The Gripen C and its Loadout for Sweden

Yep. I cant make out half of those A2G weapons. But I think Some would be fine but not modeled, others are way too strong

(Tornado Gr4 with Brimstones would make me very happy this year)

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That is correct though, the Rb75T is just Rb75 with a heavier explosive (The T stands for “tung” meaning heavy) nothing else was changed.

I’m 99% sure that its based on the AGM-65B version and not the A version.

Sooner or later we will recieve more sophisticated weapon systems Fox-3 Era opened that door, for now we just sit back and enjoy Fox-3 meta as much as we can.

Brimestone + Hellfire Longbow would be really nice

in general

Yeah, or try to at least. Though I have the Gripen, will be spending the next long while farming and spading the FA2 and F3 (not going to be pleasant)

But IDS gets any TLC. Then will also be in that

I was reffering to missing ordinance actually.

Swedish Gripen C should be compatible with other Maverick models.

Yeah, they would be good and we must be rapidly approaching that point. I think the only thing we need is a top tier ground decompression which I think may be coming soon

This is correct for that missile. As I said, we would be better served with less historically accurate but compatible payload than what Sweden actually operated, as that missile is TV guided.

Just depends on how pedantic gaijin is with what Sweden actually purchased vs what could actually be equipped because its equipped by other nations. They can be rather hit and miss

oh yeah, sure :)

i just wrote that because you answered someone who said:

It is Sweden, they tend to be pedantic until it helps us.

As with most minor nations.

Hopefully they dont screw us this time like they did with Gripen A.

I wish you luck with that :D

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Yea i got confused because i thought it was 65G when i saw that on dev stream, turns out it wasnt :)

Maybe the SAAF one you saw? I think they glanced at the R-Darters

(edit: shows how long its been since i play the gripen C only has Bs :D )

Fingers crossed, but we’re gonna need bug report for that.

I’m kind of hoping for PS-05A mk.4 radar, the GCAS and VWS upgrades to be added to the C version.

Not that said plane should carry darters with the excuses they used to give it to you gits before us.

Not remotely put out by that at all.

I was confused because of the icon of Maverick, looked like a 65G to me.


I can see gaijin being a little feet draggy with radar upgrades. Hopefully it will get some A2G stuff with everyone else, but it does have the Blue Vixen from the FA2 currently.