The new F-16s and USA definitely not overpowered

bro just forget about the radar missiles, radar missiles are trash, if you simply use terrain or fly low you can dodge them even without chaff. Potent IR missiles are the META , stop using 2 R-27ERs as an excuse. If you want i can show you a few simple tricks that make every SARH missile in the game useless, since they gave you so much trouble.

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The 27ERs will still get consistent kills, the vast majority of players in the 11.3-12.3 bracket won’t be mowing the lawn 100%, of the match, the Sparrows are an inferior missile and even on those I don’t struggle to find targets for them, the R-27ER is even better because it leave the opponent caught out in the open a much smaller window to dive if they notice they’re locked.

Powerful IR missiles are more consistent in some ways than others, I could also argue that later SARH missile are more useful due to being immune to countermeasures in a lot of circumstances, plus you do have 4 R73’s, which are also potent IR missiles, they’re just used a bit differently than the Aim 9M. I’ll reciprocate the snark and offer you assistance on dodging them as well.

War games are games, but still simulations. I’m talking real war games.
Just cause something is a game doesn’t mean it’s not a simulation.
War Thunder is a war games simulator, that fact doesn’t change. It offers a simulation experience better than everything else on the market.

Real wars aren’t 500km battlefields most of the time.
And real war games aren’t even 128km battlefields most of the time.
Scale matters a bit yes, but smaller =/= not simulation.

Third person =/= unrealistic either. How do you simulate real pilot awareness without VR & really good stereo sound? Third person.

F-15Cs didn’t have AMRAAMs for over 10 years of their life.
Su-27s for the most part never had R-77s. Su-30s were the primary R-77 carrier.

they are not used “a bit differently” than 9Ms, 9Ms will ignore flares at long ranges and are smokeless requiring even more than the usual situational awareness. R-73s are only potent at close ranges because of their FOV ECCM method, they will be flared by a single flare at 2km+.

That defines “A bit differently”

9M is useful in ranged but almost useless in a dogfight. And it gets easier to decoy the closer it gets (To a point)

R73 is exceptional in a dogfight but mediocre at range. It gets dramatically harder to decoy the closer it gets. (Below .6 kilometers it literally can’t see your flare dispensers side aspect) And it has the agility to capitalize on it.

29SMT right now definitely is worse than the F16C, no argument about that.

However, its not as bad of a difference as people seem to think it is, the SMT is still a very capable plane in the Air RB environment, purely because its kit is just absolutely insane, even with the nerfed 27ER, and the plane is still fast enough to disengage from fights, since it still goes 1550 on the deck.

The nerf to the MiG-29 FM (all 29s are quite a lot worse than the last 2 updates, they drop more speed from pulling AoA and the flaps got f’ed) really wasn’t necessary imo, the F-16 FM buff would’ve made for a good dynamic vs un-nerfed 29. Last update the 29 was just better than everything, and now they nerfed it and along with that buffed its competitor so now the F16 is just vastly better than everything, which is not a good way to balance things imo.

The missiles are a whole different can of worms, both the 9M and R73 are extremely cancer for RB gameplay, due to the IRCCM. 9M is basically unflareable in side aspects unless you’re going extremely fast (which you usually will not be in RB, considering how missiles typically get launched as 3rd party) and the R-73 from any aspect is not really flareable within 2km range unless you drop half your flare load.
This basically gives you a similar dynamic to shit like fighting an A6M in a plane thats not fast in low tier, you just get fucked and theres nothing you can do, no matter how much better at the game you are, if they really want to kill you.


Just make sure you are below vtol wieght which is less than 2800lb of fuel, but better yet, try to be more like 2200lb and its a doddle. Especially if you are carrier landing.

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The AoA and the roll rate. I do not believe for a moment the Mig29 regardless of variant had such a terrible roll rate. Its worse than the Mig23M.

If they increase the alpha I understand it will bleed speed more. But that is something the pilot will have to consider and watch our pitch in battle. Lets us play with it.

Gaijin cannot be bothered to model the simple Aim7M at all or Aim54C. I highly doubt we will get the very complex AMRAAM along with its several standard modes such as the ability to shoot into crowds multiple amraams letting the missiles prioritize targets.

I have very low hopes that the Aim-120 will be anything more than a Aim7 with midcourse guidance. The aim-120 is still hyper dependent on the users radar until it goes active. I think its going to be easily disrupted the way they have gimped western radars.

I have tried to fly the SMT with just R73s and the weight still feels exactly the same after dumping the 700lb iirc R27ERs. I think GJ has the weight of the aircraft hard locked at a set value or something. I feel no real difference in agility.

Agreed. Out of the three new fighters at TT the SMT is my best performing. I find that instead knife fighting like a lot of us were used to in mig29s, the jet is excellent at standoff capability and with ambush tactics. Disengaging is a little tough at low alt compared to F16C, but mid-high alt no issue. The jet seems to excel at high altitude imo. Thats usually where I operate.

I do like that we bleed speed with AoA more than before. But let us actually get the nose around if that is the case. You lose the energy in high alpha, but the nose just locks up in position. So, it’s useless imo.

If they were adding it on the F-14B, I’d see your point here, not going to say that I think it’s a bad plane, quite the opposite, but the radar being PD in head-on only can be annoying.

F-16 radars feel just fine to me, it’s simply that the “meta” usage of BVR missiles is 12-5km headon launch because it gives your opponent little to no reaction time, also, over a long distance the missile can get confused on what targets to lock on to, or just lose lock due to terrain or players hugging the ground. I agree the Aim 54s are not good in air rb, but with the way they work irl, they won’t ever be meta unless we get high altitude player controllee bombers.

Even if Aim 120 winds up being a sparrow I can toss at an opponent 10km out and not have to hold lock on, I think that would be perfectly fine as an incremental upgrade.

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Yes, but there is a point to be taken out of this, which is depending on what you as a player value, different aircraft can be superior, which is in my opinion, balance.

Precisely, also, both missiles are also equally capable in BNZ “third party” tactics which is unfortunately where the majority of air rb kills will come from at high tier.

This alone puts them in a similar spot.

After combat testing the new F-16 Block 50 with full crew, I can confirm that there is absolutely no competition in BWR combat, and even in close combat, despite the F-16 no longer having the G limiter and owns the new aim-9m, the R-73 at short distances cannot be avoided even with flares, furthermore the mig 29 is excessively fast when turning. in other words, for the umpteenth time, Russia was given more than its fair share, underlining Gaijin’s preference for their nation of origin. now I anxiously await the comments of the champions of the Russian defense intent on chuckling on board their mig 29smt, spammers of R-73, but the point in question is not so much whether the mig 29smt is a good or bad aircraft, the fact is that due to how ARB is structured, it gives a notable advantage to the MIG-29, as the F16 is a 1vs1 killer, which is very difficult in ARB given the excessive number of players in a map too small to accommodate them, and with a lack of of objectives and variety, aimed only at pushing people to find themselves in the center of the map as if we were in a squalid low-league fps game.


The Mig 29SMT is absolutely not struggling, that is true, however I won’t pretend the F-16C is struggling either, it’s either top 1 or top 2 jets in the game currently, depending on what you value, and has it’s strengths and weaknesses, I’ll use the same argument for that I did to the original poster.

The Mig 29SMT is a superior missile slinging aircraft in a meta that is now more favorable to missile gameplay than last patch, however, the Aim 9M is still a better “stealth killer” missile, and the F-16C is a significantly better dogfighter, and the sparrows are still very functional, really it’s just a matter of preference, personally I think the aircraft create a nice dynamic, albeit I wish there were more 12.3 planes to add to that.

I just wish it was more than a 2 plane, 2 nation competition.

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Honestly, Mirage 2000 5F mk.2 with better armament, and J-10a would have been my go to picks since their initial models still used SARH for some time, but take that with a grain of salt since I am HEAVILY biased in favor of delta wing jets

No arguments here, I want my EF Typhoon yesterday. Delta wings are awesome

But yet you are all forgetting one country that is suffering the most

And that is Britain as it still using Phantoms as it’s main fighter.

@Malekitth seems like you have completely forgot about that

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