The grind on this game is still too much

tbf it’s been like this for 10+ years

Yeah its not going any where any time soon seeing as its growing as a player base from what I remember.

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ye, the game hit all time peak active playerbase last year


A normal person would realize that progress in f2p games requires time or real money. The player riot we saw was based on the fact that you needed both.

Despite i like your idea of era separation you will see a backlash by people unable or unwilling to welcome the increase of immersion.

Especially players of “useless” nations like Sweden, Israel or even China have either not participated (SWE & Israel) or got the majority of their rather modern equipment after WW 2 (China, France).

The severe skill issues in certain nations are just a result of their popularity, so it seems like that the experienced pilots flying them are in the absolute minority.

If you look at prop Air RB:

US planes are usually not easy to use and the wt meta favors low to medium alt turnfighting - therefore their pilots need postwar aircraft (with artificially lowered BRs) in order to compete with better player skill nations (on average) in actual WW 2 aircraft.

Same with USSR - they have similar skill issues like the average US players whilst their cannons overperform since RS 2.0 - and, ofc, their aircraft excel at low to medium alt. So positioning their few actually good aircraft like the 4.0 Yak-3 well below a contemporary 5.7 Bf 109 G-10 or K-4 is following the same logic.

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I don’t play any WW2 anymore. I don’t have time. Also they can solve the “skill issue” of US planes with one thing they just don’t want to do.
Instead of the crappy outdated " immersion " take off… air start for all , any nation not only US. Start them 5km. Let them play at the altitude the like. The ones that like play lower, dive. The climbers… climb.

Now if someone wants to (side)climb , he spends too much of a much doing this…they won’t do it because grinding. And not everyone cares about their stat card and not everyone cares to have a good match in quality , because they are grinding. i believe most newcomers now care to play a 11.0 and above jet, because those are the jets we grew up with. They won’t give a crap about WW2 tactics and sideclimbing 10 mins. They just see the jet they want to play.

Edit: I forgot. The point is, let them play jets if they want to. At some point they may start playing WW2 as well, because why not. Forcing them to get past WW2 to play the jet they like at this point with so many planes doesn’t help the quality of the matches or retaining the players they start the game for playing jets.