The Gripen C and its Loadout for Sweden

As far as i know there is not enough public information for that radar.

If thats the case how are they even gonna model it in the first place?

although the Derby (which is found on the F-16D as of now) could be carried by the JAS39C aswell, as implied by SAAB.

I suspect aim-120 will be better in most if not all respects

Yep, they tend to fix the radars like a few months after release…
A2G radar would be awesome.

we do have some info about how it compares to the mk.3.
the original one (mk.1) was based on the blue vixen so that is what the A version in game currently has.

This is what i have personally found on the radar so far:

Source 1:
Screenshot 2024-06-02 233543

Screenshot 2024-06-02 233535

Source 2:

Screenshot 2024-06-02 233422

Screenshot 2024-06-02 233404

Screenshot 2024-06-02 233347

I also just found this on SAAB’s own website (PS-05/A fighter radar | Saab):
Screenshot 2024-06-02 234422

so i think that is the least they could do,


I have so far only gotten two confirmed frags with the AIM-120A (on the F-15C MSIP-II Platform).

Maybe using it like a sparrow could hopefully guarantee more frags, but using it as intended (or like the AIM-54), your hit chances are low.

Hopefully they will take those documents and use them wisely.

it is meant to have the TV seeker

doesn’t matter to Gajin it will get the mavs Sweden used

There is no harm in trying.

At least we could expect Gripen C in game get IRIS-T after 1 or 2 years. As for Meteor, I think Gaijin would copy paste another Gripen for us to grind (either Gripen C MS20 or Gripen E).

@CoochOG hey man.

Sorry to bother but did you made any bug reports for missing armament on JAS39C?

Figured I’d link this here, seems warranted. Adds some information not sure if present in the thread (Haven’t read through this one in a bit), and might as well get smushed into the same spot.

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can somebody with sources at hand jump on report for removing aim9m from sweden?

What? why?
they were added not because of historical accuracy but balance because Sweden has nothing that is close to it. things they have is either way older or way to modern.

sweden never used aim9m and 9L(i) which is correct for them to replace it and since its already being implemented there is nothing to do

Sweden used Aim-9L/i -1, not Aim-9L/i.

Aim-9L/i-1 is further upgrade of 9L/i that has smokeless engine and other improvements.

I dont know what your game is but your intentions about nerfing Gripen will not work.

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JAS39 Gripen A lose Rb 74(M) because Gripen A never armed 4th gen IR AAM seeker

Not just F-4F KWS LV (ICE) carry AIM-9L/i. Tornado ADV & F-16A Block 15 ADF (ITA) and Tornado F.3 Late (RAF) mounted AIM-9L/i

Gripen C from sweden tech tree armed AIM-9L/i ?

Yes but this one is specific for sweden

On the export summary it only lists 9L(i) so you would have to provide sources for the later one



As far as i know they did not retrofit smokeless motor but were using 9L bodies

Do you perhaps have any sources on that?

Your own sources states Sweden Aim-9L/i models has the same capabilites that Aim-9M-5/6 has, this includes smokeless engine.

You’re condiracting with yourself.

Gaijin presumibly have sources on it, on their wiki they state:

" The RB 74(M) Is an import version of the AIM-9L Sidewinder; more specifically the AIM-9L/I-1, Which adopts similar characteristics as the AIM-9M, such as a smokeless motor, IRCCM and the same range.

In real life the RB 74(M) doesn’t exist since Sweden never adopted the AIM-9M in combat so that name is fictitious."

(RB 74(M) - War Thunder Wiki)

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