Time for SBMM and changing the out-dated, broken MM

SBMM exists in low tier Air, Coastal/Bluewater and I have heard also ground but I don’t remember that long ago.

New modes and things were denied due to queue time, when we had under 100k concurrent players.
Now we are basically 50% more or double it in some cases.

The mechanism is there. It exists. I’ve experienced it before.

Meanwhile I see more and more game ruining changes in the form of beginner hand holding - map destruction/reduction, taking away barrel damage, no more planes can cap, taking elevated areas away, flanking routes, bridges (you can tell they didn’t play this map after the change) all of this to appease new players and reduce skill differences. Meanwhile I see more Lvl100s at lower BRs than higher BRs, because the balance and gameplay is more fun for them.

All of this is applied globally and almost always makes the game worse for anyone with some experience.

The noobs still get absolutely wrecked when a beginner German team runs into a 4 and 3 man (7 man total) squad team while they have none. Most mid-BR German matches go this way, you play against a horde of USSR lvl100s in squads, if you are the one or two lvl100s on German team you have to carry it or you lose every time.

THIS really hurts beginners, but I see nothing being done to put squads vs squads more often.

Or you get an entire team of console droolers, vs a team of lvl 60-100s.

Why is that negative degradation of the game being applied to a veteran playerbase? Most of us don’t want reduced options on maps, or tiny CQC maps being forced on us if we dare play under BR8, let alone seeing them still at that BR, the same 5 maps in the game. We like barrel damage, track damage, rarely capping points with a plane etc etc. All of that is fun and gives more replayability.

This game urgently needs SBMM and a removal of the negative map and mechanics changes for beginners, that have been implemented in the last few years.

If you focus on beginners, you will lose us. I see more and more vets getting tired of this each month as changes ramp up.
Not all of us (a majority if you look at the stats) want to be shoved into a broken top tier match making with EVEN MORE NOOBS than lower/mid BRs. I can’t stand the broken balance and gameplay over BR7-8, so at 3k hours, I don’t play there so often.

Please Gajin, can you steer this game back on track. Noob churn isn’t sustainable. Making the game worse to try hold them longer isn’t going to help retain your large playerbase. When they go, the noob wallets and whales don’t come.

One mechanism is the MM which creates the battle by selecting the map, BR range, etc. The second mechanism is the “balancer” which is responsible for the appropriate distribution of players into teams.

Player LVL generally doesn’t matter, it’s just a certain amount of XP gained. Bots with KD 0.02 can have LVL 100 due to the fact that they farm XP for several hours a day.

MM already arranges us in battle based on the parameter of average position in the team. The better you play, the more stupid people you get on the team.

Take a random replay of the server, open the profile of each player in the battle and pull out the “average position in the team” parameter for the given game mode. Assign them to nicknames, do the sum for both teams. They will be almost identical every time, in the most one-sided matches you have ever seen. Both teams will always be “balanced”. The problem is that their system is not perfect and creates battles based on 2-4 players above average and the rest of the cannon fodder

if you take 2 good players to queue and the rest with negative KD those 2 players never play together they will always be against each other. Cannon fodder will rotate between them.

Snail creates the problem himself, by letting people with a newly created account in the game into top tier BRs, the fact that they lower 0.3 BR for premium or division machines that they sell for gold does not change anything in this matter because these are still people who have just entered the game and have access to the highest BR in the game where they meet people who have been playing for example 10 years.

This creates a problem that both sides are frustrated.
The former that they have to fight with much more experienced in the game, those with many years of experience that their entire teams are animals that do nothing and die in the first 2 minutes leaving the match.

If you don’t know what it’s about, it’s about money.


In my opinion, SBMM will only be used to fine tune the frustration mechanic that causes you to spend money. I haven’t seen a single game where it works out for the better. Ranked battles on the other hand, could satisfy the competitive urge without forcing it on everyone.

This topic pops up every few weeks. I added my pov regarding SBMM is the last rather interesting thread :

In other words:

  1. The determination of actual skill is for players using various modes and vehicle types (air/land/sea) rather complex - and i am not even talking about long term players starting a new TT
  2. Experienced players are usually the exception in lobbies; if you try to balance players based on actual skill, highly experienced will most likely be confronted with very long queue times.
  3. An equal distribution of actually skilled players to both teams seems to be the much more realistic solution - at least in theory, but the complex set up of wt (like described in #1) prevents this.
  4. If you see wt as a plain shooter you see similarities to other shooters: A few very experienced players carry matches whilst the majority just dies in infinite loops. I remember a 20 vs 20 match in SWBF 2015 some years ago - i was #1 in my team with 8 kills (defensive sniping the whole match) whilst the top enemy player needed 96 kills to get #1 on his team…

Have a good one!

Please do not make up things.
I discussed with MM devs - nothing like that happens. You can be the best player in the world and you will still get same skilled (or whatever you will call skill factor you have on mind) teammates and enemies as any other random player in game.

We do not have Skill Based MM in War Thunder. I understand that for some of you it’s good, for some it’s bad, but that’s the reality.

To discuss it further, please use one of already ongoing MM threads. We really do not need another one.