The issue of "PVE" matches

I don’t see why people are still trying to debate it…

From me mentioning what it was to the people telling me that I didn’t have stats to play sim, so I couldn’t talk and wouldn’t knoiw what was going on, yet I KNEW this was going on.

Half of the issue was people NOT REPORTING IT.

It’s not the ‘zombers’ that everyone will coin, it’s not the normal players going out and playing the game… It’s about the collusion of people to make PASSIVE rooms, and then attacking and abusing, and teamkilling those who didn’t follow thier demands.

Again, the issue is that no-one was really reporting it, and again, when I raised the concern, people tried gatekeeping me.

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Had one guy get so pissed at me the other day that he stopped kamikaze ramming the AF and tried to come after me, but I immediately beat him in a dogfight and he rage quit. Was rather satisfying.


radar missiles : true

I class that as unsporting behaviour as it’s akin to telling the enemy where your teammates are camping. When you do that, you’re disclosing the teams tactics and spoiling the game.

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Just report the player in battles and state the reason (e.g., exposing friendly allies location etc).

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Which of the in-game report categories is best for reporting people who are engaging in that kind of behaviour normally?

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Although I personally favour the “others” category, in general, it is far more important that players clarify the reasoning in the in-game report rather than sending in reports that are just random letters or numbers. This really aids in understanding the problem and facilitates the handling process. Hope this helps!

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I am not a friend of denunciation. and I have no interest reporting other players. can’t we all report the developers together instead? or preferably the Gaijin boss himself? :)

Hard fact is that we have of course no way to monitor every running match in real time. Just think of what this would encompass, literally hundreds or thousands of GM’s around the clock…

So we need to rely on players reporting the misbehavior of others to us. We all play the same game, we all hope for a friendly and fair game, and if some people abuse game mechanics or are attacking other players verbally, we of course try to stop them for everybody’s sake.

And there’s an easy way to not be “denunciated”: Don’t break the rules! ;-)

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I dont mind PVE matches, in fact i like them.
One way you can both help reduce the PVE problem and profit yourself is to simply hunt for PVE games, and then kill everyone.
I speedran full weapon mods on the SU27 in sim purely because of chinese botters/ base bombers.
They are all free RP, if only gaijin could distribute them better :)

Some people did a class action lawsuit to EA because their “deceptive acts or practices”

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PvE gives everyone benefits, you earn much more by doing it than dogfighting
and there is no other reason to play top tier air SB because of infestation of cheaters that sneak up behind you with their radar off and pop a ir missile without you noticing because they have you on ESP
Honestly the dedication of sim players to ruin everyones fun and make grind miserable is weird

I don’t think there are many cheaters on top tier with ESP, it’s just people that identified you, and after that they turn off radar …

nah, chinese keep doing it with their fresh mig23ml accounts
also the gamemode is unbalanced AF mig23ml is OP and dominates every match
AIM9J struggles to hit anything, it cant catch anything and it also is buggy af it just randomly hits the ground when fired rear aspect straight at the enemy, it works only at like 1.2km
while mig23ml can just shoot its r24r at ground level and kill anyone from any aspect…

I have stomped so many Mig-23ML with my F-104S ASA …

sure boss
send replay

How can I find replay of a certain plane ?

your 4x 9L help, mig23ml users are so confident they might not notice a 9L coming from a long distance but almost no other plane gets that luxury, mig23ml and its r24r just shouldnt play against stuff like F4E

Yep, I never bring an F-4E against 23MLs … Mirage F-1 too, GR7 before BR change.
From USA I have to try the F-5E now that has good RWR, also have to try the Kfir C7
Mirage 2000 when it’s 11.3, now there is not 11.0 days.

Step down a few BR’s and learn the mode. Not everybody that kills you is a cheater.