The new F-16s and USA definitely not overpowered

yeah which is fake we should not be able to lock on missiles or rockets as easy as in game. Their IR signature is very small compared to AB engines and flares lit to mimic them.

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Ah, that’s fair, still cool tho!

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Here is one I think

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Though I’d take AOA limiter and get the jet. Than no AOA limiter and be sat twiddling our thumbs for the next year+ because “it would be too OP”

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I think back in the day, the Harrier Gr1 could use SRAAM to defeat incoming missiles by using them essentially like flares

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Iduno its kind of something you see in movies lol. Like some Bollywood type movie locking on the lit cigarette of a terrorist. lol it is pretty cool once in a while

40G means nothing when a missile is flared , the most OP missile in the game is the 20G TY-90S on chinese helis, do you know why? because they are unflareable, and the closest missile to that performance is the 9M. Gs do not matter.

But i guess when you have a subpar 1.05 KD in the F-16C (literally the best plane in the game) you got to find a reason to explain your bad performance.

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you still can

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It was heavily implied;

~1.1 k/d here, and yes while the F16C is the proclaimed “best”, everyone is using one, leaving more options to kill it

I’ve gotten quite a few 4K matches (never got a 5k, one day I will), but also plenty of 0 kill matches, pilot will always matter more than the plane, and don’t take my KD for granted either, changes day to day and I’m nowhere near a top gun pilot

I’d bet good money it’s a SA Gripen bcuz Gaijin loves copy paste

Iduno boys the Mig29 is not unusable and very effective (not saying anyone here is claiming that) it’s just not a knife fighter like we expected. We all expected this one to be heavy.

But not that all mig29s especially the German one would be too. So I am a little concerned where GJ is going with this. My hope is that they will ulock alpha and roll rate. So if we are going to dump all that speed in a turn at least give us the nose authority to make a shot before attempting to recover.

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Ah yea forgot about that. Well it’s ether this update or the next so the max waiting time is 3 months.

Ah… But the Tornado F3 was suppose to be Britains amazing top tier jet. And we’ve all seen how that went.

“top tier” just means its going to be Rank 8 and likely BR12-12.3 not that it will actually be a viable jet. Gripen for Sweden and Either Gripen or Sea Harrier FA2 for Britain is my bet. Considering the last 9 months finishing the Sea Harrier FRS1, my money is on the FA2. Not Typhoon unfortunately


If we get EF 2000 for IT, GER, and UK, and Gripen for SWE, IT, J-10a for China, or even the F-CK1 (very slept on plane), and then either an armament buff to the current M2k or a nee Mirage, I’d be happy next update.

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Yep, F-15 for US, israel and japan too and then something for the soviets. Would mean 5 new top tier jets, but I think it would be worth the effort

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Idk, if the new Italian Harrier is anything to go on, I don’t think that’s likely, it was added at a lower BR than current top tier, the only thing I can think of that would be 12.3+ viable would be the EF2000, unless they wanted to go the “Tea 90” route and add an Indian Fulcrum.

It should be but that radar be with the BS. it drops locks like no other in the slightest maneuvering of the target. You have to be like 500 meters away from it with short ranged SARHS which literally defeat its purpose as a point defense/air patrol interceptor.


Lets remain on topic, making fun of people based off their experience isn’t very welcoming.

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Sea Harrier FA2 will have 4x Aim-9M and 2 x AMRAAM and one of hte best radars in game. I could see it being 12-12.3 but yeah, wouldnt be 12.3+ that would almost exclusively be Typhoon. But Britain i dont htink is allowed to be within 2 stops of top tier these days