Type-10 Hitomaru, technical specifications and known information


If only they would fix the steering at last… I’m still waiting till then to come back and play with Japan :’)

Pressing A/D for 0.3 seconds and pulling a 180° turn coming to a full stop just isn’t fun…

Still a lot better than on live rn. Though I found myself having a similar issue on other tanks during Dev, maybe this is a global issue and not just Type 10 exclusive.

As of right now, it seems like only StrikeShield ADS has been selected for consideration to be installed on armored Vehicles and MBTs - The open alternatives (unknown test status) are Iron Fist and Trophy.

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Does anyone has any info on the 48t plan on type 10. Japan only plans to add aps and rs6, or are there plans to add era.

That is the mystery at this forum, all ppl know there have a 48t plan but all ppl don’t know what actually is it

Honestly I’m starting to think that such variant either doesnt exist or is keep as a very optional thing that requires modifications to the tank, like is been 13 years and there’s nothing, just quotes about it, not even a drawing of how it might look like, like I get that the JGSDF is secretive, but come on isn’t the entire point of the Fuji power showcase to you know, showcase what the SDF has? I’ve seen the APS diagram for the Type 10 but it shows the regular type 10 still no mention of the 48t variant

I also think there isn’t many ppl (or no ppl) know about what actually is it is in JGSDF

This is a subfolder from a larger archive from a few years back. Includes information of various systems. It’s readily available online.

AKA: 軍事情報アーカイブ “Military information archive”
大火力リークス “Big firepower leaks”

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So good news, it was slightly delayed but I finally managed to get a new computer. I’ll start collating all the bug reports and suggestions and have those added to the reserved comment when done. Thanks for all your patience.


I’ve updated the second post with a preliminary outline of the suggestions/bug reports/general feelings. If you can please provide feedback on what you’d like to see, please let me know!

There won’t be 12 Type 10 with RS6 this year. It is misinformation. Just 12 simple Type 10 was ordered to manufacture.
The works of installation 30mm RCWS and APS should be finished at January of 2026 and even at that date we don’t know what it will be - the full ready prototype or mock-up or something

Strange, I remember the new Type 10 tank project is synchronized with the RS6 installation plan.

Actually it is but at the 2025 year was ordered simple Type 10 as part of serial manufacturing to goal of 300 tanks. This 30mm RCWS version is not even ready as prototype.
And yes, officially the type of RCWS is unknown. It is mostly RS6 due the various factors but not stated at the moment that RS6 will be used

Interesting 🧐