This post shall be used for tracking bug reports, suggestions and subjective/theorized performance. It should be considered supplementary to the main post which is reserved for verified/sourced information. I have added short summaries to each suggestion/bug report to save you a click if you just feel like browsing.
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- 24th March 2025 - Initial commit, suggestion and report collation
Type10 Phase IV Prototype 99-0214 - Not passed to developers
Type10 Phase IV Prototype 99-0214
This would add a similar variant of Type-10 prototype to the TKX-P, without add-on armour.
Type-10 with dozer blade - Passed to developers
Type-10 with dozer blade
This is a suggestion to add an additional (or modification) to the Type-10 that includes the addition of a dozer blade for entrenchment.
Type-10 with Hardkill APS - Passed to developers
Type-10 with Hardkill APS
This suggestion advocates for a 1-2 barrel, 2 module indigenous designed hard-kill APS.
CVT Transmission modelling for Type-10 tanks - Passed to developrs
CVT Transmission modelling for Type-10 tanks
This post advocates for the CVT transmission to be modelled to the Type-10 to help increase acceleration and maneuverability. This may have been somewhat implemented in the most recent update “hornets sting” within the confines and limitations of the existing game engine.
Bug reports:
Note: There are so many that it will take me a while to update this post. For a direct list, please click here.
Fixed/Approved Reports
Modified license plates TKX & TKX-P - Fixed
Modified license plate naming for TKX & TKX-P - marked as fixed
This report suggests better license plate naming for the TKX and TKX-P to have their names corrected to “99-0239”
TK-X missing non-slip coating - Fixed
TK-X missing non-slip coating - Fixed
This report mentioned the missing non-slip coating on the 3D model of the TK-X. This was approved and fixed in the subsequent patch.
Missing headlight grilles on the Type-10 - Fixed
Missing headlight grilles on the Type-10 - Fixed
This reports the missing headlight grilles for the 3D model for the Type 10. It has since been marked as fixed.
Rejected Reports:
TKX & TKX-P "modelling bug" - Rejected
TKX & TKX-P “modelling bug” - Rejected
Unclear as to what the bug is as the description only mentions that the modelling of the upper part of the turret is incorrect.
Improve acceleration performance of Type-10 tanks - Rejected
Improve acceleration performance of Type-10 tanks - Rejected
This post advocated on improved acceleration performance based on the HMT transmission, however it was rejected as not a bug due to the fact that no such mechanic exists in game. It was instead advised to open a suggestion instead (see CVT transmission modelling suggestion above).
Type-10 Should rotate at 45-47 degrees per second - Rejected
Type-10 Should rotate at 45-47 degrees per second - Rejected
The turret rotation speed bug report was rejected because the game doesn’t use stabilizer speed, and the reported Leopard 2 speeds are supported by external sources, though developers acknowledge potential inaccuracies in vertical guidance across multiple tanks and are studying the issue.
Type-10 Incorrect powerpack model - Closed as Duplicate
Type-10 Incorrect powerpack model - Closed as Duplicate
This reports that the engine model (as in 3d model) is incorrect. This was closed as a duplicate report and is a known issue.
Type-10 Missing armour around the "induction wheel" - Closed as Suggestion
Type-10 Missing armour around the “induction wheel” - Closed as Suggestion
This report suggests that The Type 10 tank’s induction wheel base lacks modeled armor, which is incorrect as it should be armored, not a hydraulic component. This was closed and marked as a suggestion.
Type-10 hull composite armor may be upside down - Closed as Suggestion
Type-10 hull composite armor may be upside down - Closed as Suggestion
This post compares the layout of the composite array of what I believe is the hull to reference photos. This was closed and passed as a suggestion.
Type-10 armour inconsistencies - Closed as Suggestion
Type-10 armour inconsistencies - Closed as Suggestion
There is too much for me to summarize in a short sentence, however this is an excellent writeup on how the Type-10 armour doesn’t align with the protection offered when compared to known Western designs, the thickness of different plates and other metrics. This was closed and passed as a suggestion.
Type-10 missing additional turret basket - Closed as Suggestion
Type-10 missing additional turret basket - Closed as Suggestion
This post outlines a missing external basket on the turret 3D model. This was closed and forwarded as a suggestion.
Open reports:
Blow out panels do not open - Open
Blow out panels do not open - Open
The report states that the blowout panels erroneously do not open when the ammunition within is cooked off. This is not consistent with other tanks that have the same blowout panel functionality.
Suspension of Type-10 tank is wrong - Open
[Suspension of Type-10 tank isBug Reporting Manager #1 added accepted label a year ago
wrong - Open] (Community Bug Reporting System)
This post outlines the incorrect model (as in 3d model) of the transmission.
Type-10 does not use maximum engine RPM when turning - Open
Type-10 does not use maximum engine RPM when turning - Open
It seems that only the Type-10 in game does not use the full available RPM when turning compared to other contemporary MBT’s.
General Estimates/Feelings on Performance
I’d like to hear from the community about how you feel the current modelling of the Type-10 and its variants is in-game, and what you think is accurate/inaccurate. I can summarize these and post it here. If you can back up your theories with documentation (sources from reputable magazines etc.), that would be much appreciated!