Skillbased Matchmaking

often they are hiding behind hill tops as well, so aiming at the drivers port is no option. Therefore I can only see the turrent and I can’t even break their barrel or penetrade the turrent.

In this situation and if you can’t breach snipe, then try and bait them to peak up, this will allow you to punish their poor reverse speed and hit their LFP, I would suggest a more careful approach to dealing with them in the future until you can consistently kill them, it’s all about your confidence in the shot and that comes from experience over time so keep at it:)

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thanks for the advise. I am gonna try that next time, unless the spawncampers are faster.

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If skill based matchmaking was a thing in War thunder, we’d see an increase in complain posts about people obviously using external modifications.

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Matchmaking wouldn’t work ,there are too many variables and imbalances.No two players are the same.

Imho your thread is redundant to many others in this and in the old forum.

Without going into much details (in order to avoid infinite repetition loops) i recommend to read the following 2 threads:

  1. Level 100 players on low BR
  2. Matchmaker

Both threads deal with experience gaps of players and how the current MM works.

From a holistic pov a skill based MM is not bad - the question is simply to which degree you want to implement a SBMM.

So what do you want?

  1. SBMM to balance players?
  2. SBMM to balance lobbies?

Whilst you will receive a heavy backlash for #1 (especially from good & experienced players) as this might end with very long queue times for veteran players - every experienced player will welcome a kind of equal distribution of experienced players to both teams, so #2.


Because the usual steamrolling effects are mainly caused by very strange disparities between teams, so if team A has way more good players than team B, you will see a 8 vs 2 or a 2 vs 8 after a few minutes - this makes your own skill level basically useless as the game is already decided.

As written in a very similar thread:

Message to the devs: sealclubbing How to fix it and why it should be fixed. (open for discussion) - #25 by Uncle_J_Wick

There are 2 main problems:

  1. Which parameters can be used to “rank” a player?
    You might agree that a good tanker might be a rather bad pilot (or vice versa) and a very experienced guy in nation A will have to stat from square#1 when he stats a new tech tree - this list is endless…

  2. Gaijin has no interest in “fair & balanced gameplay” or equally skilled teams.
    Seeing the development of wt in the last 3-5 years you might agree that gaijin has implemented a hell of changes in order to make individual skill less important. So Ground RB players are forced to play on CQC maps and Air RB players face 16 vs 16 lobbies - both lead to steamrolls, the game mode became Arcade+.
    The main goal behind this is obvious: The less skill you need for a kill, the more attractive the game gets for gaijin’s target customers:
    Shooter oriented minors with access to (Mom’s & Dad’s) credit cards…


They’d realize they weren’t as good as they thought they were when they didn’t have newb players to beat up on. And instead of reflecting on that, they will rage press the botting complaint report.


It’s funny because every match at 4.7 with Russia I am facing off against people who can shoot on the move from 1km and hit perfect shots, always being level 7-13 accounts that just came back to the game.
Gotta wonder why they banned 7k people for cheating last month and why the Top 1 guy was one of those many cheaters?

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Average german player going from the Tiger II to the Leopard 1. I had to learn this myself.
But on the other hand you don’t really have an option here, play the Leopard 1 or stop researching the tree here.
I know the memes of the german players are bad, no skill and shit. But everyone says the Leopard 1 is fine at it’s BR, it’s the players that don’t know how to use it and at the same time many player don’t want a skillbased matchmaking in any kind either.

So let the germans keep suffering?

I can tell I was about the uninstall the game forever 3 times by now. And if more and more german tech tree players have the same experience they might uninstall the game some point, which would affect the queue times too if nobody wants to play germany anymore.

So what else can we do?

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-1 not a good idea but matchmaker does need some changes

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I mean the German tree does not “suffer”, whilst I can’t comment on how the Leo 1 plays as I don’t know how it holds up against stuff like the Vickers Mk.1, I can say that many German Vehicles are very easy to use and quite undertiered (certainly at lower BRs), by implementing SBMM you remove this advantage.

The best thing to do is to try and learn how your vehicles are better than the most common ones you face, for example the Leopard can outrun most Other medium tanks so use that to your advantage to get to a good position early and snipe a couple enemies rushing a cap

SBMM is a good system as an idea but horrible in practice. Just look at new vs old CoD games. New CoD games you will play one match that feels like you’re against bots and then do really well, then for the next 20 or so matches you can’t have any fun because you are constantly facing players who are far better to the point where it’s not fair or fun. Just because you done well in one match you end up being punished until you either tank your KD or just stop playing the game.

Like yes the current matchmaker has flaws and could/should be improved but not by replacing it with SBMM.

This system in War Thunder will be much worse and will result in people just not playing the game. Enough people complain about SBMM in the games it is being used in we don’t need War Thunder to join that.


For me it will also be a no. And this for a simple and good reason that few have addressed in this topic: the change of nation. If you play just one nation and that raises you to a high level and suddenly you want to play another nation, what will happen? Well you’re going to have to wait forever to find any parts and you just won’t be able to put this tree together. In the same way, a player who has reached level 100 by only playing planes and wishing to start with tanks would therefore immediately find himself facing higher level players with hundreds of hours of tank play.

Creating level-based matchmaking would simply be a way to make the grind even longer.

In addition, it would make the search time for games much longer.

Example :
As I write this, there are around 10k battles in progress. If we created matchmaking according to level by dividing it into 10 level increments (from 1 to 10, from 11 to 20, etc.) this would mean that each player could join a battle among the 1000 present at their level. Assuming that a minority of players participate in naval battle, this gives us (approximately) 450 games in air battles, 450 games in tank battles and around 100 in naval battles. However, there remain the ranks, the Brs and the game modes, the differences in servers which further reduce the number of reachable games.

(In addition, I make this example assuming that the number of players is linear depending on the level, which is not at all the case. In reality, the majority of high-level players are concentrated on the highest ranks of the game, which gives us even fewer players for the lower games Br)

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Ideally yes, as a matchmaking system that groups people by skill/performance is really the bare minimum for any PvP setting.

But it probably wouldn’t be viable for WT purely due to how segmented the playerbase is, split by type of vehicle (Air, Naval, Ground) and mode (AB, RB, SB) and BR (literally many multiple dozen), as well as other things. I’m not opposed to trying, but so long as the game is this divided it probably can’t really work, sadly.


You have crew skills to think about as well.There is not much that is really level in this can see people at 6br who are below level 10 ,you have low level players winning games over level 100 players.This game is not just about skill,its also about luck.


Hell nah.

U skered?

“There is no matchmaking. There is matchmaking biases against me.”
Skill based match making should never occur.


Scared too huh?

Bruh, you have 3000 matches in total. I really doubt you should be calling people who have 5-10 times more experience than you “scared”