The issue of "PVE" matches

The text looks hella AI generated on that post

Yes, I am the automatic AI-Camel. Robo-AI-mel. I don’t need water or food.

or which text do you mean?

The one you replied to

he has made clearly structured proposals

maybe, but look at how the text is structured and how he responds, That is NOT how a human talks

What method would you prefer for communicating my messages on the War Thunder forum,

Morse code, Binary, ye Gold old English?

maybe I don’t notice it as a German?
germans talk like robots all day long :D
I thought you meant me at first

you are alive :D

I have a tendency to create comprehensive lists. Then, I elaborate on the narrative and present my proposals in a similar manner. Perhaps in the future, I will remove the bullet points and bold text


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The real sad thing about all this stuff…

If Gaijin would just give reasonable rewards across all modes and methods of gameplay, these issues would not exist.

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Yes, but there is only so much you can do to guide the flow of the conversation.

The rest is down to the developers, how can i put it “Doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results is like chasing a rainbow—it leads to disappointment”

Its better to have your say, on the matter and hope for the best.

In hindsight the developers will have a road map and most decisions for the next year or so are already set in stone.

Technically, the current voice chat does this by default if you don’t form squads. The hotmicing players are common.


It’s refreshing to read a text here that’s well structured and formatted. = )

I suffer enough from large-wall-of-texts-without-paragraph-or-punctuation…

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the point that was important to me is that it shouldn’t be like in Hell let Loose or Squad. those are actually good games. but this obligation to communicate is implemented too strictly there. it’s not possible to play a bit in between without having to talk. that puts a lot of players off.

and spitting camels
giphy (3)

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Funny you should mention this, but I think I know how to deal with dat…


= )

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