The Leclerc is in dire need of a buff

Sprut-SDM1 with 3BM60 at 10.0 should be an honourable mention :P


So other nations can get much better rounds at similiar Br’s but for some reason France cant.

@Smin1080p is there any reason why F2 round has been removed from Vextra 105? It suppose to have it with correct penetration on live server.


This is not surprising; it is a very typical attitude of Gaijin towards French vehicles. Since the Abrams is an American vehicle, Gaijin will actively seek out and fully accept evidence to accelerate the Abrams’ reload time to 5 seconds, while completely ignoring ample evidence to enhance the Leclerc.


Im just hoping a dev screwed up

They messed many things with new uptade, hopefully this is just a mistake.

Like how they forgot to add AGM-65G’s to Swedish JAS39C.

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Its not a mistake, Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Changelog - #402

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Once again none badly needed support vehicles for top tier ground France. What are they waiting for, is it just that not profitable to balance the odds across nations in capability? Future Vextra 120mm after Vextra 105?

This is just lies man, you got AMX 40/32, Roland, and Vextra for 9.7. VBCI is a premium so I exclude that one. Besides that, all you cas options are locked behind 10.0/10.3. They know how many premium packs they sold, so good luck with all the l2a4 and T72/80s. The whole 9.7 br is basically 10.3. I don’t know where the idea of 9.7 lineup is coming from, but it is not going to be fun.

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See, what did I say? They really put a lot of thought into annoying French players.


Feel like we all knew this was coming, but hoped it would not be so.

Was always going to be this way though.

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For the VEXTRA, go here to read the full reasoning and comments.

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More, to read yet more reason to be disappointed in the state of it.

Yes, but sir…

You should get some rest first.

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Probably should have seen that coming from the fellow who linked the thread.

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Seeing stuff like this makes me glad I pretty much stopped playing this game entirely shortly after the 292’s release.

Every time there is something added that peaks my interest and makes me want to return to playing WT, it gets implemented horribly or purposely gimped (both in the Vextra’s case) for “reasons”.

Haven’t consistently played WT in months, and it seems best for me to just drop the game entirely at this point, as nothing is fun or peaks my interest anymore.

Kinda crazy to think I used to be super invested in this game to the point I played it at least 5 times each week for over 6 years (while working a full time job), and now it’s just something I couldn’t even be bothered to touch anymore.

The only way to stop the dissapointment it seems is to just stop caring entirely.


I’m starting to reach your point. Last month my yearly premium expired and I did not even have the energy to think about prolonging it. A year ago I probably would have spend money to grind a few vehicles quicker but I finally seem to have gone past that phase. I’m realizeikg I’m having so much more fun playing other games whose main business NOT is to extract as much money from you while not making the nation you play competitive, enjoyable or realistic (despite their repeated claim of striving for accuracy).
Well. This update has been a rollercoaster for me. I went from not very hyped, to extremely hyped. Then disappointed with the first dev server, and then more hyped as the VEXTRA got fixed. And then a major disappointment with the release. Not to mention I have never had that many game breaking issues (inability to play GRB due to easy anticheat), constant crashes, freezes, camera issues…
Guess I’ll go to some other games until the devs figure out how to listen to the dedicated community.


To bring some second wind into this conversation, better get your croissants out, because a new Leclerc just dropped:

Called Evolution, this sucker will be ready to go head to head when things like the KF51 get added. There’s still a long way, but I call it now, this thing will arrive ingame.

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its being compared to the leopard 2 AR-C 3.0 since it was presented at the same eurosatory

It reminds me of the tank designs contests from WT live when someone got off track and tried to make an everything-proof design.

Still, it has the Leclerc hull so it is very nice.

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Oh, I have fond memories of that!

This was my entry, hahah. Won the contest!

The funny thing is, I made that while I was still a teenager (started when I was 14 and finished when I was 19) with very, very limited knowledge compared to now, hahah.

If I were to give it a try again nowadays, I would do so much differently! (Hopefully better lol)