VEXTRA 105 - Still not EXTRAordinary

It also unfortunately tells me that they really didn’t do proper research on the Vextra and its capabilities. They thought it was 8.7 material or somewhere in the rank 6 criteria and tried to force it in there. It’s a common pattern now that France and perhaps other minor nations suffer from developer’s misconceptions and lack of information regarding French vehicles.

Now I’m wondering if there are vehicles that would be BR 7.7 or 8.0 in Gaijin’s mind when after some bug reports, it would actually be 8.7 or 9.0. But because of Gaijin’s misconceptions, they’re not adding it due to thinking we already have enough 7.7-8.0 vehicles.


414mm of angled pen is good. Easily goes through most situations.

Mediocre? lol
AMX-40, one of the best 9.7 MBTs in the game.
Vextra 105.
AMX-32 [both].
And up to two premiums.

Then for aircraft I get F-100D and Alpha Jet.

My 9.7 France is rather strong.

Thats pretty average if not below

Yeah I really cannot see the EBRC being the same BR as the Vextra OFL 105 F2 round, with the EBRC being a much more capable vehicle in many different ways. It being moved up to 10.0/10.3 would also allow for Gaijin to add a more capable vehicle that’s higher than 10.3+ just like EBRC.


Considering 90% of the vehicles around this br will be light tanks for future France, only mbts being possibly prototype leclerc and benelux 2a4. There are more than enough tanks to replace the vextra’s spot at 9.7 and if that leak list was right the lepard cockerill would be coming aswell next update probs around 10.0 which could go with the vextra.


Hello guys

We wanted to let you know that we are following your feedback on the Vextra and wanted to clarify a couple of points.

As mentioned previously, it was our intention to bring the Vextra in initially to support the AMX-40 on the 9.7 lineup for now. The F2 shell was removed to preserve this, as with that shell, the vehicle will need to move to a higher BR where there will be no other ground vehicles to form a lineup with (on is natural BR that is).

There were a couple of considerations for this:

  • As it stands currently, the vehicle can be used at 9.7 with the AMX-40 and VBCI to create a lineup.
  • The vehicle can also be used currently with the Leclercs (if its wished too) with its current round as a light vehicle, but also retains the ability to be used at its natural BR (9.7) at the same time.
  • We plan more vehicles in the future that may populate the BRs between 9.7 - 11.3. Once this takes place, the Vextra can then be moved if necessary to those ranges where it can form a lineup with other vehicles.

If the shell is provided now and the BR increased, indeed, it can be used with the Leclercs but with no massive increase in effectiveness there at 11.3/7, whilst then fully loosing the possibility of being played on its own BR anymore in a lineup. Which was an important consideration.

For the time being, we wish to closely monitor its situation at 9.7 and see how it does once we have a suitable data sample to review later on. At this stage, if it naturally needs to go up (because it’s performing to well at 9.7 as it is), then we could take into further consideration about issuing a new shell as this would be a meaningful time to do so. As also mentioned above, if/when other vehicles are added to populate the BRs between the gap range are introduced, the Vextra can also be considered to move up and the shell issued to allow it to fit in there too.


Majority of us wants to see this vehicle at 10.3 with F2 shell because we want to use it with Super Etendard or Leclerc Line-up, similiar way how players using M1128 at 10.0-12.7 or Sprut-M, without F2 Shell Vextra will not be able to handle itself against high tier tanks when its use in Leclerc Line-up.

Seriously why do you guys keep insisting on making same mistakes instead of pleasing your community?


Apparently, you have to give the worst shell compared to all the other shells (3BM42, DM33, Type 93, DTW2-105, APFSDS Type 1985-I) of this br’s light/wheeled vehicles so that it’s in the right place…
This is ridiculous. Everyone wants the VEXTRA with its real shell, not one that was retired 10 years before the creation of the demonstrator.
And it’s not as if gaijin were adapting the br of vehicles, both French and from other nations, to create line-ups, as a lot of “battle rating changes” have shown us in time, so this argument doesn’t even hold.


Why do major nations get a pass for vehicles with a significantly higher performing round .3 BR higher than what we propose be given which is historically accurate for the machine? Just admit the bias at this point. Feel we’re owed an explanation when there is no reasonable way to conclude this a sound balance decision.


I mean yes, it technically can, just as much as the AMX-10 was used in that capacity before the VEXTRA. But it will be less useful than the equivalent M1128 due to the lackluster penetration. The BR gaps in France wouldn’t be as severe if many of its support vehicles weren’t artificially limited as they are now. Restricting a round isn’t going to help France, especially when it’s going to near require an act of god to get this round added based on precedence.

This much is fine, but we the players don’t have info on when these gaps will be filled. We can’t ask you, obviously, so we have to wait in limbo.


This is unfortunate that the developers had an image or vision in mind of how the Vextra would perform which is largely due to not having done enough research on this particular vehicle. Understandably some French stuff is hard to find information for, which I get. But because of lack of information combined with a particular acquired vision of where the vehicle would sit in BR is a double whammy.

We can compensate for Gaijin’s lack of information on particular vehicles and equipments through historical reports. But somehow we cannot compensate for Gaijin’s being dead set on how a vehicle should perform in-game because of their initial misconception.


i do agree, other wheeled vehicles like the Centauro R, Type 16 (tech tree) as well as the ZLT11 all have a 105mm dart at 9.7 with 400mm+ of pen, i think it would only be logical for the vextra to get something similar


Keep in mind, what they’re saying is it would have to go up with the new round. Which doesn’t compare remotely to what it would go up and sit alongside. So not only does the stuff at the BR it is given have comparable rounds to what is proposed, the stuff they’re saying it would be equal to with the round actually outclass it in several ways, not just the round.

Premium rooikat at 9.3 has a round that outclasses the current round on VEXTRA too. Not even insignificantly outclasses it, if I’m completely honest. Only 30mm more than the 9.0 rooikat.

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Yes, smin has told me but i think it going up in BR after recieving the OFL 105 F2 is completely unreasonable, my reason being the vehicles previously mentioned like the Centauro 105 R, Type 16 (TT), ZLT-11 and Radkampfwagen to name a few, althought im not quite sure about the rooikat as they do have a worst round iirc, giving the vextra a better round does not warrant a raise in BR.

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The existing 9.7s have worse technology and/or mobility than the Vextra (like the Type 16), so it would have to go up to 10.0/10.3 where light vehicles like the Stryker or CV90105 exist if it got a better round. This wouldn’t be a negative change since 9.7 is up tiered to 10.0/10.3 due to premiums in queue anyways.


Going to 10.0 would be the least insensible BR increase if it were given F2. Frankly it should stay 9.7 with F2 as it lacks the reload rate or silhouette of the 10.0 wheeled tank destroyers outside of cent. Except apparently my memory failed me and the cent isn’t 10.0 so it doesn’t even have that as a vaguely sound comparison.

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yeah but overall the vextra is better than all of them in mobility(which can still be improved), thermals, sights, and weight of ofl f2 would be 4.4 kg which is in my opinion a pretty important in gameplay and the reload could still be up for change by the devs depending on what br they put it at.

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However that is true to a degree, thermals alone doesn’t warrant a raise in BR, mobility wise vehicles i mentioned like the Radkampfwagen and type 16 espeicially has mobility that is similar if not better than the vextra as its currently modeled.

However this part may be a bit based on personal opinion rather than facts, but i really dont feel like fighting T-80Us with a round that can’t pen at least 400mm of armor.



Hey, Smin. Maybe this has been suggested before, but at any rate this seems like a good occasion to bring it up again. Could you please consider adding a “relative” BR system for different ammunition choices?

This would be a win-win for both the players who desire to stay at 9.7 BR, and those who want a more competetive vehicle at higher tiers.

Here’s what it could look like:
relative BR idea


no one really plays the VBCI because it doesnt have anything special for the br its at
the community only want a viable 10.0 tank since france is the only nation that never got a proper 10.0 light tank or mbt
The vextra at 10.0 with F2 would be perfect for the 11.7 leclerc lineup we dont need more 9.0 light tanks we want proper 10.0 or 11.0 light tanks that can fit the lineup
france is a good nation and has a good winrate (at top tier dont know about the other br s) but the tanks are garbage regardless of all that
leclerc still has no armor after all the bug report made for that still missing its F2 shell and an HE shell and lack of spall liner
and then the icing on the cake with the botched Vextra 105
pls consider what the community actually needs instead of implementing an unfinished vehicle that will make the community frustrated regardless of all the bug reports and suggestion that would make the tank better and on par with other tanks that are similar
thank you