The issue of "PVE" matches

You get more SL if your team wins

u also get kicked out of the game for dying while trying to do a bait objective

You said you can gain lives by bombing bases, why would anyone do that when you carry a bomb load or use dedicated cas plane and risk your own live against a fighter you cant beat? The lives your trying to gain is actually lost, a negative.

This is how your “smarter” gameplay works. Camping airfield from orbit because all you need is 1-2 kill and they have to quit the game afterwards.

So what is the point to Air War?? Wtf M8??
Get air superiority. Support ground units… win the f map.

If you asking me what is the point in wining and taking risk!?

IDK meybe play more PVP… not PVE bomb contest…

PS. I check your SB profile. I’m not mistaken you are just zoomber… First to ban for exploit if you ask me

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You literally don’t get it.

You are killing the playerbase because 90% of the people will leave, it doesn’t matter what you want because they will leave, the people you want to farm. This is how you kill the mode even worse than it already is. You think all of a sudden there is going to be good matches or something? 90% of lobbies are already empty WITH all the pve andys.

Half the people in the game already leave after 1 death because they cannot bomb safely, now imagine the people who stay getting forced out bcaus you just fly around in uncatchable MB5 camping airfield, heck yeah son! GAMEPLAY!

I have played SB since 2013 and i play everything, half the time I login these days there is only 1 room available where i need to grind, amazing!

big zomber energy coming in

Big ups sean! BIG UPS!

limiting respawns might work. but 2-3 respawns for a 3 hour battle is a bit very little. we don’t want a second RB.
10-12 respawns would suit me better

but my favorite are still SP and timer without rotation. that was the best EC time that I miss very much.

I liked the idea of SP but NO TIMER myself, instead they got rid of both at once.

The rotation is a separate thing that could have worked with that model as well.

SP would also work without timer. timer but not without SP.

Rotation and SP would not be a good idea. that would only confuse everyone.

the rotation was only introduced as an emergency solution. because the mode without SP was crap.

now it is with rotation and without SP also crap. because for example with 5.0-6.0 everyone flies only 6.0. with 4.0-5.0 everyone only 5.0 and so on… so within 48 hours nothing has improved.

Normal players have enough zoombers. They are no challenge. As you prove by you screen shoots. How meany decent Dogfight you have?? 90% your SB profile show you are zomber.

Majority players not leave SB because of grind! Majority SB players deleted from this game because of Gajin destroy this mode(wide economy). And now because is not challenging and it’s 0 fun to shoots potatoes like you.

It’s not my foult you never Ben in full player match where every one dogfighting. It’s hell of fun try find different players exept zombers and you feel what I’m talking about because you don’t have f clue.

now I even have to defend daffen :)

where is the border between normal player with bomber and zomber? I am also against hardcorce zomber. but playable bombers and attackers are an important element of EC.

stalking profiles is not the way to go either.

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I mean guys who just shoot rockets and crash into airfield. BR 10+ lobby’s it’s this kind of game play… is boring AF.

No wonder EC from PvP going into PvE… Gajin like always in their twisted logic make thing even worse not better…

IMO best option is bring back oryginal EC from it’s beginning nominate GM to ban abusers… problem solved

I think on 10+ maps the effect of the AF SAMs must be increased again in combination with ‘Brrrrrttttttttt’ tanks.
so that the AFs are really protected. Anti Zomber SAM. but convoys and other ground targets please a little less ‘flak’.

by the way,
so first the nation setups on all jet 10- 10+ BR’s have to be fixed. I destroyed an modern abrams tank yesterday in 9.7 BR with 1955 super sabre. I was a bit confused. the modern abrams tank was obviously previously captured by enemies and went through a time machine.
the developers who create the scenarios either don’t feel like it or are drunk in between.

I don’t get it, u say my idea would be bad cuz confuses but than say it would be good? (your listed br problem is fixed by my idea)

Impossible challenge: Making a statement without contradicting it in same sentence.

I have 110+ days in SB as a Fighter only. I know how this mode change during years. I see what attracted people to this mode and how people bounce from this mode.

From my experience majority players stick to some BR (like me 4.0-5.3, 10.0-12.0) simply enjoying dogfighting.

They leave from meany reasons like FM’s and DM. Where every BR have broken plane in one way or another.

They also leave because of economy when they was not skilled enough to sustain SL. After changes in 2021. And they just can’t play their favourite planes

  • they want just relax not counting how meany min they need spend after kill to make useful accions.

BUT! You will know that if you be a “normal” player, not abuser of this mode and exploiter using this game mode as grind and only grind tool. People like you now are the biggest cancer of this mode.

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Nobody cares about FM or DM nearly as much as some think . If they did, other sims would have a lot more players.

The repair cost now is much better than it used to be at least.

It’s also the most relaxed time period, since instead of doing as much as possible as fast as possible, you get max potential for doing almost nothing right now, just the overall end reward result is lower.

The average person (read: fodder you both simultaneously want to play but also hate for some reason) is far, far more likely to cap out their useful action now and get 50k rp than whatever they had before, but no more 300k rp game on big plays.

Seriously, i had given up on playing 4.0-5.0 cuz of spam of arcade p61 players that dropped bombs and went with smoke to cap points sniping whoever aproached them.
And then, going up to 5.0-6.3… only bomber spams bcz of the grind, and then you as fighter take a shitload o risk to kill them and receive no reward. Now I’m basically playing in mission editor and going duels in custom games, no incentive to play and deal with this bs. No wonder most of the friend I invited quited in no time, no reward for fighters considering the risk they take
Obs: not saying bombers and attackers dont earn more or too much, as i only have knowlodge of them in ground sim

Maybe if they thought about new events… I remember of the interceptation of bombers event of some years ago(not sure if it was custom or by gaijin). Something like a room in which one side has to protect few bases/convoys, with interceptors and fighters,
And the other side have bombers/attackers and escort fighters, idk. About changes in EC, yeah, even if we have no idea, gaijin should find some new mechanic changes, as the ones done in the past made Ec more miserable.

If your think EC have more players than other games you are simply wrong. Especially when you minus grind exploiters.

Numbers/statistic never give you fun factor.

Other games also have issues Like IL2 and DCS. These games are not perfect. Noticeable average DCS players are worse in terms of BFM and tactics than WT players… But it’s doesn’t matter if you just have good time.

Also I’m believe even zomber like you if have a little bit more excitement from bombing and more rewarding from the game will be less boring for every one.

You still thinking in terms of RP and grinding… srsly M8 this is game and suppose to be fun… Not time wasting calculator for f sake

Never wrote that about EC but keep going off chief

Why would I bomb in this game? Why? The reward for years is less than shooting down a single person. If you want SL, you never play SB, ever.

Why do you think so many randoms play SB? They thought it had good reward / semi-afk reward, do whatever you want with them, but when they are gone EC will have 1/10th the “targets” for you to farm, oh well at least you can still farm bomber waves in EC3 or something.

Compared to the RB air battles, EC Sim is actually quite good. 3 hours of PvPvE air warfare. that’s a lot better than piddly air RB. …with only one air spwan.

If there were no silver Lions and more teamwork features then EC would be a really great thing.

I have no problem with abuse players compared to most people here. I can never force these abusers to adopt my playstyle. so I don’t even try. the abusers do their thing I do my thing. there is too much discussion about abuse here on the forum. every online game with a grinding system always has abuse. (i.e. players looking for ways to grind faster and deviate from the ‘normal’ playstyle). I can never prevent it as a player. and the developer does not want to prevent it but punishes all players with strange measures.

I always tell the people who have such problems with abusers to play a sim without a grinding system. IL-2 or DCS. or whatever. there is no abuse there.

that a “PvE abuser topic” over 300 comments after pulls I find very strange.
I would like to see 300 comments with suggestions to give EC a complete and great polish.

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