Greetings from Russia. I would like to bring up the problem that the game faces.
Since the game is from Russian developers, the snail maintains a dialogue with its players mainly through Russian players. Considering the European ones, but for the most part the Russians have greater influence.
The developers take this opinion into account through the forum.
So, the forms in Russia are mostly occupied by players who devote half of their lives to the game and are divorced from reality. For your information, the problem with the economy, the main opinion, has always been denied on the forum, until the issue in Steam reviews.
Although the question has been raised on the forum many times
So the essence of the problem is that the majority of active people on the forum cannot correctly direct their opinions towards 90% of ordinary players.
Eg. Дать игрокам выбирать скидку раз в месяц на прокачку техники - Корзина - War Thunder — официальный форум . This post, which i suggested for the consideration of developers, is to give people a discount on researching equipment of their choice and once a month.
It sounds like a small indulgence for the players and a relief for the developers.
But unfortunately my suggestion was rejected by the community and most importantly by moderation. Because the proposal has no arguments and no statistics))))
Rejection by the community occurs because the Russian mentality does not hate freebies (edit: hate mean). As a Russian, I can fully confirm this.
By the end, I can sum up that with this type of control, the game will come to a decline, and it’s probably already come.
And the most important thing is that this is not an isolated case. Any suggestion on the forum to improve the economy was always rejected by Russian players and Russian moderation. This is the truth of our Russian forum.
Hope moders dont delete this post with “some rule”, as usual happening in our forum. GL mates.