proved me wrong mighty General ,nothing that i can do when faced with such overwhelming skill and knowledge.

Big gun* with thermals and LRF and good armor and a spacy interior and an autoloader

The problem isn’t the big gun, it’s the big gun that gets everything it could ever need except for maybe a stabilizer, which is more than enough for it to go up in BR.

yeah, yeah, we all know, you want to kill fun vehicle

To ~8.7, yeah. Beyond that the stab is a big issue, and it cant go to 8.3 or 9.0 due to a complete lack of lineup.

It would be fine at 8.7 imo, sweden has a good lineup there.

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No yeah I totally think it should be 8.7, I have no problem with that. I’m not acting like it needs to go to 12.0 or snything- but a Bump in BR so it doesn’t face vehicles that already struggle like the T32 or the M46 or plenty of other examples would be nice.

However I also don’t think having a lineup should affect where it goes. The whole logic of “but there’s a lineup” is ridiculous when there are plenty of vehicles that are place in BRs without lineups, like the Italian M113A1 or the Namer currently or the MBT-70 or the Kugel or etc.

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Premium, thats why.

Correct, I do.

and you want to ruin people’s time by playing pay to win whale tanks


with LRF + 2nd gen thermals it should absolutely not fight type 99s ngl, comparable vehicles with incomparable performances

Leave vidar alone

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