Type 625E

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Type 625E

625E(30mm gun)

Hello everyone :), what I would like to introduce today is the Type 625E SPAAG.


The Type 625E air defense system is currently the latest air defense system developed by China. The car was exhibited at the 2022 Zhuhai Air Show and was equipped with 6 barrel 30mm Gatling guns and 8*FB10A missiles. This vehicle is equipped with an air defense system and has the ability to shoot while moving, with a long range. It can effectively intercept incoming helicopters, low speed drones, incoming shells, etc. It has a variety of uses and high reliability. The chassis is an 8x8 high mobility wheeled chassis , which can quickly enter combat positions or transfer.


Its missile is the FB10A missile, with an interception range of 17km. This missile is a sub model of the HaiHongqi-10 missile, with a bolded engine to achieve a larger range. It uses a composite guidance mode of radar/infrared imaging, which has the technology of locking after launch and leaving it unattended after launch. It has strong anti-interference and multi-target interception capabilities and can provide effective air defense cover for troop mobility, concentration, and deployment.

The chassis performance of Type 625E is a variant of the FAW Jiefang Automobile Group MV3 truck model.The chassis has been extended with a pair of wheel axles, and after structural reinforcement, the width of the vehicle has been expanded to 3 meters. Hydropneumatic suspension has been added, and the driving form is 8x6 Its off-road performance is excellent, allowing for quick transfer to combat positions and rapid firing to intercept targets. Its six barrel 30mm GatlingGun system is capable of targeting aircraft, cruise missiles, helicopters, wandering ammunition, and low altitude drones. It has an effective range of up to 2.5 kilometers and an altitude limit of 2 kilometers. This weapon also plays a secondary role in ground operations and is effective against light armored vehicles.


In game

The Type 625E, with its sci-fi appearance, powerful firepower, and excellent air defense performance, has a very high reputation among Chinese players, and almost everyone wants a self-propelled anti-aircraft gun like this. This vehicle is an integrated anti-aircraft system with a combination of ammunition and artillery. It is equipped with 8*FB10A missiles with a long range and high power, and the gun has a high firing rate, making it a very good anti-aircraft gun for both near and far defense. Due to its extremely long missile range, it poses a significant threat to CAS, so it is recommended to place it at 11.7.


  • Crew:3
  • Main weapon:6-barrel 30 mm Gatling Gun
  • Secondary weapon:8xFB10A missiles
  • Engine:CA6DL2-35E3R engine
  • Max speed:90km/h
  • Driving form: 8x6
  • Auxiliary equipment: thermal imaging, laser rangefinder, photoelectric detection device, smoke bomb launcher,hydropneumatic suspension

The 625E type rotary gun is divided into 25mm and 30mm types, mainly distinguished by observing the water-cooled sleeve of the gun barrel, 25mm type for long pipes without water-cooled sleeves, and 30mm type for short or long pipes with water-cooled sleeves. Its 30mm rotary gun was developed from the AK630 close range gun.Any type of gun can fire AHEAD shells. The 625E model exhibited at the 2022 Zhuhai Air Show is a 30mm rotating barrel gun, and in the program《陆地神盾》, the 625E model was replaced with a 25mm rotary tube gun without a water-cooled jacket.

625E(30mm gun)
625E(30mm gun)
AHEAD shells


The FB-10A uses laser proximity fuze and infrared imaging seeker, and uses image recognition to search for enemies, with excellent anti-interference performance. The FB-10A used in the Type 625E is an extended range model with a longer range and stronger power.Its maximum range reaches 17 kilometers.

Laser Fuse


641 (1)
641 (2)


+1 but maybe not to the E variant just yet. I think the standard Type 625 in service with the PLA and fitted with MANPADs instead of FB10s should come first.

Also fun fact about the Type 625 in Chinese service: Not all of them are fitted with a radar so we could possibly see up to 3 Type 625s.


Isn’t 625E cannon 30mm (as it seems to be a development from the CS/SA5 system)? Only PLA own use Type 625 is 25mm I think.


The E of 625E represents “foreign trade model”, and I will submit a version with MANPAD installed later. The 625E suggested in this post is the version with radar installed. I believe that the 625 without radar cannot meet the air defense needs in the game, so I always look for pictures and information with radar.


The turrets of this car can be compatible with 25 or 30 guns and can be replaced as needed. The 625 model has indeed developed from the CS/SA5, divided into early and late stages, and there is a prototype car similar to a technology demonstration car, with the main difference in weapons and body. After more than a decade of development, we can see what the 625 looks like now.


The gun can fire AHEAD shells

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E is for export, both 30mm and 25mm are for choose.

because in chinese army, 625 work in groups, and share information with data links, both search radar and the small fire control radar on roof can be chosen

10km is for FB-10. FB-10A with bolded booster should be 18km.

just ir I think, it’s based on FL-3000N, export version of HQ-10, but removed passive radar guidance antenna(the 2 beside the seeker)

it’s based on MV3 truck
for it’s ammo. it can use normal 25mm or 30mm ammo, including programmable ammo and apds(25mm), apfsds(30mm). I can’t find the apfsds img, someone posted it on the forum.


Very useful information, I will make modifications

and better change pictures, the first 2 is 30mm version, which is shorter and have jacket around barrels, and the title better be TYPE-625E(25MM)

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Looks so cool.

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+1, looks slick + can rid air = Big support

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We know very little about this chassis, but we can make some guesses from the public shows. The driver’s position is very clear, located on the left front of the body, while the right front appears to be where the engine is installed. According to this image, the rear of the hull with the small window and raised compartment is the position of the gunner and the captain, which can be controlled by a number of joysticks and screens, with the captain on the left and the gunner on the right.


that looks like it was made by skynet and i want it

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Glad to see this vehicle added in the game. It’s a good way to compensate Chinese SPAA when facing new high mobility jets. Although Tor has one of the highest overload missiles, its missile only has 850 m/s (needs a long acceleration time to reach) for max speed, which is too slow to deal with high mobility jets like F16C and JAS39.
Type 625E can be a strong complement for this situation.


I am a Chinese main and although i heard the Tor is overpowered, i would like to see some indigenous SPAAs. +1 for this.


The Tor is underpowered.


just what i heard people say, never actually tried it, lets get back on topic

I’m just providing my own experience with the vehicle, and in the time I spent here talking with other Chinese mains, many holds similar view as me that the Tor M1 is at best average, and the vertical launch system is absolutely a pain to use, to the point that I simply bring out the Z10 for anti-air instead of this. So I definitely want something like the 625E.


Well to be fair the VLS does allow Tor to launch missile behind cover, which is one of few highlights of this vehicle, but all in all the lack of TVD along with huge smoke coming out of its missiles really hampered its aa capacity, as they make your missile much harder to aim/easier for CAS to dodge.

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