The issue of "PVE" matches

No game is exploit/cheat free, they can’t allow developping it following Do-178C standards, and even if they did, there would be exploits … and some people would be the exploiting them.

Yes, I don’t doubt it, but that doesn’t change that exploiters are cancer.

Your post once again is hilarious.

Both example given have the same type of players doing the exact same things but one is meant to be valuable “PVP” and the other is garbage. Anyways, aren’t you supposed to to not join those games where people were looking for point since you consider them lesser “potatoes” ? ? ?

Oh and a bonus note, where are these “normal” players quitting too? The other 4 player lobby or play some ground RB?

What a load of crap.

Of course you can hurl messages at them in chat. This is the Internet after all. It’s kind of the culture of the Internet. Insult → insult back.

This sanatization of chats and forums is a new phenomenon.

Let them know they aren’t wanted. After all they don’t care about sim and ruin the mode for personal gain.

As you notice potatoes like you destroy this game mode. And these 4 players just quit the game. It’s the whole point.

You just can’t comprehend how SB mode is great fun if you get proper lobby. End of discussion as I said before you suppose to be ban for exploit game. That you can’t understand what dmg you do to community it’s really your problem.

Enjoy your PvE Looby with potatoes crashing into AF. If game suppose to look like this. Well GJ Gajin.

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that’s true. but here again the problem is how does the developer deal with the issue. and what measures does the developer take against these things.

so and in Sim it was so that the possibility to play self-created battles for ALL Sim pilots was cut and reduced. without going into detail there now.

the chat in the game is there to communicate with his team. at best for short tactical info. and this is not a load of crap

who wants to argue and insult can do that in whatsapp or otherwise.

You really do have no idea so you?

WhatsApp for flaming? Wtf?

Of course the Chat should also be used for speaking your mind. It’s a general communication tool not just for tactics.

Ingame chats were actually notorious for this Internet culture. As i said before trying to force civil discussions is a new phenomenon.

if you don’t want whatsapp. you can also use carrier pigeons or smoke signals!

you may be one of those candiates who just won’t stop and who always think they have to have the last word. but people want to fly in the game, not discuss. and nicely, the chat should not be flooded with insulting chatter. because sometimes the chat is important for tactical information.

and now I’m not going to get further into a pointless discussion about ingame chat.

My sweet summer child, you lack reading comprehension.

I said that this use of a gamechat is part of the culture of the Internet that developed over time. Using WhatsApp for it isn’t part of that culture since WhatsApp did not exist when this was established.

It has nothing to with me wanting anything. If you had the ability to read properly you’d understand that instead of writing nonsense.

Airfield exploit fixed in dev server … better late than never

this is a war thunder forum. culture of the Internet is of no interest to anyone here.
now if you would be so kind and stop sending spam messages.

if you want a sidewinder in your tail for free keep it up. is not worth the effort.

yes, AF’s are neuralgic points. if the developers make mistakes there, then good night.

Sure the bevaviours stemming from internet forums have no place in Internet forums… Riiiight.

This is still very much on topic. If you see the PvE crowd you are well within your right to give them a piece of your mind. It is the norm in these kind of situations and WT isn’t special.

I think it is very much worth the effort honey.

Why would I care about potatoes crashing into airfield when people zerging into bases is the exact same outcome?

You know what’s even more hilarious though "“And these 4 players just quit the game. It’s the whole point.”

Without these lobbies they wouldn’t be able to quit, cause they’d have zero games to join to start with, my whole point. LMAO

That why DCS and IL2 don’t have players…

Your argument is so invalid…

Why is your answer not even related to my most recent reply and something I already debunked you on

You debunked nothing. And nobody in this topic agree with you…

Moreover you are needed to be banned as you are exploiter.

Nobody is reading this thread because they are no players unfortunately.

Dont take this the wrong way but shouldnt that be Gajijns job? Having to go out of your way to report cheaters and the like is honestly counterproductive if you want to tackle the problem for real. Peoples willingnes to report cheaters and other issues decreases exponentionally with the number of steps needed to submit a report.

To add on top of that. War thunder is not a community run game, the servers are owned and run by Gajijn. The game centers around randomized matches and players have no control over who they are playing with. I think its ok for companies to ask players for help to catch cheaters etc. But with War thunder it seems like they solely rely on players to moderate themselves. Which is absolutely not a reliable method when servers are not community run. The average player have little incentive to make reports or even just be nice for that matter, because players have no vested intrest in moderating a game they have no part in shaping. I hope that make sense. One last thing. even if you report obvious cheaters on the website with replay and everything. Anything rarely happens and that just adds a whole other layer of pointlessness. If you report cheaters and nothing comes out of it, what the point of reporting the next cheater you come across? I doesnt matter anyway right?

Since Gajijn saves every replay why are bots accounts even possible? Write or invest into a program that crawls through player inputs looking for bots and possibly also cheaters. Seems trivial to me.


Or specific criteria like gaining 90+% activity time via AF damage only

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