The issue of "PVE" matches

To put it bluntly, I think you just do not have enough experience playing in the air simulator mode since you have only had less than 100 battles. I always try to fly underneath an enemy plane while turning off my radar if I want to sneak up on it unnoticed. It will be completely unknown to you that a missile is coming your way until it blows you out of the sky. It is possible that someone is shutting off their radar as long as they confirm you to be an enemy plane; this has NOTHING to do with cheating.

Just play more and get more experienced.

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jawohl sir.
but the problem is that this company called Gaijin doesn’t really take us players and customers seriously.
I’ll give you an example. the daily reward for logging in. “oh again just the million SL!”
that alone is proof that Gaijin doesn’t take us players seriously at all.
the next example is the introduction of usefull action. against the will of all players. not just the introduction of usefull action, but the insane justifications and the brazen lies that we players supposedly wanted usefull action.

if I behaved like that towards customers in my job, I would have been fired long ago.
of course I follow the rules. but gaijin itself should follow the “rules”. especially the rule of how the company deals with loyal sim players.

I tried many altitudes, flying in clouds, on the map border etc etc and I always get killed by a mig23ml
low level chinese players often circle around at low alt and turn right before airfield and somehow know where everyone is and pop their IR missiles at them, they have radar off all the time and dont even spot, they just go straight for people

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There is a thing called RWR and some players are skilled enough to locate players solely based on that alone. Furthermore, how do you know they turn off their radar in the first place? Firing IR missiles does not require radar lock. All they need is to see a double dash line on the radar screen and look in that general direction. The radar can be turned off right after.

radar doesnt ping all around the plane does it?

Lastly, for your information, the MiG-23ML can used infrared search and track system (IRST). The player can go radar off the entire time and hunt you down from that thing alone.


IRST doesnt go that far and it doesnt show targets like a radar does

It is entirely possible to be successful in PvP without a radar. Been more than successful in aircraft like the Harrier Gr7 that doesn’t have radar

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of course, but not like them
I wont ever believe a low level player in a mig23ml is skilled enough to do any of that
they must be either cheating or smurfing to sell the account later and we both know that chinese botters arent known for fair play

Here is a video from Reddit showing that IRST can detect and lock onto you from as far as almost 8 km. You have an idea how far that is? Aircrafts at this distance is merely a dot and that alone is enough for someone to see.

Well, that is what I called prejudice and stereotypical mindset, something you should refrain from doing on the forum.


Low Level players on a Mig-23ML are just meat that when they kill someone is probably of their team XD

its not prejudice or stereotypes, the last uncovered cheating scandal was literally a chinese cheat and we all saw them. China has a market for accounts and cheats and nothing you say about discrimination or prejudice will change that.
To prove my point I ran a test on the january and february list of banned players
January out of 9569 lines 1030 contain a chinese character so about 10%. February out of 933 it was 304 so like 30% And yes, some people use chinese characters in their names but chinese also dont use chinese characters in their names sometimes so it either evens out or actually there is more chinese that we dont know of because why would so many randoms use chinese characters?
And no, I’m not saying that all chinese are cheaters.
And what is a low level player with only a premium that is dominating others at lvl 100? Either a trolling youtuber/bored player that grinded most of the trees or a cheating botter and I dont believe there is that many people bored so they make alt account only to start with a top tier premium.


I love slapping them out of the sky in the Tornado F3. They have no idea how to defend against me normally. Was fighting 2 J8s yesterday and there was nothing I could do because they were hugging the deck

For your information, the last ban wave is for “farming” in air simulator matches and has nothing to do with “cheats”. Get this information right.

So does other places. It does not require rocket science to find that on Google. Keep in mind that it is against the forum rules to discuss cheats.

A small minority, particularly in considering the size of their player base, which is very different from what several players have claimed in the past.

You did not prove anything at all. It has been shown on both the forum and in-game numerous times in the past that many of the non-Asian players struggle to distinguish between Chinese, Japanese, and Korean characters. In addition, several non-Asian players, in my own experience, use Asian characters in their nicknames. Thus, if all you have is a banned name list, you will have no idea about the true demographic distribution of the players. As a result, your “test” conclusions have no value since they cannot be validated or supported.

This is your speculations so stop making it sounds like a statement of claim.

Just so you know, Chinese letters do not necessarily indicate that a player is from “China.” People use Chinese characters in both traditional and simplified forms in many other areas, so you will never know which player is from where. This further proves that your “test” is severely biased.

You only had fewer than 100 battles in the air simulator mode, as I have already mentioned. Your level 100 is completely meaningless in here because it does not come from air simulator battles. If there is a level 20 player with over 100 air simulator matches under their belt, I am expecting this player to be far more experienced than you are. Experience in one mode does not translate to experience in another mode, period.

Furthermore, you have not offered any substantial evidence to support your claim that you believe someone has turned off their radar (aside from the “ping” thing). The IRST that I mentioned earlier may be one of the many reasons why other players are able to take you down with MiG-23ML without you “hearing” the ping. You claimed that IRST is limited in range, yet I have shown you that it is capable of locking onto an aircraft from a great distance. Furthermore, if you have already shot down an enemy aircraft, whether it be a real player or an AI attacker or AI bomber, this discloses your location immediately since it takes little time for a teammate to ask where they were shot down or check the objectives list to find out where you are generally.

Considering all that has already been said, I still believe the primary problem is that you lack enough experience (many players before me have already brought this up). I get the impression that you are unable to see this as a “skill issue” on your own and are instead accusing others of cheating without providing any evidence to support your claim. Therefore, instead of accusing other players of cheating in the forum, strengthen your argument by participating in more battles and gaining more experience.


Hard fact is that if I can merely take a mere statement, and find a replay within a few actual games where I find nefarious behaviour, I think nothing has been done for so long, that it’s been so open that it’s unfortunate that even looking at some replays would’ve actually brought some up…

I was also gatekept by a few people in this thread which I honestly think warrants suspicion on thier part because of the manner in which this affects everyone else.

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Or they never turn on their radar and identify by kill messages. Those might need to go.


Is that how it works? I have several reports in for abusive PVE players—namely a “teammate” actively reporting my position to the enemy team—but little faith that anything will be done.


small remark on the side: it is completely absurd that it is forbidden to discuss “cheats/hacks” here, but in every second post you can read something about “farming”.

for us sim players cheaters/hackers are a much bigger problem than any farmer!!!
for Gaijin, farmers are obviously the bigger problem. …for whatever reason?
is the forum for the players or not? so the forum rules should be reconsidered! We players must be able to talk about these problems with cheaters!
and no I don’t need a threat because I criticize a wrong rule!

it’s actually a cheeky way of dealing with customers here.

with my gaming experience i can confirm 100% that sometimes really stupid things happen. and that cheating in online games (also in WT Sim) can and is a really big problem.
but the subject of cheating is forbidden…

If Gaijin does a cheater ban wave, community complains they do not enough against bots.
If Gaijin does a bots ban wave, community complains they do not enough against cheaters.

It’s an ongoing, very resource and time consuming fight, and one that probably never can be won, as it’s constantly shifting and developing.

It’s not up to us players to decide which rule is right or wrong. The rules are there for a reason, even if we don’t agree with the reason, and when installing the game and starting to use the forum we agreed to follow those rules.