The issue of "PVE" matches

I may have been excessively blunt, but I am simply expressing what I see objectively, which resonates with several players before me. Sure, there will always be some players who cheat in every game mode. However, when someone feels as if cheaters are an infestation in matches, there may be an opportunity for self-reflection. In his case, I highlighted the most evident. While I totally agree with his argument about the MiG-23ML being a strong aircraft, I do not necessarily agree with the idea that Chinese players are usually behind them.

It is quite well known that prejudice and discrimination are commonly seen issues, such as several posts in the past “claiming” that Chinese players cheat excessively or something comparable. However, we see repeatedly in the recent ban wave lists that this is not true and is far less than some players have claimed in the past. Sure, he had a point that not all Chinese players would use Asian characters in nicknames, but I have also observed plenty of non-Asian players using Asian characters in nicknames as well.

Much of what you have mentioned here is pure speculation. There are already numerous controversy theories out there, so there is no need to make another one.

PS: I am not offended at all; I am simply describing what I see, period. If the previous player had participated in a lot of battles in air simulator mode, his argument would carry much more weight. Of course, I am not ruling out the possibility that his claim may be true.

sorry but you guys at Gaijin are just a crazy bunch :D sorry but that’s the way it is.
but I know that disappointed sim players can be exhausting

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Game Masters are not Gaijin employees, Camel.

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that’s what I do. IFF once or twice, switch to IRST and R24T. simple, but effective,

visual IFF would be so much more useful if air sim did not have identical aircraft facing each other tho by simply pressing tab and using the wonderful unspoken agreement to respond to “Follow Me” auto messages with your own provides players with very rudimentary IFF even if both teams have the same aircraft, which is kind of an issue for air sim, tho that is not a topic for this thread.

Point is I agree players have multiple ways to IFF without even needing a radar, I have done some devious flying with the Harrier back in the day a couple of times sneaking up on jets with no radar and IR missiles, such activity is not indicative of a cheater.

And I will play the devils advocate to try and see the semi logical reasoning of why someone would assume chinese players are an issue, at least with battlefield it is known that there is a market in china for internet cafes to have their selling point be cheats and such, at least according to some videos from a few years ago, HOWEVER that does not mean all chinese players do this, nor does that mean that WT has the same market for these internet cafes. Just because some businesses sell such services to customers that does not fault the entire playerbase of said nationality for their crimes.

I will also add that while I understand that staffing issues when it comes to moderating air sim matches are an issue, this is the consequence of going to score based Event Stars instead of the older task based ones which for air were a better idea in my opinion, but were a big issue for ground matches. Maybe a stopgap to people farming sim for air Event Stars could be returning the task based ones from the past, which encouraged a more varied play style, tho this does not exclude the possibility of users colluding and helping each other do the task by going to designated areas to kill each other and tell where unspotted ground units are located.


So true … people leak classified documents because this is the most realistic sim ever, but no, WT is just an arcade game, even SB

It’s rare but possible.

I haven’t checked many SB EC replays since the patch, but with new SENSOR VIEW it is easier to find these type of players. As before you see their control inputs and camera position with perspective #2 for years now, but now can see entities in distance with tags and radar information too. They are garbage at actually dogfighting yet can find people across the map in the corners. Their spotting knowledge is like 10000x better than their flying ability.

This is actually how they got caught in Tu-4’s. You could see their mouse movements locking on.

seral_trio91@psn (Centauro 120). 3 days ago.

In SB it’s usually always a MIG-23ML or F4S.

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The issue is we need more PVE matches…

You can’t ban people for being bad at the game… Although there could be a better way to sort the bots from the actual players and there are ways Gaijin are doing this. Even some of my stuff has bad KDR, becuase the vehicles are bad or the game is rigged against me when there are a load of players with better skill and vehicles.

Also FYI the new Event System has created more PVE or people just using OP stuff to grind out the events making things even more annoying. Honestly the game is becoming unplayable for a RP Naval Player, because everyone just gets Battleships and has a old WW1 style shoot out… Yet again another reason Battleships/Dreadnaughts need to be made their own battles.

Without pve you can delete all high tier attackers and bombers from the matchmaking. There is no use strapping 2 R-60M on a Su-25 and try to fight off an F-14.

There is use however in strapping 2x R73 and fighting an F14A . Its quite simple actually as long as you dont stall out/ make a mistake.

No, it was never a question on whether PVE-elements (AI controlled ground and air targets, bases) should go. The only thing that is contested is the explicit creation of “PVE-only” matches and players trying to enforce PVE by abusing and harassing other players.

Sim EC is still THE game mode where attackers and especially bombers do best, I’d say.

I’m aware, but I wanted to point out that it’s not just Botters that want to play in a PvE enviroment. I’m tired playing an attacker where the entire enemy team consists out of air superiority jets. Playing this with the current reward mechanics is just a joke.

Being technically able to kill a F-14 in a Su-25 is nice and all, but it’s not an argument when it comes to talking about matchmaking mechanics where dedicated fighters are up against dedicated attackers which leads to an overweight for one side.

I’d actually been highlighting the issue that people were (Edit - Read that as are, as there’s no way it’s actually stopped) sitting SILENT in these rooms, KNOWING this was going on, becase it favoured them…

This, is also a bad thing to be doing.

Ignoring the issue not just because it doesn’t actually ‘affect’ them that they can see, but for the sake of just grinding away, quietly, and unaffected by ‘threats’.

Here’s a list of the top 10 problems i see in PvE and ways to fix these issues going forward

  1. Lack of Team Coordination:
  • Issue: When players don’t work together, it leads to disorganized gameplay and missed opportunities.
  • Solution:
    • Encourage communication: Use in-game chat or voice communication to coordinate movements, share enemy positions, and plan strategies.
    • Highlight teamwork: Emphasize the importance of supporting teammates and working towards common objectives.
  1. AFK (Away From Keyboard) Players:
  • Issue: Inactive players hinder mission progress.
  • Solution:
    • Implement penalties: Introduce penalties for players who remain inactive for extended periods.
    • Encourage participation: Reward active players with bonuses or experience points.
  1. Inadequate Vehicle Lineup:
  • Issue: Players using vehicles unsuitable for the mission.
  • Solution:
    • Educate players: Provide clear information about mission requirements and recommended vehicle types.
    • Limit vehicle choices: Restrict vehicle selection based on mission parameters.
  1. Leavers:
  • Issue: Players leaving mid-match disrupt team dynamics.
  • Solution:
    • Penalize leavers: Increase repair costs or reduce rewards for players who frequently leave matches.
    • Incentivize staying: Offer bonuses for completing matches.
  1. Spawn Camping:
  • Issue: AI enemies spawn too close to player spawn points, leading to early encounters.
  • Solution:
    • Adjust spawn locations: Ensure that spawn points are strategically positioned to prevent immediate confrontations.
    • Create safe zones: Design spawn areas where players have a brief period of invulnerability.
  1. Unbalanced AI Difficulty:
  • Issue: AI enemies are either too easy or too challenging.
  • Solution:
    • Fine-tune AI behavior: Adjust enemy accuracy, aggression, and tactics.
    • Dynamic difficulty: Scale AI difficulty based on player performance.
  1. Mission Design Flaws:
  • Issue: Missions with unclear objectives or unbalanced scenarios.
  • Solution:
    • Clear objectives: Clearly state mission goals and conditions.
    • Playtesting: Continuously test and refine mission designs to ensure balance and engagement.
  1. Lack of Variety:
  • Issue: Repetitive missions or limited map selection.
  • Solution:
    • Diverse missions: Introduce varied objectives (escort, defense, reconnaissance) and map layouts.
    • Rotating maps: Regularly cycle through different maps to keep gameplay fresh.
  1. Rewards and Progression:
  • Issue: PvE matches may not offer sufficient rewards.
  • Solution:
    • Adjust rewards: Ensure that PvE matches provide meaningful experience points, currency, and unlockable content.
    • Daily bonuses: Encourage players to participate by offering daily rewards.
  1. AI Behavior Bugs:
  • Issue: AI tanks, planes, or ships exhibit unpredictable behavior.
  • Solution:
    • Continuous monitoring: Regularly review AI behavior and address any bugs or anomalies.
    • Community feedback: Involve players in reporting and identifying AI issues.

Remember, addressing these issues requires a combination of game design adjustments, player cooperation, and ongoing development efforts. Let’s work together to enhance the PvE experience in War Thunder

You are aware that the OP isnt referring to PVE matches in the literal sense of a new gamemode, but rather they are referring to a bad habit some players have of turning Air Sim matches into “PVE” (only bombing airfields/bases, without shooting down others) via harassing / spam reporting anyone who doesnt follow their way.

I appreciate your clarification! It seems the original post was misunderstood, and I apologize for any confusion.

Thank you for providing additional context. Indeed, some players engage in a behavior where they focus solely on bombing airfields and bases in Air Sim matches (I’m also prone to doing this, depending on task and events), rather than actively participating in dogfights or air-to-air combat.

This can lead to a less enjoyable experience for other players who prefer a more balanced approach.

Harassment and spam reporting are unfortunate behaviors (which are in the majority of modern internet based games) that can negatively impact the overall gaming environment.

It’s essential for players to respect each other’s playstyles and contribute positively to the community.

Encouraging fair play and sportsmanship benefits everyone involved.

It’s understandable that some players focus on strategic targets and AI units rather than engaging in player-versus-player (PvP) combat. While this can create a more PvE-like experience, there are ways to encourage more balanced gameplay

Here are just some of my suggestions:

  1. Incentivize PvP Actions:
  • Introduce higher rewards or bonuses for engaging in PvP combat. For example, players who shoot down enemy planes or assist in capturing objectives could earn additional experience points or in-game currency.

  • Highlight the importance of PvP actions during loading screens or in-game tips.

  • Reward Teamwork, within the PvP Environment, encourage Bait & Switch Tactics between Squad Members

  1. Dynamic Objectives:
  • Design objectives that require both strategic target destruction and PvP engagement.
    For instance, capturing an airfield could involve defending it against enemy players while also destroying ground targets. (Objectives with Multiple Stages)

  • Rotate objectives during matches to keep gameplay fresh and encourage players to switch between PvE and PvP tasks.

  1. Team Communication:
  • Encourage teamwork by emphasizing the importance of communication. Players who coordinate attacks, share information, and work together are more likely to engage in PvP.

  • Implement in-game voice chat or improve existing communication tools either in game or over 3rd Party tools like Discord.

  1. Balanced Rewards:
  • Ensure that rewards for both PvE and PvP actions are balanced. If players receive significantly more rewards for destroying AI units, they may prioritize that over engaging with other players.

  • Adjust rewards based on the difficulty of the task. PvP actions should yield comparable rewards to strategic target destruction.

  1. Matchmaking and Game Modes:
  • Consider separate game modes for players who prefer PvE or PvP. This way, those who want a more PvE-focused experience can choose accordingly.
  • Implement better matchmaking algorithms to create balanced teams, which can lead to more engaging PvP encounters.
  1. AI Behavior:
  • Improve AI behavior to make it more challenging. If AI units are too easy to destroy, players may avoid PvP altogether.
  • Vary AI tactics, such as having them actively defend strategic targets or respond to player actions.
  1. Events and Challenges:
  • Host special events or challenges that encourage specific behaviors. For example, a weekend event could reward players for PvP kills or successful dogfights.

  • Create achievements related to PvP actions, motivating players to participate.

Striking a balance between PvE (player-versus-environment) and PvP (player-versus-player) gameplay can significantly enhance the overall gaming experience.

However, for players who prefer a more PvE-focused environment, creating a separate PvE map or event could be an excellent solution.

This way, those who want to avoid direct PvP engagements can still enjoy strategic target destruction and AI interactions without feeling pressured into competitive combat


that’s me - or I would ignore it if I ever saw it.

I’m reading …

Your list is good.
Your list also clearly shows what a big construction site Sim is. We need developers who play Sim themselves and who are interested in Sim themselves.

… I think everything you wrote sounds right and good.
just two little things. I would completely forego “penalties” measures. Because punishment mentality usually makes the character of a mode worse, not better.
and a new implanted voice chat only within a squadron, not for the entire team. Sim should not become a second Hell let Loose or Squad.
These are two small points where I have a slightly different opinion.
but everything else sounds good. logical things & improvements that Gaijin should finally implement!