The new F-16s and USA definitely not overpowered

Absolutely even after Vietnam the combat aviation community was still split. There were hardliners still advocating that dogfighting was dead and BVR was the way of the future. While others learning from the hard lessons learned in Vietnam knew that the dogfight was nowhere near dead that studies show that no matter how many BVR missiles a fighter has, there is a high likelihood that the engagement will come down to a dogfight. A group called the Fighter Mafia began advocating for a high-speed maneuverable dogfighter to compliment the F15 which ultimately became the F16 and F18.

Even in the Soviet Union there were hardlines pushing for more emphasis on BVR while traditional hardliners contested. The opposite prevailed, but only for a little then came the Su27 and Mig31. Both strategic fighters.

Yeah, I think the Mig29 has to last a little longer regardless. it dies very fast.

Not only does it die. there is no control. This fighter should be the best at control when energy has run out

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Also tech advantage. I think teh west always has been and always will be better when it comes to radar tech and using that technological advantage.

Probably not for much longer with the Chinese mega-fast leap frogging Tech advancements

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Maybe… Though at the cost of their people. Last I heard, they were nearing agriculture collapse and the Odesa attacks arent gunna help that much. So they might need to redirect resources before long. Besides, you never know what hte americans are working on next and 6th Gen tech is looking really impressive. Even the Typhoon is getting a shiny new radar that “might” have the F22 beaten in BVR.

Going to be an interesting Decade for military tech. I see a bit of an arms race, especially with most nations working on 6th gen

i play mig29smt for 200 times in game,its so painful for mig29smt heavy body and old engine.I point that smt also need more flare,60 flare just too less than f16c,even you cant carry chaff.totally,smt makes me disappointed

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Everyone is arguing about what the MiG-29 should be able to do and what theoretical tactics you should be using to counter the F-16, when the F-16 can be slow and fast whenever it wants. The MiG-29 cannot compete. The current SMT flight model is about equal with the F-4E, which is a plane that was surpassed in performance 2 years ago.

That is not good enough for top tier.

The SMT will lose so much speed in the second stage of the game that it becomes irrelevant. Gaijin should have left the MiG-29 flight models alone when they implemented the F-16 FM fix. A 29SMT on the old drag values would be playable and there would be balance between the two nations.

As for multi-nation balance, gaijin always makes the major nations overperform for a patch so people will rush to buy the premiums to grind the new thing. The solution was to not buy the $40 and $50 premiums when they came out years ago, but the playerbase is willing to cough up more money than they would for a triple-A game so they can have virtual pixels.


Eh, depends on what you mean by “worse” there are things that the Mig 29 9.12 should be better at than an F-16 in a dogfight, like nose authority in a single turn, top speed, and being able to utilize post-stall maneuvers, F-16C should have better acceleration, energy retention, and sustained turnrate, this should moderately favor the F-16C in a dogfight even with the lightest Mig 29, with the Mig still having tricks and options up it can utilize to win the fight. Like you suggested, weaponry is a good way to balance this, and of course BR.

The F-16 FM is only incorrect in the sense that it has no AOA limiter, I’m fine with that because it’s not like AOA or G limitarions are applied to other aircraft in the game as well, (VSW aircraft being able to pull obscene Gs without the wings ripping being a prime example) and forcing the F-16 into a “starviper” role just felt horrible during the time it had the limiter esq. FM, and there were a lot of innacuracies and inconsistencies in the way it was modelled, however the boosted FM for the majority of planes in air rb has been a thing since the early days of WT, allowing planes to do much more than they could irl on average, I don’t see anything new here, if anything, sim should be the place for a full real fm wheras air rb should be authentic, but still value game balance and realism in equal measure.

R-27s got nerfed, not buffed.

A SARH missile being 25, 30 or 35G literally doesn’t matter, the top speed of a SARH missile doesn’t matter, and neither does the maximum range of it.

What matters are 2 things: 1) Can it pull hard enough to actually hit a target thats dodging? - Any Missile that pulls 20+Gs can. 2) how fast will it slam into the target from ~10-15km range (typical Air RB launch range to “guarantee” a kill) - because the faster the missile hits, the less time the target has to dive to the deck, or to notch + chaff.

The ER’s strength was that it has absolutely rediculous acceleration off the rail, it lost 1/3rd of its booster thrust, so its acceleration also dropped by a 3rd. Missile is significantly worse than it was.

It’s still the best SARH in the game, but nowhere even close to how good it was.


Thanks god i decided to stop playing “top” tier Swedish air untill it gets Gripen…but jesus it will be massive pain in ass to grind it with all of this.

Thats simply wrong.

The 29SMT will shit away speed and go 500 if you pull a ton of AoA, but it can very much manage its energy.

Clearly it falls out of the sky immediately

F-16C for comparison.

The 29 here holds a ~14°/s sustained turn, with full fuel, and full missile load, F-16C hit 14.5°/s.

Obviously as soon as you get down to speeds where the 29 pulls AoA it will absolutely shit away all its speed (and imo way too much, compared to how the 29 FM was before), and the F16 is definitely better, but saying that you cannot manage your speed in the SMT at all because “it falls out of the sky at min fuel” is just completly wrong.

As long as you stay at high speeds, and dont full on slam down the elevator the 29 will retain energy better at high speeds than almost anything, despite the SMT beign a fat fuck.

The f16 does have an aoa limiter, its just set way too high. Its 22°, same as mig29 rn. That’s also why I said the block 50’s fm is fine aside from not ripping when it should.

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Wich isn’t wrong in DCS btw…

You ever heard about coolant used in an IR seeker and it’s temperature when an IR Seeker gets cooled?

I can’t be bothered to care much about the stupid power creep at top tier anymore. I just want the F-4S 5km ahead of me at 12 oclock to stop making my RWR go wild when they launch a radar missile. He is five kilometres ahead Gaijin, this is absolutely ridiculous. It’s constant lock tones from teammates and they drown out ones from legitimate threats.


I noticed that as well. It’s ridiculous that if an F-4S is warming up his 80km sparrow, I’m the one that gets the radar ping. RWR also keeps sounding off after the enemy loses lock - I’ve had launch tone, sparrow is fired, is decoyed into the dirt - guy goes past me and loses lock - and my RWR is still screaming launch tone from his direction.

I love having launch warning but it needs a tune-up.


I dont know what the issue is I have 70% win rate in both the F16C and SMT. They are both performing quite well. (both just dropped to 68%)

The SMT is heavy. Thats all. People want to go down this rabbit hole of conspiracies and jump on the F16 because the SMT is not fitting their version of what the Mig29 should be like.

Its utterly annoying that their main argument to making the SMT better is “look how good the F16 is”

Or posting videos of the F-16 block 10s in full real controls min fuel forcing weird behaviors. Thats their proof lol.
You can force wacky maneuvers in any fighter in full real in a test flight. This is so ridiculous.

The other Mig29s are performing well because they are lighter.
Anyone have actual evidence that the SMT is supposed to perform on par with the 9-12A or 9-13?

Is the SMT missing a little AoA. Yeah a little, maybe some roll. Definitely some nose authority and slow speed. Thats about it. It’s still not going to make much of a difference when players who do not know how to fly it keep attempting to rate fight F16s with much heavier R73s & 700lb R27ERs hanging on each wingtip and 30min of fuel.

The Mig29 is not a rate fighter. Stop attempting to go toe to toe with the F-16 in literally what it was designed to do.


The other Mig-29s are performing bad as well


Eh, I’m still fine with that, it’s consistent in air rb with other flight models in terms of not ripping when they shoulf (F-14 and mig 23 being the prime example). If you want to argue for it in sim mode, then I have no opinion on it either way, but semi-realistic flight models with very boosted stats for player enjoyment are the norm.

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İt isn’t a 1 turn fighter in the game either , its a garbage fighter.

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But not because of FM. because GJ does not want to give us our missiles. So the SMT is in the spotlight.

I was flying both earlier and nothing has changed on them imo. (no definite proof)
Is there evidence that they had their FM nerfed?

As soon as the give the R73 to the German, I am done with the SMT. Like many people. GJ knows this.