The issue of "PVE" matches

You need to use it, as that’s the accepted and advised method.

You think that’s right, but you’re ignoring what I said.

They can skirt the system by coordinating, as they do by creating these rooms.

Problem, is, they have no right to take any actions against PVP players, or harass them or offend them, as those are clear breaches of the game rules. Already asking for PVE is theoretically a punishable offense, as it goes against the rules.

Air Sim EC is a PVP game mode, and intended as such.

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No. This is not how our system works. This will get the report spammer into trouble, not the one who is reported repeatedly and without having done anything wrong.

Yea, that’s right, but they will try and inflict that on you, because that’s what’s been happening…

I’ve been spam reported myself a few times… I even told you guys of the squadron that was doing it and no action was taken.

I merely corrected a squadron leader in help chat and got that, then hounded by that squadron for months.

(Edit - Like, I’ve highlighted a lot of problems that I’ve encountered with people, that I genuinely shouldn’t have had to encounter, or even deal with, and a lot of them have been genuinely ignored by the mods and GMs… Especially under this ‘guise’ of the ‘We don’t comment about actions’, where it’s literally, no actions…)

Problem is that as players one actually does not see the actions we take in the background, hence it’s easy to assume nothing is done.

I know this is probably not convincing anyone who already is sceptic, but - seeing both the “public” and the “personal” sides - I can assure you that the system works well.

Not always perfect, of course, we’re also just human.

The issue with that, is that it was an entire squadron, plus another few squadrons that were doing it…

I know they weren’t acted upon.

Same with the abuse that I got one time for merely talking in chat too much, getting abused and derided because ‘You’re always in chat’ and started abusing me, calling names and junk, and the mod just sat back and told me it was thier opinion to hold…

No mention about the personal attacks and the language used… A literal ‘both sides’ nonsensical dismissal.

When I highlighted the idle-bots, it took 6 months to even get anything and they STILL didn’t catch the one I highlighted to them as an example.

The suggestion that was put forth to run a script over the players stats, is a valid check, and I’m sure you’d find a LOT…

I’m actually losing my patience as it’s clear the bots aren’t being noticed in the way that they should, and that action upon them isn’t being taken.

then Gaijin should remove all AI aircraft and all AI ground units. and move the PvP air battles into space. then the mode becomes as bad as never. …and we will see if EC Sim survives another week.

it’s funny when I play Arma Reforger there is no Bohemia Interactive employee to warn me when I fight against AI.
the fault lies with your game and your rules and not with the players

Also Acrade and Realistic Air Battles contain AI units, as they offer possibilities for missions, but still these are PVP matches.

My point: Sim EC is intended as PVP mode, and it is forbidden to harass other players for not adhering to (as per game rules) illegal “truces” between players of opposing teams.

Or to shorten and simplify it: it is forbidden to harass other players.

And, as a very simple guide:

  • Game mode with one player team: PVE
  • Game mode with two opposing player teams: PVP
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it’s all about money. there have always been players who insult others in chat. this is not an “abuser invention”.
Gaijin is only about making money. the cow should be milked. the progress of the players in the techtree should be slowed down. people should be encouraged to buy premium content.

my squadron has paid a lot of money in the past to promote sim. we have done our duty. now we want a good mode. PvP and or PvE! we deserve that. instead we sit hours in the lobby because with anti-abuse measures all punished. therefore-> flying against AI is usually not a crime. every felxible flight simulator offers this possibility.

…so there is no misunderstanding here. why do you think I am so annoyed? I have invested 600€ in War Thunder between 2017 and 2021 to promote Simulator. I was very excited about Sim at that time and saw a positive development. even if this development was very slow.

what is the result today: Sim EC has regressed into a kind of early beta version of a bad game. what is your company doing with our money? has a single € been put into Simulator?
instead I read here all the time how bad the abuse is.
that’s not my problem. my problem is the biggest abuser - Gaijin!

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I agree on most bits. Mode rewards weren’t great before events I only use it for grind above rb for certain aircraft that stock in air rb were pain either for actual playing sim with friend or alone. When i do bombing ai hunting etc like some more average players i dont mind when i grab a kill or someone kills me.
Last crafting event had no sim allowed now it does and phantoms/other planes with rockets doing 75k score event mark in one match is a thing we see and its 100% gaijin issue of allowing it to happen. Just like we waited for conwoy aa "“fix” for a long time we might wait super long for other EC fixes but they will hopefully come at some point. Gaijin airfield health ““fix”” they pushed a while back also doesnt adress anything since score gain is the same.


Excuse my ignorance, but how do you invest money to - as you say - promote Sim?

Please note also that it’s not “my company”, and I have no say here. Yes, I am Senior GM, but that’s just a voluntary function restricted to chat moderation and reports processing, not development etc.

And, also important, I myself see a lot of things in Sim EC and the game itself that I’m unhappy about, and would love to see changed and improved. Here, however, in the context of this topic, I merely state what - according to the rules I help to uphold in my function as GM - is allowed and what not.

Give us Heli PVP back

I mean paid, of course. to promote Sim, of course.

That doesn’t explain it, sorry. How do you “pay to promote sim”?

No, as a Sim player, of course I only promote arcade. sorry what kind of question is that.

I know that. but where are Gaijin’s people here?

The question being, WHAT do you pay WHERE to promote anything?!?

A bit ago I went into a sim ec and people were interested in pve stuff, I just said not to damage the rearm/refuel module of the airfield I was using and I went on with pve stuff as it was my intention to grind the next aircraft, then they started bitching about it and one teammate purposefully killed me while I was rearming/refuelling at an irrevelant place on the airfield(near anti aircraft guns actually). Then I went full pvp shooting down anything, one of my teammates sent me a pm that I have noticed at the results screen at the end of the game which read “stupid pig” I don’t know how to report it as it was not in game chat. Sometimes they really go out of hand even tho some chill pve stuff feel good every once in a while. @Schindibee Just wondering how to report a pm insult.

Simply directly from the window/chat/message where you observe the offense right click the offender’s name and select “Report”.

That example btw is exactly what I talk about: Someone with the mindset “if they say its a PVE match so everybody doing PVP is doing something wrong” offends a player doing PVP, and this is not ok. Nor is offending for any other reason, of course.

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