The new F-16s and USA definitely not overpowered

It was datamined yes. They increased drag arbitrarily.

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Tbh I’m fine with the SMT being balanced out by superior armament, just so long as the the F-16C remains the superior dogfighter.

I have a suspicion that the main poster just wants the SMT to be a superior dogfighter to the F-16C, which would just take us back to the last few patches where you’d have no reason to play the F-16A models or Mirage 2000 because the Mig 29 is better at everything except for in a few niche areas that don’t come up often in regular air rb.


Is there a reason why? Did they say what their intentions are?

They are draggy jets in high alpha. By design. We just have zero nose authority, and the jet just falls out the sky.

If we are going to fall out of the sky I want the nose authority that the mig29 was known to have. Which it does not have in the slightest currently. I personally think they are working on implementing that but hit us with the drag first. Acceleration is also lacking imo.

When you level out in recovery I do believe the Mig29 should recover much quicker. SMT as well. Especially in a slight dive. It is heavier as well. Should gain kinetic energy quicker.

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Yes and why GJ nerfed the ACM radar range to 9km and still refuses to model the Aim7M. Its evident where GJ its going with this.

They are acutely aware the Mig29 is no rate fighter and cannot keep up with the smaller, digitally augmented F-16 in any rate fight.

However the SMT and other models do need their alpha unlocked and low speed nose authority imo. I think that will sufficiently level the playing field especially now that we have high off bore sight capability with the R73s


I can also understand these nerfs being applied specifically to the SMT, unless they have reason to believe they overmodelled the Mig 29 in general, which is very possible because a lot of what goes on with the sources there is unknown to the general public outside of bug reports referencing sources.

But the SMT is substantially heavier, this will contribute to things like higher stall speed, worse acceleration, P/W ratio, the fatback design creating higher drag, maybe Gaijin acknowledged these things, made an error, and overcorrected a bit.

Edit: as for your other post, I think allowing for higher aoa in a single turn would be a perfectly fine way to do that, but the stall speed on the Mig 29SMT should still be a bit high compared to the regular Migs, I’d just be careful about biffing or nerfing either of these jets at the moment, seeing as they’re in a similar spot and only minor tweaks would really be “needed”

there is, in the game data their AOA pull was changed, and their DRAG was EXTREMELY increased. This is for all MIG-29s


Yeah all 29s got their AoA induced drag increased (so at the same AoA they now create more drag than before), along with that their flaps got SEVERELY nerfed, which were one of the reasons why the plane could produce such rediculous turn radius and sustained turn rates at low speeds; they also got their high altitude, high speed engine thrust increased (above 6km and above 1600km/h TAS).

Its just much more appearent on the SMT because the SMT is extremely heavy (1000kg heavier than 9.12 when empty and 2644kg heavier fully loaded than a fully loaded 9.12 - mind you the 29 9.12’s empty weight is only 10550kg, so thats a MASSIVE increase) while having the same engines, and more drag in any situation (due to the hump and aerial refuling probe).

The 9.12 is still quite good in terms of performance compared to basically any top tier jet, it can keep up with the heavier F-16s ( Barak especially) in a dogfight, but it is significantly worse than it was.

The 29 is a quite aerodynamically stable jet, it actually wants to rate fight against most planes. Just most definitely not against an F-16.


Except in reality it wants and it can.

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What they should do is give the R73 to the other mig29s and later variant to SMT.

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the 9L is literally more flare resistant than the R-73 that has “ECCM” right now


Where is your proof?

From footage I am watching, R-73 has such a small post-launch FOV that it will not see the flares once it gets close enough. Plenty of youtuber footage shows R-73 hitting through flares in shots where the 9L would always be decoyed.

Those R27Es are heavy af boys I find you gotta get those things of asap.

Sounds like to me Aim-9Ls are working correctly.

That is a link to information posted on the old forums. Its a RAF test of the Aim-9L. TLDR. In rear aspect, if the target is on reheat. An Aim-9L will ignore flares 80+% of the time. In other aspects, its not quite as high, but still fairly highly. Based upon that information, even with no IRCCM. To evade an Aim-9L it should take more than dumping a flare and moving on. Now i’ve only really been playing the Harrier Gr7 since the update. So have no first had account of what aim-9Ls are like at the moment. Nor can I comment on the state of the R-73. But Aim-9Ls should have a degree of resistance to flares.

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I will try to record some gameplay supporting my claim with both 9L and R-73

But at what range? does it specify?

And to think that GAIJIN sees the Garbage-60M equal to 9L , what a joke

That information I dont know. Not in the information shared. But the interpretation by the tech mod and others in the thread was that reheat would render flares reasonably ineffective, I assume at any range.

“So basically if you have your afterburner on maximum flares should be pretty much useless, even in the front aspect.”

I dont know enough about soviet missiles. Either in game or IRL to have an opinion. But this is Gaijin we are talking about. Im sure if Soviets had a better option, they would have gotten it nor would they have so dramatically delayed the release of R-73 unless they had a good reason to do so. I am still rather shocked that Aim-9M made an appearance this update. (I was hoping it would be handed out sparringly to jets like the Sea Harrier FA2, that would benefit from an AAM advantage to make up for airframe disadvantages)

I’d rather have 9M than R-73, GAIJIN simply hates Soviet IR missiles for some reason.

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maps are just too small for the crazy fast jets

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