Yes, that’s why stuff like the PLZ and Type 99 are at around 7.3 instead of 8.3.
If the VIDAR were to be put at 8.3, like I said, it would be closer to 8.7 than 7.7.
Yes, and that’s why I agree that the max BR should be increased for both aircraft and ground vehicles, then decompress top tier, then decompress the BRs below.
I mean, while it is under-BR’d, it’s not as bad as the 2S38, or Strela-10M, it’s got no armor, so it’s really just a “shoot first or die” situation, not a Mexican standoff. Gun-handling is dogshit from what I’ve heard, I mean, all that barrel and no stabilizer, gotta be as bad, if not worse than the PVKV II.
In a BR where 60% of the vehicles it’s facing are auto-cannons, it’s no issue, only if your playing high caliber, non-chemical munitions, which HEAT/HEAT-FS, is the main shell of choice at this BR.
Actually, the chemical munitions have a hard time one shorting it. The VIDAR doesn’t like to be Overpressured at all, especially by the Chem rounds. From my time in the OF-40 and R3 T106, I don’t think I’ve Overpressured a single one of the vehicles with those rounds.
Most aren’t though, and they will struggle to kill the VIDAR whilst it can one shot them, most SPAA isn’t that good either as a lot of them have very limited APDS.
If you can consistently hit the cupola of a VIDAR with the 105 mm heat from the R3 T106, then I applaud you good sir.
But I cannot, nor can the average wt player. It’s dang near impossible to be able to hit and OHK this beast with any vehicle because of how difficult it is to hit the cupola, and how large the interior is. Aside from one or two vehicles (Soviet ones at that, which get APCBC, like the Obj 906 and PT-76E), it is not easy to deal with or OHK.
For SPAA? Eh, it’s not REQUIRED, but it’ll go a long way in helping you kill it, since I’ve had non pens with the Falcon’s standard SAP rounds (and no damage), though it was at a weird angle, I’ll give you that.
35mm SAP has even better pen (~68mm of pen compared to 30mm SAP found on the Falcon, which is around 53mm of pen).
Gepards, and other SPAAs with the Oerlikon 35mms, barely struggle to deal with VIDARs.
I don’t have access to the statistics Gaijin has. I agree that its Br could be increased, but I doubt Gaijin will agree to this unless it is given a stabilizer as this is the major factor in its inability to engage in CQC.
It’s not a CQC vehicle, and it doesn’t need to be. Don’t ahistorically add a stabilizer to make it more viable as a CQC vehicle. The VIDAR is a sniper and always has been, it’s got all of the kit required to do that and do it well. It can absolutely go to 8.7 without issue.
i think at that br everything can kill everything personally i use it with my 10.0 lineup but still this doesnt mean this thing should be increased in br. there are many things like this like BAKAN and other spgs with your logic should all of those things br should be increased?