The new F-16s and USA definitely not overpowered

We said the same for the Python 4 and it’s already in files lol.

And the Yugoslavian Fury has been in the files for years doesn’t mean a Yugoslavian tree is coming soon.

Sorry to burst your bubble but nobody cares about the Yugoslavian Fury my friend. The Python 4 will play a essential role for Israel but the Fury won’t do much besides being fancy.

We will see the Python 4 soon

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Interpreting a comment on a videogame as hating an entire nation is a problem here. Take your righteous indignation and bias elsewhere. You haven’t seen extreme hatred of any kind here. What you’ve seen is a dissenting opinion that you mistook for hate. Now you have to actually play the game instead of having everything handed to you at least in air RB. Russia mains aren’t used to that. Stay mad.


All I’m saying is because it’s in the files it won’t be added anytime soon.
Look at the T-90 and the PSO for proof

But yea props December we could see it

All I’m saying is because it’s in the files it won’t be added anytime soon

And I’m saying the Python 4 will be essential for Israel so we will indeed see it soon if that’s in 3 months or 1 year.

I love how he moans about the US and Russia but seemingly forgets about the other 7 nations

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Then what you should be doing is speak out for Britain lack of jets at TT then moaning for what we already know

Now where comparing penis sizes? As if that matters to me. You can have all trees unlocked and still be wrong. Try again. Better yet, get on my block list.

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Whay would britain even get? They dont have anything comparable, the thyphoon would break the game.

And what you said about britain only having phantoms is wrong, they have the Tornado F3 and the Harrier GR-7, which are better than the British Phantoms with more advanced weaponry and the radar as well in the case of Tornado F3. They are not competitive but saying the only thing UK has is phantoms is plainly wrong.

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And frankly, GAIJIN does not care about the UK, because nobody plays UK. Get more people to play UK and gaijin will focus more on the UK. It is business 101, where there is demand, there is Supply.

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The Tornado’s and Harrier’s are strike aircraft rather than fighters.

I believe the Da.2 can carry 9L’s so limiting for them to have that won’t be game breaking.
But I could be wrong.

But they can have the SAAF Gripen


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That is a better way to frame the argument that the F-16C is a bit much, the Mig 29SMT is probably the worst aircraft to be used in a comparison since they’re on relatively even footing.

Even so, I think it’s just a problem with minor nations lacking the tools to deal with these new aircraft, I don’t think either is particularly problematic, but when they’re the only 2 things that are a step up from the existing 12.0s the problems with stuff like the Tornado, later Phantoms, and J-8F will be much more visible.

Oh so you should be ok then to have US and Russia unbalance from time to time as you know for balancing purposes.

Damn right lie

But no one will play UK until they fix UK and actually give us something good. Our ground tree is one of hte worst in the game and our top tier is a joke. Our top tier Air tree is almost entirely CAS with no viable top tier A2A jets.

Britain is popular at low BR, but there is a reason its never played at top BR. There is no point currnetly

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Make a thread about UK aircraft, i will give you a heart and Support your thread , i love aircraft no matter the nation.

More planes is more variety = more fun and different tactics


We agree on that