These BR changes are absolutely ridiculous. Gaijin has zero clue what they're doing

This solves nothing.There is no intended role for attackers in air RB. They can do nothing besides what they already do regularly (steal bases from bombers and pretend fighter).

And sure, uptier the AMX to save compression, WHEN you decompress, because uptiering JUST the AMX fully ruins that vehicle in both ARB and GRB (because it will not fit into any lineups anymore) but does nothing to actually fix the issue (A-10 / A-6 / Su-25 still present)

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They can farm ground targets, as is their intended role. I’d be happy if Gaijin altered top tier air to give a more explicit role for them, by protecting softer ground targets with SPAAs/SAMs that require standoff range ordinance to take out. Top tier Air has a lot of problems that can be addressed by actually fixing them, not by allowing ground attackers to also be credible fighter aircraft. Still waiting on RB EC myself.

Uptier all of them (And the A-6, don’t forget about that thing). You’re literally arguing on the same side as those who demand the F-104 and MiG-19 must stay at 9.3 “Because any higher and the vehicle would be unplayable”.

Fine. Great, actually. An entire battlerating should not be held hostage by a small minority of planes. Even if no other changes happen and they become very difficult to fly in Air RB, who cares? They can just join the vast majority of other CAS planes in Air RB by just not being played all that much. Where are the people demanding the Hs 129 must fight biplanes in order for it to be a balanced aircraft in Air RB?

As above, fix the gamemode to let them play to their strengths, do not allow them to continue the BR compression cycle by making all flareless high tier planes miserable.


Doesn’t earn good rewards nor is it possible (fighters just instant target you once they see you) nor does is win games currently.

No, I’m arguing that all gaijin does is nerf minor nations and buff major nations and if you want to completely destroy the AMX’s place in game you should do it to the ACTUAL problematic ones (the ones that are spammed out, AMX is rare) at the same time or not move the AMX at all, it’s just anti-minor nation bias.

I agree, but gaijin only wants to uptier minor nations and downtier major ones.

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Rarity does not excuse imbalance. The 279 was a somewhat rare vehicle at 8.7, doesn’t mean it didn’t need to move up.

You’re also arguing a compatible point with my own. I want ALL the subsonic, all aspect slingers shoved up to 11.0 minimum. Each and every one of them is ruining that entire BR bracket for two gamemodes. Both the A-6 and AMX are doing it much less counterably however, due to their better flight performance (Air RB) and Paveways (Ground RB).

I’m not going to disagree that Gaijin coddles the big three at the expense of the minor nations. Hence why I’m so furious at these BR changes where the big three’s 8.7 jets get to move down, while the actually struggling nations at the tier like the Italians and the British get nothing. But I’m not going to let that stand in the way of getting any number of these vehicles out of BR 10 and up closer to where they belong.

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No, but it means they are targetting minor nations exclusively because the other aircraft have the same issue but do not get nerfed.

They are obsessed to balance game by player statistics in vehicles instead of common sense and players that actually play the vehicles/planes/etc feedback. Also they love to ignore that feedback to they precious statistics that have 0 clue what the gameplay is.

So lets go all pro players play some biplane for a while and we will se it at 7.0 as it will overperform in their stupid statistics.

Said this years ago when they first announce they will switch to BR system that it will be broken the more vehicles will be in game… fast forward years and we are here having lots of problems with it.


And throughout all this, the CL-13 Mk 4 will still be a higher BR than the F86A despite being worse.

Being a minor nation player is signing up for abuse, followed by a brief period of attention to make the players think Gaijin cares, then back to abuse again.


Perhaps they are making preperations for the next major update. It could make more sense to them because they have much more information available to them than we do.

Why can’t you make BR changes at the same time as pushing the update so those changes actually make sense?


I dunno, I don’t plan the BR changes or know Gaijins schedule for this stuff.

I believe two things when it comes to Gaijin.

  1. Gaijin is motivated by the money. The answer to any question of “Why did Gaijin do X?” is always that they are trying to make more money, or that they are trying to avoid losing money due to an issue that has riled up the playerbase. In that regard, they are not stupid.

  2. Gaijin is not as smart as some people believe they are. Sometimes when an action doesn’t make any sense it’s because they are trying to increase profits and dropping the ball.

However, dwelling on these points too much has made me sour and cynical when it comes to discussing BR changes and such topics. Getting anything changed is very hard when the majority of the playerbase still believes that Gaijin holds the reigns, when in reality the power belongs to the players if they would only unite on one thing.

The best thing to do is unite behind getting the BRs decompressed and convince the playerbase to hold the line. However, I don’t realistically see that as being possible.

I will be flying a lot of Sabres after the BR changes. Might as well take advantage of a bad situation.


I mean, Gaijin is a business after all. I think it is naive to think that any video game company makes games purely for the gratitude and praise of its players. Every developer is a business with employees that want to be paid so they can live, just like the rest of us.

I can’t say Gaijin is the greatest developer in the world, but I can also say they aren’t the worst. What I will say is that they provide a good product. Does it have it’s share of issues? Yes it does, but in comparison to similar titles in the genre (“World of” games), it has more features when each mode is compared to its vehicle type’s game, and it combines all of those 3 games into one cohesive game with combined battles. I haven’t played World of Tanks/Warships in a while, but I can assume that the three “World of” games combined have as many issues as Warthunder. I know World of Tanks was actually pay to win when I left, and I don’t believe they have improved on the situation.

I agree that decompression is needed across the board, especially in Naval and 9.3ish Air. I hope they decide to expand the available brackets to 13.0 and spread ground out to match air a bit better.

I will also be using the Sabres more after the changes, but I am most excited that the Prinz Eugen and Admiral Hipper are going back to 5.7. Putting them to 6.0 really sucked, but my patience is paying off.

One thing I would like to add is that I think this community gives Gaijin no credit for what they have made. It has issues, as does any game with this much content in a single title. I will never deny that it has its issues, but it is a damn good game overall. I play all 3 modes in AB, RB, and sometimes Sim and Naval EC. I would say 95% of the time I am having a positive experience and enjoying myself. I’ve been through almost all the content (used and spaded) in the US tree sitting at 264 unlocked and 174 spaded, and I have really enjoyed having such a diverse game that plays relatively well to sink my time into.

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CL13 Mk4 isn’t worse but I agree it should be the same BR

There is no reason to when it’s not enjoyable and they don’t listen to feedback. You don’t praise the dog for shitting on the floor.

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I mean, Gaijin is a business after all. I think it is naive to think that any video game company makes games purely for the gratitude and praise of its players. Every developer is a business with employees that want to be paid so they can live, just like the rest of us.

Sometimes less is more, look at Baldur’s gate, how much grind is in this game? Have many lootboxes? Premium content? Premium vehicles? Monthly subscriptions? Cosmetics? Battlepasses?

You think snail is really making the most money by making EVERYTHING an insane grind? And that making changes that are more consumer friendly and reducing the grind would somehow make them less money??


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Isn’t it? It’s got the F-86A’s weaker engine in the F-86F’s heavier airframe. Sure, you keep the wingslats, which means you’re more agile than the F series (Other than the F-40, which are only 0.3 BR higher), but that also means you bleed much more speed in maneuvers, which combined with the weaker engine makes you easier prey for anyone not dumb enough to turnfight you.

EDIT: Actually, I just checked, it doesn’t get the slats. It’s just an F-25 with a weaker engine, at the same BR. Tell me how it isn’t worse than the F-25.

Even the fact that ‘downtiering BR 8.0-9.0 jets and let them slaughter the inferior ww2 era german jets’ are awful idea than ‘decompressing the BR’

I thinks I wouldn’t be frustrated this much if minor nations jets also gets compression (Hunter, Swift, Mystere, G.91R and that kind of things).
but gaijin ended up with cheery-picked F-86/MiG-15 buff. :|

Of course F-86K and Hunter F.1 should stay 9.0 forever and suffer cuz Su-25K/A-10A whales need some free-kill krills. right? :/


Also Super Mistake B2 :/

Funny how Lim-5P/MiG-17PF gets move down to lower BR even it is waaays better than regular MiG-17.

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279 should be 8.7 again.

You actually have quite a few details wrong there. The plane doesn’t actually even have slats (which is the main reason people cite it to be worse than the A5). That said, it does have an all flying tail which actually seemingly does help it a ton at higher speeds versus the A-5’s conventional tail.