The issue of "PVE" matches

no the players did not force gaijin to raise the economy. the players had to force gaijin to lower the economy.
it’s not about abuse but about rip-off on the part of gaijin.

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And it would be Gaijin who should to blame. If the grind don’t takes years then there won’t be that much PvE players as well as bots. But Gaijin were determined to make players, not only “normal” players but also PvE and bots, suffer by nerfing income. Don’t you think it is Gaijin who have the problem?

EULA shouldn’t be the shield of Gaijin’s exploiting. If the income is normal and grind won’t take years, which means at least 5 or 10 times of the current income, I would no doubt against going PvE players because anyone would get what they want normally and PvE would be meaningless. But as the incredibly low income I would understand them for relieving from cyber slavery. Besides it’s not like “only prem can do so”, everyone can choose to go peace. If anyone gets sicked of the despairing grind they can join. And they can leave and choose PvP as well. I don’t think there are people who enjoys taking years to get the vehicle they want, rather than months or even weeks, as the game should be.

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It is player problem. PvE behaviour led to nerfs and made it hard to make break even for regular players.

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The income nerf started way earlier than the PvE issues. It’s more likely their propaganda caused the nerf, PvE or bot or what are only excuses. Even they dont exist the income will decrease as well

I do, tornado gr1, CCRP, using irl tactics. with a HOTAS and sometimes even OpenTrack. That is more “simmer” than most play SB. If you dont know what you are talking about, then id not comment.

ARB its almost impossible.

Define “simmer”

Strange statement. Can’t bomb because it’s for simmers?!?

It’s like claiming you can’t put tomato in a salad because it’s a fruit…

On the contrary, as @Morvran said, Sim EC is very well suited for bombers (or attackers on bombing missions in high tier), and is basically the only game mode where you can do this in a reasonable way.

In RB, you will have to fly right into that massive, unrealistic furball that always forms directly right above the area with the ground targets, which is certainly NOT what an aircrew on a bombing mission wants to do: stealth is paramount and getting AROUND enemy air defense to your target and back is the best (and most realistic) way to do it.

This CAN look like avoiding to fight and PVE, but it’s just the nature of the mission: If I am on a bombing mission I take care to select my route so I don’t have to pass through the most heavily defended areas.

And of course on the other side, the fighters job is to find me and keep me from succeeding in my bombing mission.


No, bombers are wellcome.

Glitch exploiters asking for pve, normally called zombers, not

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EULA shouldn’t be the shield of Gaijin’s exploiting. If the income is normal and grind won’t take years, which means at least 5 or 10 times of the current income, I would no doubt against going PvE players because anyone would get what they want normally and PvE would be meaningless. But as the incredibly low income I would understand them for relieving from cyber slavery. Besides it’s not like “only prem can do so”, everyone can choose to go peace. If anyone gets sicked of the despairing grind they can join. And they can leave and choose PvP as well. I don’t think there are people who enjoys taking years to get the vehicle they want, rather than months or even weeks, as the game should be.

It does not take you years. That’s such a false narrative players push to gain points with the anti-Gaijin crowd. A few months is possible for an average player if they focus on a single tree a few times per week, but not years. Unless, you are staying F2P up to top-tier and playing casually once a week, while seriously underperforming. At that point, that’s not a game problem. That’s a “you” problem for failing to have a plan to be more efficient.

The game already has Premium time and vehicles to boost research that anyone can grab during sales. Short on cash? You can sell your event items on the marketplace. Many who are short on funds already do this. Also, you have the option to spade every vehicle for bonus RP. The point is, you have the options. The problem with your argument is that it reflects those who don’t want to put in the effort at all. Just take the easy route and make up excuses to justify taking advantage of the game’s loopholes.

It’s like having little funds in life and you want that new pair of Nike shoes. But instead of putting in the time and working hard to have the cash to purchase it. You decided to take the easy way, grab the shoes, and run out of the store. That’s what your logic is applying here.

And for clarification, I’m not against those that do PvE. I’m a CAS main myself, but I’m against those using it as an excuse to rig a game and turn it into a farming sandbox by exploiting broken mechanics. That’s the issue players have with those asking for PvE. It’s not for a good intention.


Personally what first got me to sim was the ability to do anti shipping sorties, but the “PVE” cancer that is just horrid, dunno if it is as bad as zombers but it just angers me. the mode already has nerfed rewards and they make it worse, and make annoying claims that they are victims while ruining an already struggling mode

Not going to deny, its definetly a mode that needs a load of tlc

all modes ingame need a rework from the ground up

Yeah, they also need to rework how gamemodes work for different gen of vehichles.

Actively calling on people to coordinate across the teams to not ‘acitvely’ engage each other is a problem though, which echoes the old Heli EC kill farmers that took a while to draw light to in the same method as the issue here.

Everything else in these threads, is merely diffusion and smoke.

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Then qualify your statements. if you just say bombing, then your claim needs to apply to all bombing. bombing with the automated bombsight isn’t simulating bombing.

simmer as in partakes in a simulation. a simulation is the emulation of a process or system. since real ww2 bombers didn’t have magic autocorrecting bombsights… therefore the bombers aren’t simulated… it’s fairly easy.

Not what i said, i said in “you cannot bomb in general and be simming at the same time”, since partaking in a simulation needs a simulation. Since a simulation is the emulation of a system and the system in this case is the bomber, the bomber needs to be emulated… it isn’t therefore it isn’t a sim, so you cannot partake in a simulation while using a bomber in SB.

At least reiterate what has been said properly. The point was that proper boming isn’t possible and you can’t sim bombing, since WT doesn’t allow for it. hOw you made that weird statement from it is beyond me.


Yeah I agree with you, I’m afraid I really didn’t get what you wanted to express properly. My appologies. = )

fun fact the whole of WT falls into the very niche of Simcade, neither arcade nor sim, while the mode is sim that just means the least amount of assists possible in this simcade game, if you are a “simmer” you would play more realistic games on the market, WT provides a vast choice of vehicles at the cost of less detail (see the F-86s using the B block cockpit (B block went into service as F-86A-5)).

Playing sim in WT means you want the most raw and least limiting mode since you do not have any flight assist that the plane would not have, and in some cases these assists can make flying planes actually harder (See F-14A in arcade, pain in the rear I tell ya)

At the end of the day this game falls into a genre that is not sim so thus not simulate everything to the limit, a bombsight is provided for all aircraft that had one, but in a standardized way to lessen development time and space on the users drive.

Anyway this is off topic from this thread which is at this point about farming lobbies and organized PvE both of which are not allowed and sadly way too common during events thus ruining the modifiers for matches and with barely any punishment for those that take part

I have made it clear through that my main “bomber” was the Tornado Gr1. This should be fairly obvious. Do older bombers need improvement, yeah, but they would require total overhauls of how everything works. and if anything, would result more exploitation.

Something like 1% of bombs dropped from high alt actually hit their target and thats massive bomber waves. How do you balance/reward a bomber playing with 100% realisitc equipment?

At high tier, the kind of bombing computers we have in WT 100% exist and are if anything are “under-powered” in WT. The ballistic computer on the Gr1 is basic at best in WT.

The basics of Fighters are there, it’s not less than other SIMS like IL-2:1946.

Bomber s do not have the basics… so they aren’t even simcade if you want to call it that.

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the bombing computers in ww2 were manually operated, and not fully automated.

I do not get why you do a general statement first and only narrow it down to specific plabnes afterwards. if you only meant specific planes, make a specific statement in the first place.

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