Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Changelog

@Stona_WT why is the standart slider position for flares at 0 and why is there no warning of spawning in without using the maximum amount of flares/chaff

or maybe dont play vr tanks until its fixed?

not many people play wt in vr, especially tanks, its not high priority

Does Baz Meshupar have its HMD ingame?

In the update that came today, the M908 was added to the Americans, but unfortunately it is not correct as shown in the link.


@Smin1080p Any update on acknowledged issue with missing spall liners for Chinese modern tanks? Including ZTZ99A, ZTZ96A, ZTZ99, VT4, ZLT11, ZBD04A. It’s been almost half a year since these reports were acknowledged.


F2 was not added in order to keep the vehicle at a BR where it has a viable lineup with the AMX-40 and VBCI. Considerations were made with this in mind, as adding F2 could see the vehicle on a BR where it has no other peers.


No, give it F2 round and move it to 11.7 since there’s only one 9.7 tank in tech tree while 4 at 11.7



im not usually having issues with Major updates and such…

but u released New F15s , one of them is the Baz Meshupar
in the dev server it was fine and ok with its specs ( even tho it missing bomb and such that not exist ingame but ill take that one)

on live u somehow decided to go and give it the old APG-63 and keep the aim120As…
u have enough sources that make u decide to keep the old one? or just missing sources about it and decide to just gimp it with old radar?
even tho the Baz meshupar project was about to upgrade the baz to F15I Ra`am level and later evens some F16 levels at the same years …

Really disappointing … its missing HMD and having 120As with that kind of radar its just really not match the rest of the 13.0 Aircrafts from other nations.

I also love how the new smoke grenades are a detailed replica of the actual ones!

If anyone feels like the mate green colour ones seem odd… have a look:

They also remastered many of the silver-coloured ones, I think there’s at least 2-3 smoke grenade models now! They all also have different lengths now; some, like Abrams’, pop up a bit; others, like Russian ones, are right on the edge; and others, like German and Japanese ones, are completely inside. Nice little attention to details!

It’s not really such a problem to uptier the amx 40, same for the amx 32, i don’t know for the vbci but it seems to be used a lot even at top tier, also 9.3 and 9.7 doesn’t really exist anyway it’s only 10.3 premium, putting it to 10.3 would help France get a lineup at this br and have access to a proper cas that is either the jaguar or the super etendard.

So giving the vextra the proper round and adjusting it to 10.0-10.3 would only benefit everyone and stop putting a big jump from amx 40-32 to leclerc.

France has still a big gap and the vextra can start slowly to fix it.

It would also help grinding leclerc and ito as for now only the roland/leclerc can grind the second leclerc and ito without huge malus.


It is far more preferable to have the Vextra given its F2 round, moved up in BR, and for new vehicles to be added to its lineups. I think some people would rather see that than to keep it gimped.


As we are able to apply and activate backups during a match, why does it constantly need to be displayed now?
I have a few hundred backups I can use whenever I need them during a match, I barely have any backups already applied to vehicles since that is entirely pointless… who comes up with this?

This is stupid and unnecessary.

And whilst some people apparently like this feature, having a button on every single vehicle has me constantly opening up a feature I never want to use.


And this whole bare is not clickable either but it does prevent clicking on the vehicle icon and is also annoying


All for a feature we already had.


Yea, one of them is premium which means not every one will have it and the other one sits at different Line that increases the grind time for Leclerc Family.

You guys added M900 to Wolfpack and increased its Br to 10.0, adding F2 Shell to Vextra105 and increasing its br to 10.3 will be much better.

We wanted a proper High tier light tank that we can use with our Leclerc’s, adding F2 shell will make Vextra105 worthy for high tiers.


how do you gaijin think about av8b+ is better than sea harrier fa2 in all aspects expecially its flight performance but they are the same BR ,it’s so unfair and imbalance

FA 2 has wayyy more CM

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MiG 23 has lost over 40 flares, instead of 73 its 30, and half of the flares are invisible, r24rs are easily chaffed now and radar looks extremely different.

Exactly. I feel the same way about maps. I’ve been playing WT since the beginning, but what they’ve done to the maps in recent years is a disaster. The old maps were bigger and had lots of hiding places and bumps. But someone in GJ probably thinks that less bushes, rocks and hills is great. Something must have fallen on his head. Now those maps are worthless. Of the maps, there are only either plains or a corridor. Make a flat patty and it can be fought over.

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Did something change with overpressure? Because I think I just got overpressured in my Raam Segol by a T-80B HEAT-FS round.

av 8b+ has 180CM But it is the middle one, See harrier fa2 have 380CM in max,but 320 of them is small one, So I think the av8b+ is better

Technically… Yes


AV-8B+ can run:

  • 2x Aim-9M
  • 1x Gun pod

All with 180 CMs

It also has the harrier II airframe which does turn better

Sea harrier FA2 rarely has a gun pod and the extra CMs require a compromise. With 6x AAMs we only have 60 CMs. The most common config I’ve seen is:

  • 2x Aim-9M
  • 3x AMRAAM
  • no gun pod

With 240 CMs

The sea harrier FA2 has the better radar but the worse handling.

It’s also worth noting that BOL CMs were nerfed massively and only about 25% as effective as they should be IRL. You need 2 to 3 BOL CMs to match the performance of a standard flare or chaff