What I just PMed you, and the responses of these 2 above show the problem someone actually raising such an issue faces in this thread.
Umm, if you’re not a sim player, how do you come to the conclusion then that botting is such a big issue in this game mode?
I can only speak for myself (nearly exclusive Sim player since about a year), and while yes, I do observe PvE issues from time to time, I don’t experience as a big issue, again because I just continue playing as intended, and see most players usually do the same.
It IS a problem for the sim community and for WT, but I personally don’t consider it one more important or critical than other issues plaguing Sim atm. I (again: personally) find botting in Sim EC much less of a problem both in frequency and effect, than in the naval game modes, where it really is very VERY pronounced.
All this doesn’t make the players concerns (including yours, @FlyingDoctor of course) any less valid or important. It IS an issue, and must be discussed and addressed, of course.
FlyingDoctor is the Gaijin RB policeman. the RB help sheriff who keeps order in Sim. such people are a much bigger problem than any abuser.
Because I’m highlighting an exploit that many have reported in the past, and ignoring it and excusing it is how it comes to be normal.
Much the same with the bots that were idling and flying through to drop bombs… I got informed of them, spectated, seen they were doing it, and reported it.
The reason I am able to think about the exploitative situation it leads to is because I designed gamemodes for other games that required to check for botting players, players sitting in vehicles, doing nothing but ‘farming’…
Who in the actual hell are you, because you don’t know me, so . . . .
Schindibee I’m glad that you and I are finally of the same opinion. That is not often the case :) :D
All the more to be cherished then, and a great example that we all may agree on some things and disagree on others!
We’re all here because we love the game, we all may have different views on what is best for it, and being able to discuss this should also be cherished, even if we sometimes disagree and get on each others nerves, haha!
yes I agree with you. when I have lunch at homeoffice I often go to the wt hangar and my favorite wt plane turns and “eats” with me. :D
yes sim is still the game of games. even though I appreciate the sim with the 3 letters.
but again briefly back to the topic:
the people who are so upset about PvE botting should explain to me how I behave in such a situation. if I find the enemy and shoot him he will probably drop out of the session. then the battle is over immediately.
the removal of the placeholder AI and the immediate end of the session when the enemy drops out - I think this is a huge problem that needs to be talked about.
an anti-abuse measure that backfires and harms the whole sim mode.
CC: @Schindibee
That is not entirely true, Bunny. They will often push this practice over to other region servers. This is not limited to just regular players doing this. You actually will find certain lobbies being operated as a side hustle. One or two individuals that communicates with others using social media, and then charge these players to use the lobby they set up. That way, it allows them to boost their account freely without opposition. They also use multibox software to operate alt accounts to allow those customers to free farm them on the runway. The same accounts they sent over to Naval in order to replenish their SL bank.
To avoid attention, they don’t operate them 24/7. You will often see them mostly during SA prime time hours, and when it shifts over to EU/CIS prime time. If any outsider interferes, they get extremely belligerent (even using racial name-calling) and will abuse features like the spectate mode to find your location. On some occasions, they bring in a bodyguard player that will often abuse 3rd party cheat software to hunt and grief you till you leave. These groups are organized and will often coordinate with other crews, or organizations that use bot software to boost/sell accounts on auction sites. And when events are active, they will massively flood the air Sim mode in order to control the lobby space in all regions.
Another thing, this thread has gone way off-topic on the PvE issue. Let’s be clear here! The Sim community has been organizing on the various populated Sim discords to combat this problem. We have no concern with players that play the AI objectives. That is by mission design, and you do help contribute to the team match. Anyone claiming otherwise is either trolling or ill-informed on the air Sim PvE situation.
This is the real issue! The term “PvE” is being abused as a virtue signal to start a truce between both sides. Some of them will claim that they don’t want to deal with the frustration of fighters. The fact is this is nothing more than a gaslight attempt to control the lobby, and mask their true intentions.
These players that often organize this will use this time to either rocket the airfield, or use other exploitive methods to game the economy. Most will actually get very angry if you actually kill AI targets. Anyone that thinks they can CAS freely in such rooms; think again.
Their purpose is to prolong the game as much as possible to milk the max reward of 3 hours, and to avoid any unneeded ticket bleed that ends the game early. If you break their own rule, then you will be hunted down as they try to force you to leave. You either comply to their standard of PvE by joining their exploitive behavior, or leave.
The other side of PvE is those players who set up truce rooms during events. Non-Sim players from AB or RB mode that come here to cheese the tasks based on word of mouth, or watching a YT video; mostly to rocket AF and suicide into them. While firing rockets on the airfield is not technically against the EULA. We’re open to all who are interested in playing Sim and want to learn it. But, we are sick and tired of dealing with outsiders acting like little children when they get shot down. Thinking they can come into this mode and tell us what to do, and how to play it by their standards. We’re not going to sit around and tolerate such arrogance by anyone.
Again, we have nothing against those who do actual PvE that is by design from the developers. The issue is anyone who abuse the term “PvE” as a means to gaslight others, and force a truce. That way, they can freely exploit the game mode without player opposition.
You’re a senior GM?
How do I go about removing a chat ban? A friend recently got into the game and I’ve found it a little hard giving directions or tips without chat. I barely remember when I was chat banned.
Absolutely awesome statement… It’s a bit sad though that you guys have a mod sitting on your beck and call while the rest of us, don’t…
I grew tired of even trying to explain anything because of the ‘Oh buts’ in this thread dragging it straight off topic… It’s almost like they really do know, and partake.
I don’t need to, it all has been put forth…
Last night because of the fact of being driven to get ‘evidence’ I came across a bot farm, and my theories were correct.
I handed that on, and explained my reasoning behind it, and I expect it to be escalated due to the intricate discussion we’ve been having here.
The derailing and excusers are just dragging the topic off-topic, desperately… This is going to be fixed.
Nothing you’re saying here has anything to do with what we’re talking about… Sorry, but you’re merely trying to drag it all off-topic as has been mentioned in the prior post.
My bot farm find was merely indicative of the issue I was highlighting, and has been forwarded appropriately, and will be escalated.
Your concern is almost like you think you’ll be affected, and which, while that could be a valid concern, stopping us even looking at it or drawing attention to it, is excusing the nefarious actions.
Maybe you are scared, but there’s no reason to be because you wouldn’t be affected if you play the game normally… These guys aren’t playing normally. Ignoring it allows for peopel to be passive, and that should honestly not be the case.
You’re playing against AI alone, with no fear of being ‘caught’ by a player… That shouldn’t be the way, otherwise we should just make a PvE-EC mode that gives you appropriate passive-scale rewards, because it’s not as if you’re actually playing the game compared to just flying against AI…
And that could be the simple way of removing the issue. A new mode, PvE, like assault. Now I bet you’ll have issue with that, but that’s not my problem.
Yet you are and have been…
You’re trying to gatekeep anyone looking at it out of fear of something that you admit didn’t work 2 years ago… Sorry, but there’s an issue to fix, and by proxy you admit it’s a problem.
(False flaggers as per usual)
This is just diversionary and whataboutism…
You’re doing nothing but gatekeeping attention on a serious issue that makes everyones efforts, all but worthless because you can tolerate a group who are gaming the system.
(False flaggers as per usual)
That’s just your opinion… Many can’t handle my candor, but that doesn’t make what I say wrong, or insulting.
People want to make out that it is, but that’s just them trying desperately to try get someone to stop saying things they don’t like. Many have tried, and many have failed.
No-one here has been gatekeeping you.
What I said before and what I think others are saying that have disagreed with you, is that yes there are issues with bot-farmers and abusers who try to force pve lobbies. No-one is disagreeing on that.
But based on what you write it seems to me (and apparently others) that players that play in a PVE manner (attacking bases/ground units/ai/airfields) are, in your opinion, also at fault.
And that’s what me and others are disagreeing on with you.
Help me clarify: Is that your opinion or have we simply been misunderstanding each other?
I got statchecked by the person I responded to, who’s saying that I’m just trying to cause trouble…
Definitely gatekeeping.
The issue is ignoring the issue to protect your mode, allows those who are doing this, to do it more. The fact that I merely checked the rooms and found a bot farm operating, AND everyone else was sitting on the non-bot side, shows the issue is known, and is understood.
Well, after the 20th post of you repeating yourself, avoiding questions and blatantly ignoring what others are saying… yeah, you’ll get stat-checked.
Now, to my previous question:
Care to answer that? Or are you going to ignore my reply again but for 1 sentence?
He won’t answer. He refuses to ever admit he’s wrong