The issue of "PVE" matches

So you means only when enemy won’t fight back is PvP? only when enemy won’t fight back is fun? It’s not PvP, if you want this fun you can go assault. WHAT IS YOUR POINT

You’re putting words in my mouth, I don’t have a problem with fighting PvP players, I cherish it, but if I join a “PvE” server why can’t I fight them? What is stopping me? If they want to play PvE fine but I’m not changing how I want to play just because you want me to. My point, is why do you have a problem with me doing PvP in a PvP gamemode?

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They wants a win-win battle and you guys are destroying it

Yeah, agreed.

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Win-win battle, you mean they just want an easy way to grind, this is what destroyed the economy in the first place, people who go “No kill no kill I want free rp”

Then why not go PvP matches? Or it’s because you are lying and found it more fun killing unawared players?
The ARB is PvP-intense mode, if you want fight so much why don’t you go ARB?

Why it destroys economy? Why should blame players for Gaijin’s fault?
This is what destroyed the economy in the first place, people who go “F**k PvE This is a PvP match I want free rp”

You really haven’t been listening to me have you, I said that I do play PvP players, and that I do enjoy them, but if I do join a PvE match why can’t I fight there too? You can’t enforce me to play PvE.

Also if you want to go play PvE go play Heli PvE THE ONLY GAMEMODE MADE FOR PVE

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Then go PvP matches, if you think it’s not fun no one stops you from leaving. There are far more PvP than PvE matches

AND IF I DO JOIN THEM WHY CAN’T I PLAY IN THEM. I don’t see a problem with playing PvP in a PvP gamemode, ok cool, you want a PvE server, don’t go complaining to me when I kill you, go talk to gaijin about it

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You aren’t listening to me at all. I WANT PEOPLE TO FIGHT NOT SLAUGHTER. I don’t care if you play bombers but I’m still going to shoot you down, imagine world war two if it was like that. “Erm bandits angels 12 10 o clock, nevermind they are bombers lets leave them alone, poor sods”

If you gets into PvE match why don’t you leave? Even you choose go PvP it would be slaughter, not fight. Is it what you want?

Alright, this is going nowhere. Can you guys just chill and stop with the bickering?

Russian___Bias, there is no such thing as a “PvE” or a “PvP” only match. I’m not sure where you’re getting such a silly idea. How is a user going to know what is what without entering the lobby? Does the lobby list specially label a lobby game as such?

No? That’s because it is not by design.

No one, and I mean no one, has any right to dictate any personal rules, and forcing players to comply to their preferred standards on their gameplay of choice. Asking for any truce and/or altering the game in any way that’s not intended by the developers. Guess what? It’s a violation of the EULA regarding rigging games. There is no debate regarding this subject.

EC is a PvPvE game mode, let’s be clear about that. As someone that is CAS main, but plays also fighters and bombers too. I understand all perspectives quite clearly. But at the end of the day, you all need to deal with the fact, you will get shot down. EC is design to be a confrontational battlefield. Not your own personal farming sandbox.


I care about the overall health of the game mode.

When 75 percent of the active playerbase is just people abusing the rewards system then it is detrimental to the rest of the people that want to play sim as a game mode and not just using it as a means to grind resources to spend in other game modes.

The fact that over half of the matches out there are partially full and the fact that all of the pvp players are consolidated into one or two lobbies means that the rest of the players are achieving maximum rewards in risk free environment. Air Sim has the same issue that Naval has where it is not a game mode that people play…but one that people grind in so they can play a separate game mode.

The fact that these players who are exclusively in sim just to grind resources in lobbies skews the rewards statistics which in turns causes Gaijin to skew rewards in response. It has created the situation we see today where at any one point there might be a single lively sim match in the 3.0-5.7 region and another match at top tier. Everything else in-between by and large is just grinding lobbies.

During the event almost every lobby in the 6.0 region is just bombers doing attack runs on whatever airfield is closest to attack. And the fundamentals of using a bomber in sim are not any different than Air RB with the main difference that bombers have the enormous advantage of third person view and mouse aim gunners.


Whilst im not going disagree that heavy bombers with turrets need a rework for ASB. Ultimately the point remains. PvE is not against the ToS.

Whilst yeah, a lot of people farming the event in SB. That is always true, nothing is new and nothing has changed. Just took my Gr7 out and wracked up more kills than I normally would shooting down all the Su-25s. But the most annoying guy by far in that game was the Mig-23ML spawn camping the AFs.

But that too me is a symptom of low PvP value and bad grind experience elsewhere. Especially for the event.

SB is the only home a lot of CAS players have. I am a CAS player. I have a lot more fun bombing bases in the Tornado Gr1 than I do trying to dogfight Mig-29s in A torando F3. But truth is, the most effecient thing to do is to bomb bases. I also did a quick match in the Torando F3 tonight, full lap of the map, nothing, no one and nothing to shoot at. was bingo and had to RTB. I made, nothing, 10-15 mins of game time, but I did “nothing” that entire time and so had 0 activity time. Now that… just sucks.

Tornado Gr1 and Harrier Gr7 are both boarderline unplayable at the moment ARB and the gameplay sucks.


i tend to agree, utilising PVE where you can if given the capability is an allowance given by the game mechanics itself. and not an exploit. base rocketing and camping in SIM is however

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yep base rocketing is also being used by bot players I need to go back into my replays because an f4E got a shit ton of score then just did circles on the AF the rest of the match

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Yeah, Botters like that I think cause far more damage in the long term. All these PvE-ers will go when they get the Su-25BM. The botters will remain

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damn even SIM bots exist now?

They have for years. They take off, fly high to the AF, sucide ram into AF spamming rockets.

Was Premium A4E, Then Premium Su-25 and now F4-S (US premium Phantom)

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