The issue of "PVE" matches

Then why all this zombing? What does the high mission score give them?
They loose SL if I understand it right, so is it all about some RP?

There is actually, but I know what you mean

Event progress. That is what they are grinding

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All I can say is the situation in Air Simulator mode is chaotic. Gaijin hasn’t paid attention to the economy aspect in Sim mode, which is why they are resorting to PVE. Other missions, such as destroying bombers or enemy carriers, offer rewards that are less than those for suicide bombing. This issue is exacerbated during event seasons, where the only way to grind faster is through Air Simulator mode, completely disregarding the essence of what a simulator should entail.


Whilst the activity time reward for these probably do need an increase. Personally I usually ignore these missions because they are really boring. It’s not just the economy its the gameplay value that needs an overhaul as well

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All you need to do is report such individuals using the in-game report tool, highlighting their comments in battles, and they will be dealt with accordingly.


yeah and receive 200 reports.

Even vehicles require a high mission score

Thanks for the replies.
I don´t care much about the events, so I didn´t even think about it…

But it shouldn´t be so difficult for gaijin to adjust the points for rocketing airfields during the events.

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They should have just tie the tewards to the effort.

So killing a plane a bomber in gunner view gives little reward. Bombing should give little reward with an automated bombsight.

Wirhout gunner view or bombsight the rewards should be medium for bombing and for kills high.

Killing a plane on the ground should give little reward as well.

And so forth

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It’s not that hard for them to do many things but they never do unfortunately.

In SL & RP, but in match points no, and that’s what counts for the event.

That’s why we only have zombers during events.

do you want to fly or discuss endlessly? pointless discussions and pure time-wasting, because nobody gives in. the “PvE” player will never give in and neither will the others.
pure waste of time

It’s better not to write in chat, if they insult you and you respond to the same level, you can get banned with a reason …

For just killing zombers, they are not gonna ban you.


So how do you bomb at all without using the bombsight? Dive bombing in a Lancaster?

Or do you mean CCIP/CCRP?

In which case, dive bombing in Tornado?

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If they insult you, report them.

If you respond to the same level, you break the game rules as well and potentially face consequences.

Exactly. You’re not doing anything wrong when you engage enemy players. They are part of the objective, after all.

So dogfighting should also give less rewards if using missiles? = /


I feel sorry for Sea-Vixens :P

No i just mean the regular bombsight.

It is supposed to be a punishment for using arcade features in sim (like the automated bombsight which shouldn’t exist).

Sure bombers with bombsights and multiple gunners have little to no way to get many rewards. But they shouldn’t have been implemented in sim the way they are either.

No, why would you draw this conclusion?

What kind of mental gymnastics is this?

Those obviously are punishments for using arcade features in SB, that shouldn’t exist in a combat flight sim.

Like bombsights that are modelled as being automated while being manually operated in real life.